Everyone loves a bad guy, but on Supernatural, there have been a few villains that did not win the hearts of the audience or the Winchesters. Whether they were hated by the characters in the show, the fans or both, some demons made the list of characters no one wanted to see again.

From upper to lower-level demons, the denizens of Hell made their fair share of enemies. Even among themselves, there was no loyalty or love. Backstabbers and weaklings had no place among the ranks of Hell. Here are 10 of the most hated demons on the show.

10 Tempter Demons

This new type of demon was introduced in the Apocalypse World, an alternate reality where Michael and Lucifer fought and Michael won but became a dictator. The only difference between this demon and others was its appearance, as it took on a humanoid shape but with horns and sharp teeth.

The grotesque prosthetics made it look like a demon out of the series Charmed instead of a Supernatural creature. They were stronger than the average demon but other than that, it’s unclear what the point was in introducing them.

9 Duke

Duke was a cheating crossroads demon who used a former mark to collect souls for a “nest egg.” Gunner Lawless, a wrestler desperate to win a championship, makes a deal with Duke. It was the standard 10 years in exchange for Gunner’s championship.

But when Duke comes to collect a decade later, he decides to make a new deal with Gunner, offering the human his life in exchange for helping Duke collect souls. Everywhere Gunner goes, he carves a Sumerian symbol into the chests of his opponents for Duke to claim.


8 Dagon

A former general and Prince of Hell, Dagon once held a high position in Lucifer’s eyes. Desperate to regain her status with her father, Dagon found Kelly Kline when she was pregnant with Jack and offered her protection. Her true intention was to keep the baby alive for Lucifer, as Jack was his child.

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It’s bad enough Dagon is protecting Kelly and her baby for Satan, but when she feels she can’t trust Kelly, Dagon handcuffs her to a bedpost. Even for a demon, imprisoning a pregnant woman is a dirty move.

7 Guthrie

Guthrie was a loyal servant to the King of Hell. But Rowena’s meddling gave Crowley visions of a Caesar-style attack from his demons, with Guthrie playing the role of Brutus. When Guthrie catches Rowena in Crowley’s throne room, he is unconvinced by her story.

She lays out a plan to have Guthrie retrieve Crowley’s angel blade, but he hands it directly to the King instead of her. She kills Guthrie and lies to Crowley about what happened, leaving Crowley to believe his right-hand man was a traitor.

6 Guy

Superfan Becky goes nuts and buys a love potion from a man she believes is a witch and her friend. She only wants Sam Winchester to fall in love with her and marry her for her high school reunion. But Guy is a crossroads demon and a cheating one at that.

He makes deals with the standard 10-year contract for souls but then causes accidents to collect early. When Crowley learns of Guy’s dishonest business practices, he intervenes. Crowley is unhappy with Guy’s deception and undoes all his contracts to make an example of him.

5 Brady

Back in Sam’s Stanford days, he befriended a man named Brady who introduced him to Jessica. But over one of their academic breaks, Brady was possessed by a demon. When Yellow Eyes saw that Sam settled into civilian life too well, he thought his prize child was getting soft.

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Brady stepped in to make sure Sam followed Dean into a life of hunting by killing Jessica. But Sam didn’t learn any of this until years later when they found Brady and he taunted the young Winchester with his evil deeds.

4 Lilith

Lilith was the ultimate demon, setting off a chain of events to jumpstart the apocalypse. She sent the hellhound that killed Dean Winchester. She played a role in his torture and ensured he broke the first seal in Hell. She tricked Sam into killing her to break the final seal to release Lucifer from his cage.

After all the torment she put the Winchesters through, Chuck brought her back from The Empty years later to retrieve the Equalizer from them. Here she revealed his endgame was to have the brothers kill each other.

3 Belphegor

The demon Belphegor faked an alliance with the Winchesters by taking on the vessel of their former friend Jack, who died. Wearing the Nephilim’s face gave them the chills and they loathed the demon for it, but he was a means to an end.

He claimed he wanted all the souls back in Hell after God released them, trying to end the world. But his true intention was to absorb the souls and become the new Ruler of Hell. This gained him the nickname, Crowley Junior. He was a true conman.

2 Meg

Taking on the name of her vessel Meg Masters, this demon did some serious damage in her manipulations early on in the series. She followed Azazel and his mission to release Lucifer from his cage. Sam and Dean soon exorcised her from her original vessel but Meg returned in a new one, played by Rachel Miner.

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After serving Hell so loyally, Meg found herself allied with the Winchesters after Lucifer was re-imprisoned, as she sought revenge against Crowley. Eventually, she became part of Team Free Will when she had a weird relationship going with Castiel.

1 Ruby

Ruby is by far the most-hated demon on the series by fans and characters alike. Rather they love to hate her. She gained Sam’s trust and sent him spiraling as he became addicted to demon blood to use his powers. She claimed she remembered what humanity felt like but really she was playing them to serve Lucifer and break the seals.

Between both actresses’ performances, Ruby had almost everyone fooled. Even the audience believed she wanted to help Sam and Dean defeat Lilith and Hell. But Dean was always on to her.

Next10 TV Shows That Got Worse After Changing Showrunners

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