One of the more beloved characters from Supernatural is the prophet Kevin Tran. For three seasons, he was a fixture in the lives of the Winchesters, during which they all faced many obstacles together. However, Kevin’s death brought this dynamic to an end.

If you think this was a friendship that was cut short, then you better think again, as the reality is that Kevin wasn’t really all that important to Sam and Dean. During his tenure on the show, the boys did several bad things that one wouldn’t do to a friend; and to prove this point, here are 10 reasons why Kevin wasn’t the Winchesters’ friend.

10 They Kept Him Around Because He Was Useful

There’s really no two ways about this fact, seeing as the reason why the Winchesters came across Kevin in the first place was because he was the only one who could translate the Word of God tablets. Even after Kevin would attempt to leave them, the brothers would track him down to seek his help with translation once more.

You can be certain that if the tablets hadn’t lost their importance after Kevin’s death, then the boys would have done anything they could do to resurrect Kevin. But, since his usefulness had essentially run its course, they just didn’t bother.

9 Sam’s Abandonment Of Kevin

Clearly one of the worst things the younger Winchester brother has ever done, Sam outright left Kevin to be tortured by Crowley. He knew that the King of Hell didn’t have anything good in store for the boy, yet knowingly let him be taken.

All that was needed was for Sam to turn his phone on and he’d have heard all of Kevin’s desperate pleas for help, but by then Sam was only interested in furthering his romance with Amelia.


8 They Let Kevin’s Spirit Go And Didn’t Try To Help

The Winchesters got another chance at helping Kevin out in Season 15, when he escaped Hell after Chuck opened the gates to the underworld. However, even here it was Kevin who helped them, rather than it being the other way around.

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Once all the evil ghosts had been defeated, the Winchesters let Kevin go out in the world as a spirit. They could have simply brought him back with them to the Men of Letters HQ, but just let him be doomed as a lost spirit. Even after Sam learned how to bring a ghost back to life, he and Dean didn’t think to search for Kevin.

7 They Didn’t Stay In Contact When Kevin Was A Ghost

Kevin had already wandered as a ghost on Earth before Season 15, which was when he had stayed with his mother. At this time, he spent as long as two years simply existing as an entity who was just there, not alive but not truly dead.

The Winchesters knew very well where Kevin was, yet not once did they so much as pay the guy a visit. This was confirmed when they were shocked to see him with Chuck, asking Kevin what he was up to for the last couple of years. You’d think they would’ve at least cheered the poor soul up when he was a lost spirit with only his mother for company.

6 They Didn’t Honor Their Promise To Him

Not keeping a promise to a dying man is considered an awful thing, yet the Winchesters took it to a worse level by breaking their promise to an already deceased person. After Kevin revealed that he had been at the HQ as a ghost, he also admitted he knew that Sam and Dean were estranged at the time.

Right before he departed with his mother, Kevin asked the brothers to promise him they would reconcile, to which they agreed. What did they do once he was gone? Yup, they instantly went back to not talking to one another. Aren’t friends supposed to keep their promises at least longer than a few seconds?

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5 They Left Him Unattended With Garth

Sure, Garth was one of the funnier sources of comedy on the show, and perhaps Kevin might have had a light moment with him on occasion, but it’s common knowledge that Garth was exceptionally irresponsible. It did turn out that way, as he abandoned Kevin once he became a werewolf.

That abandonment wouldn’t have been much of an issue had the Winchesters kept tabs on Kevin; however, they were too late to find out about Garth’s absence. There’s no way the brothers would have let Garth keep someone important all on his own, but it appears Kevin wasn’t that important to them to begin with.

4 Dean Tried To Kill Kevin’s Mother

A fairly obvious thing about being a friend is to always respect their parents, or at least not try to, well, kill them while your friend is watching. Dean didn’t really think much of this, though, as he was all too happy to take Mrs. Tran’s life if it meant Crowley was killed.

As it happened, Crowley had been possessing her at the time, which is why Dean saw it as an opportunity to take him out with the demon-killing knife. It didn’t even strike him that this was Kevin’s mother he was about to kill. Had the roles been reversed, we can be certain Dean would’ve ended Kevin if he’d been the one to harm Mary.

3 They Kept Him Isolated From The World

The excuse that Crowley would have caught Kevin had he been out is pretty lame, seeing as Sam and Dean were also his targets but freely roamed about as they pleased. Had the brothers really felt for Kevin, they would have at least let him out for a little while.

Kevin had developed signs of cabin fever due to his isolation, something that messed with his head greatly. It was partly his fault too, as he didn’t communicate his depression with the brothers, but that was probably because these guys weren’t that close.

2 Dean Was The Reason Kevin Was Killed

Dean always ensures that Sam is safe before going through with any plan, and one would extend this courtesy over to those they’re close to, but Kevin didn’t seem to fall under this. As it happened, it was Kevin whom Dean sent to stall Gadreel while they worked to find a spell to eject the angel from Sam’s body.

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Despite this being something of a suicide mission, Kevin agreed to play his part which came to haunt him as he found himself smote to smithereens by Gadreel. Anybody would have seen this coming, yet Dean still sent Kevin to his doom.

1 They Never Knew Each Other On A Personal Level

Finally, the fact of the matter is that neither Kevin or the Winchesters really knew the other intimately. Their relationship was based on Kevin serving his role as a prophet and the brothers acting as his guardians; there just wasn’t any real bonding between them.

Unlike other characters like Jody or Donna, with whom the brothers have been seen having light moments, Kevin didn’t enjoy this kind of relationship. One has to wonder what these guys would have even talked about had the obstacles of angels or demons not been in their way.

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