When angels first appeared in the Supernatural lore, fans thought the Winchesters caught a break. But it turned out the supposed good guys weren’t so good. From wrathful archangels to goofy cupids, angels made an impression on Sam and Dean, for better or for worse.

While Castiel became their friend, other angels became their enemies. It’s no wonder as the species resorted to infighting, a behavior they associated with the humans they consider inferior. No matter their affiliation, whether with Heaven or their factions, some angels were just devils. Here are 10 of the most-hated angels on the show.

10 Balthazar

The type of angel to always look out for himself, Balthazar faked his death during the war to stop the apocalypse. He led a hedonistic life on Earth and even bartered for souls like a crossroads demon. But when Rafael and Castiel found out he lived and hoarded artifacts from Heaven, he had to choose a side to survive.

He allied himself with Castiel as Rafael tried to kill him. But the tables turned when Castiel wanted to open the gate to Purgatory and Balthazar teamed with the Winchesters to stop him.

9 Tamiel

A part of the Grigori class of angels that were believed wiped out after going rogue, Tamiel set himself up as a faith healer in Oklahoma under the name Peter Holloway. He was meant to protect humanity but began feeding on their souls instead.

Tamiel used a man named Ronnie to bring him lost humans that wouldn’t be missed. But Ronnie messed up when he brought Tamiel Amelia Novak, the former wife of Jimmy Novak, Castiel’s vessel. When Amelia and Jimmy’s daughter, Claire, went looking for her mom, the jig was up.


8 Ephraim

Some angels had never been to Earth and taken a vessel before the expulsion from Heaven in the season eight finale. Ephraim, a Rit Zien, was among them. In the battlefields of angels, Rit Zien angels were the “hands of mercy,” who healed those that could be saved but mercy-killed those who would only suffer.

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Unaccustomed to the power and range of human emotions, Ephraim believed he was committing an act of mercy by killing those that experienced terrible emotional pain. Attempting to smite Castiel didn’t win him any popularity contests.

7 Raphael

Taking his brother Michael’s side in the war for the apocalypse, Raphael made an enemy of Team Free Will. He attempted to stop Dean and Castiel from keeping Sam from breaking the last seal to release Lucifer. In the process, he killed Castiel.

After Castiel was resurrected and the apocalypse stopped, Raphael became Castiel’s opponent in the bid to take over Heaven. Raphael wanted to restart the apocalypse by releasing Michael and Lucifer from the cage in Hell. He had no problem aligning himself with Crowley to get his way.

6 Hannah

Hannah is an angel that deserves the least hate from anyone, as she only tries to protect her own, but when it comes to cheering on the Winchesters and Castiel, it’s hard for some to see that. Hannah becomes Castiel’s second-in-command as he attempts to bring Heaven back together with the remaining angels.

But she questions his leadership when his loyalties are split between his brethren and the Winchesters. Matters are not helped when she asks Dean to disarm himself in their headquarters and he kills Tessa with the First Blade.

5 Apocalypse World Castiel

In the alternate reality where Lucifer and Michael fight, Castiel becomes an expert torturer in Heaven under Michael’s command. This world’s Charlie Bradbury is still alive and captured for information about the human resistance.

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Apocalypse World Castiel tortures her by causing her great mental pain to find out where the rest of the resistance is hiding. Thwarted by his Main Universe self, Apocalypse World Cass is disgusted with the Winchesters’ friend. He thinks Dean’s Castiel is a travesty for aligning himself with humans. When Castiel murders his alternate self, it’s no loss.

4 Michael

Always the good soldier, Michael obeyed his Father and followed God’s plan for the end of the world. Humanity and their free will didn’t matter one bit to him. All he knew was he had to fight Lucifer, win and end life on Earth as they knew it.

The parallel between his obedience to God and Dean’s obedience to John made them the perfect pair. That was until Dean started to push back and choose his destiny. Michael didn’t care for that at all.

3 Gadreel

The first strike for Gadreel was when he posed as Ezekiel, an angel with a much better reputation than his own to get what he wanted from the Winchesters. But when he took over Sam’s body after promising to let him go once he was healed, Dean knew the angel was no good.

Killing Kevin with Sam’s hands was another strike against the lying angel. When he followed Metatron for a chance at redemption, the fans were through giving him second chances. Gadreel claimed he wanted to make things right, but always for selfish reasons.

2 Naomi

Naomi had been wiping Castiel’s brain clean for thousands of years to forget his history as ordered by Heaven. But when she rescued him from Purgatory, it was to brainwash him to be her sleeper agent. She tasked him with spying on the Winchesters and Metatron to make her moves to keep Heaven running as she saw fit.

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Using a beloved character to wield as a weapon against the protagonists made her public enemy number one among the fan base. But conditioning Castiel to kill Dean Winchester was the last straw.

1 Metatron

The Scribe of God turned out to be a scheming power monger just like the rest of the angels. He tricked Castiel into helping him expel the angels from Heaven and lured Gadreel into his web with the promise of redemption. Every move he made against the Winchesters was to discredit them.

But the final blow came when he killed Dean, the catalyst that transformed the older Winchester into a demon for a brief time. Turning human and getting killed by the Darkness was a fitting end.

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