It’s a shame that while almost every other significant character has returned for the final season of Supernatural, everyone’s favorite demon Crowley isn’t joining the fray. The former King of Hell was easily one of the most powerful characters, solely because of his wits.

However, Crowley’s abilities brought with them an impossible-to-contain ego that led him to do some extremely shameless stuff. Of course, it wouldn’t be keeping in line with the character if he hadn’t done these things. In this list, we’re not necessarily looking at the worst things Crowley’s done, but have focused on the acts that proved how devious, inherently mean, and duplicitous he was.

10 Disrespects His Own Mother

Crowley’s relationship with Rowena was a tumultuous one ⁠— they had no problems getting the other killed either. In time, Crowley would eventually have something of an understanding with Rowena, although that didn’t stop him from name-calling and belittling her.

The worst insults of the bunch are those that we can’t even mention here, but you can go back to previous seasons to watch him referencing Rowena by calling her things one wouldn’t even call their enemies. Other times, Crowley easily abandoned his own mother to what seemed like certain death just to save his own hide. She might have been evil, but she was still his mother.

9 Kills Two Couples After Their “Fun Time”

In order to avoid death at the hands of Castiel, who was influenced by Rowena’s Attack Dog Spell, Crowley vacated his usual vessel and found a woman named Marnie to possess. His plan was to kill Marnie’s husband and use his blood to communicate with his demons.

These plans were delayed, however, once Crowley found out that Marnie and her husband planned to have a sexual encounter with their friends. Rather than just kill them off, Crowley instead engaged in the “fun time,” and only finished the people off after the fun was over.


8 Possesses Kevin’s Mother To Mock The Heroes

Crowley was a master at playing with his opponents’ minds to ensure he could walk away unscathed, with this being one of the more intense instances. Here, Crowley’s powers were taken away while a supernatural auction was going on and, to pass by undetected, he would possess Kevin’s mother.

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Another big reason to do this was that the heroes would probably avoid killing him since it would also mean Kevin’s mother would die, something that came true after Kevin stopped Dean from using the demon knife on Crowley. The shameless part was when Crowley flashed his red eyes and signature voice through Mrs. Tran to mock the heroes with his sense of security.

7 Offers Dick Roman Baby Uvulas

Taking lives is one thing, but to take the lives of infants is a whole new low. While this was also one of the worst things Crowley did, it’s shameless because the only reason why he killed these babies was to please Dick Roman. 

Appearing before Dick, Crowley would offer freshly made baby uvula muffins, all done as an offering of friendship for the Leviathan leader. We don’t even want to begin thinking about how Crowley went about in collecting the ingredients to these muffins, but we do know that you’d have to abandon all feelings of shame to go through with it.

6 Goes Back On His Deal With Dick Roman

Sure, Dick was a chomper who was ready to feast on people, but he was still a man of his word, something that Crowley skirted around. Although he promised Dick he would give Sam and Dean fake blood and pretend it was his, Crowley ended up giving his actual blood.

This took place after he and Dick had a long contract signing to ensure neither party broke their promise. We must admit we lost some of the little respect for Crowley, seeing as how he’d at least seemed like someone who would honor his deals before this betrayal, even if the one he was betrayed was a monster.

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5 Keeps His Son In Hell And Then Brags About It

Crowley’s son, Gavin, had died in a shipwreck three hundred years before Crowley became the King of Hell. Even after he had the power to resurrect his son, though, he did absolutely nothing and let him rot in Hell. In fact, after Bobby found out about this, he brought Gavin’s soul to Earth to find out where Crowley’s own bones were hidden, before which the latter had openly scoffed seeing his son again. 

Putting on a fake emotional tone, Crowley pretended to care that his son was in Hell until he broke down laughing and openly admitted to hating the boy. Not exactly a Father of the Year candidate, was he?

4 Takes A Picture Of His Kiss With Bobby

Crowley loved having his fun with the heroes, with Castiel and Bobby also occupying the slots of embarrassing situations Crowley had his enemies in. After making a deal with Bobby for his soul, Crowley had the former kiss him to seal it.

That wasn’t the part to blame him for; rather, it was how Crowley took a picture of their kiss without Bobby’s consent or knowledge that makes him despicable. There was no reason for him to take this picture other than to show it off to Sam and Dean in order to humiliate Bobby.

3 Controlling Young Amara

Crowley’s tendency to exploit any situation to fit his needs really knew no bounds, as evidenced by when he had the child Amara essentially abducted to groom her into following his orders. Although he knew she was the Darkness ⁠— the most powerful being ever ⁠— Crowley only had his own benefit in mind.

Earlier, he’d planned on killing Amara when she was in the form of a baby, which in itself was a horrible thing to do. Later on, though, Crowley had the gall to pretend that he cared for Amara, even going so far as to making her call him “Uncle Crowley.”

2 Becomes Lucifer’s Dog

Crowley’s funny mannerisms make up a good chunk of the comedy on the show, and while there was some dark humor in how snively he got around Lucifer, it was also too low of a move to make anyone respect him. As it happened, after Lucifer overpowered Crowley, he made him act like his dog.

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Here, Crowley literally pretended to be a dog as Lucifer had a leash around him and had Crowley complete dog mannerisms. It’s shameful on Crowley’s part, though, seeing as he didn’t put up any fight like the heroes would have; instead, he was happy to act like a dog if it meant he could live.

1 Keeps A Portrait Of Himself In Hell For Inmates To Watch

Despite Crowley having killed off loads of people and caused numerous tragedies in his long life, this act of self-glorification was easily his most shameless one. After turning Hell into one endless queue ⁠— which in itself was a way for Crowley to act smart ⁠— he also added his own touch to it.

By the end of the corridor, a portrait of Crowley could be found, which was painted to feature a smug look of power on his face. Its purpose was to stick it in the faces of Hell’s inmates over how Crowley lorded over them and took pride in the torment they were in. Castiel’s flabbergasted expression told us enough of how he too was acknowledging that Crowley’s ego had no limits.

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