Warning! Spoilers for Action Comics #1030 ahead!

In Action Comics #1030, Superman realizes that his time as a hero may be over as his son, Superboy, is growing even stronger than both him and Supergirl. Since the start of Infinite Frontier, Superman’s main storylines have revolved almost entirely around him preparing to hand over the mantle to his son Jonathan Kent. “The Golden Age” story arc set up the idea that Superman is supposed to die, very soon. This issue continues these themes, as Jonathan talks about his worries to Damien Wayne and Superman is confronted by Batman.

In Future State, Jonathan took on the mantle of Superman after his father had been banished to the outer depths of space. DC Comics has said that Future State‘s stories are potential futures and that Infinite Frontier would continue many of its themes, with some leading to similar conclusions. Out of anyone, Superboy’s current arc seems to be the most evident that he will probably end up in a similar position to his place in Future State.


In Action Comics #1030 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Daniel Sampere, and Jordie Bellaire, Superboy is said to be growing stronger than Superman and Supergirl. Supergirl, in Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman, despised Jon and Clark for overlooking her heroic efforts, making her feel like she meant nothing. Ultimately, it was good for Kara as she found peace in a new home, away from Earth. However, this issue brings extra color to Kara’s conflict with the Kents in Future State. Could Jonathan’s growing strength be the reason for him continuing Superman’s legacy? Most definitely.

When Batman talks to Superman about his monitoring of Superboy, he says that Jonathan will potentially outweigh both Clark and Supergirl at this rate. Batman also suggests that Superman consider talking to Jonathan about joining the Justice League. They need powerful heroes, especially with the impending threat of Darkseid on the way. With Superman’s powers dwindling, he realizes that retiring and letting his son take over might be the option. As stated, if anyone were to find out about Superman’s lack of strength, it could be catastrophic. Another point that’s made is that Superman wasn’t born to be a hero, but Jonathan was. The son of Superman, half Kryptonian and half-human, he is just as strong, if not more powerful than most pure Kryptonians. Jonathan was born to be the perfect Superman.

The semi-conclusion that Clark arrives to, about Jonathan becoming Superman, is where DC Comics has been leading up to for a long while now. Additionally, it was just announced that Superman: Son of Kal-El will be replacing the current Superman run. This is another step in the journey that Superman’s son has been grappling with recently. He’s even replacing his father’s own series, which is a literal replacement as well as the impending fictional replacement with Superboy taking on the Superman mantle. Action Comics #1030 is available in comic book shops and on digital platforms now.

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