Supernatural boasts one of the liveliest depictions of Lucifer. While this Lucifer is not the good-natured Lucifer of Netflix’s Lucifer, he is just as delightfully witty. No matter the vessel that houses Lucifer, he’s funny and frightening. Even when he’s merely a hallucination in Sam’s mind, he’s still playful.

At one point, Death compares Lucifer to a spoiled brat mad at Daddy, and there is that element to Lucifer as well. He should be wise, but he’s just wise enough to provide humor and wit; both delivered with a bite that could prove fatal.

10 “Why Would I Kill You? Oh, That’s Right. Cause I’m Evil.”

Mary valiantly throws Lucifer into the alternate world, hence sacrificing herself for her boys (whom he was about to kill). Unfortunately, she isn’t able to jump back because the tear between the worlds closes. In this inhospitable world, Mary and Lucifer walk together–she hesitating in her steps, and Lucifer telling her to walk faster.

Mary tells him that she doesn’t know what the point is because no matter what happens Lucifer will kill her. Seemingly perplexed Lucifer says, “Why would I kill you?” Then, quickly, he answers his own question.

9 “No One Gives Us The Right. We Take It.”

Lucifer comes up against the pagan gods, beings he believes to be worse than even humans. One such god (Baldur) chastises him, saying that Lucifer acts like he owns the world. This criticism hits deeper as the pagan gods had gathered to discuss how to avert the apocalypse that Lucifer was trying to cause. The pagan gods were frustrated at the archangels, believing the archangels and God to be disrespectful of other beings of power.

However, Lucifer proved more powerful than Baldur, easily killing him and ending with the line, “No one gives us the right. We take it.”


8 “Are You Typical of My Following On Earth These Days? Cause Oof.”

Lucifer, now the vessel of rocker Vince Vincente, is summoned by a fossilized angel-feather and two young men performing a ritual. Rowena had spelled the vessel to be at the bottom of the sea, effectively giving Lucifer a “time-out.” The feather brought him back, allowing him to temporarily heal his vessel.

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Looking at his follower, seemingly disappointed and repulsed, Lucifer says, “Are you typical of my following on Earth these days? Cause. . .oof.” Then he abruptly kills the man.

7 “Sam Winchester — My Old Roomie”

Lucifer is so sassy that even Sam’s hallucination has the same trait. Once Sam’s memories of the cage come back, it seems like Lucifer is all around him. Sam isn’t certain what is reality and what is hallucination. He decides not to engage with the Lucifer-hallucination no matter how hard this Lucifer tries to engage with him.

This Lucifer even asks Sam to, “hug it out.” Being Lucifer’s vessel nearly broke Sam and left him with major trauma. This makes Lucifer’s flippant comments both sting, resonant, and come across as incredibly sassy.

6 “He Said Shut-Up To Me.”

The Lucifer-hallucination has been trying to get Sam to acknowledge him. Once Lucifer is acknowledged, then Sam’s hold on reality crumbles more. Sam won’t feel secure or safe. It’ll lead him to doubt himself and even his brother, thinking that Dean is also a hallucination.

Finally, in the library, Sam acknowledges the Lucifer-hallucination by telling him to, “Shut-Up.” Lucifer acts like his crush has finally acknowledged him and says to no one in particular, “He said shut-up to me.”

5 “Kill You? Don’t You Think That Would Be A Little Redundant?”

In Season 5, Dean is sent to a future where he could glimpse the after-effects not inviting Michael in, and where Sam invited Lucifer. He travels with the future-Dean to the location where Lucifer resides. Future-Dean is killed by Lucifer, all while Lucifer is in Sam. Current-Dean asks if Lucifer would kill him as well.

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In a funny move Lucifer says, “Kill you? Don’t you think that would be a little redundant,” since future-Dean was just killed.

4 “Does Anybody Fact-Check This Stuff?”

Holed up in a hotel with Sister Jo/Anael and low on grace, Lucifer passes his time by reading the hotel bible on the nightstand. Since he’s more human than normal (low on grace), even more of his insecurities come out and his desire to please his father.

As he’s reading the bible, he shakes his head, “Wrong. That’s wrong. Does anybody fact-check this stuff?” He continues to read, and then says another classic comment, “Dad’s always stealing my best lines, man.”

3 “Your Hair, Sam, Is Magnificent. Is that A Leave-In Conditioner?”

Dean, Sam, and Cass find Lucifer in the hotel where he was with Sister Jo/Anael. It’s an odd and awkward moment. Earlier, in the season, he had tried to kill Cass. He also routinely punished the Winchester brothers, Sam most of all. As the three of them stare angrily at him, Lucifer quips at each, but the quip at Sam is the sassiest.

Casually, he says to Sam, “Your hair, Sam, is magnificent. Is that a leave-in conditioner you got there?”

2 “Moments Like This — It’s All About Ambience.”

Lucifer has Sam in a cage again. Initially, Lucifer tries to broker a deal with Sam, to get Sam to say, “yes,” again. When Sam refuses to consent to be possessed by Lucifer again, Lucifer starts to beat him up, knowing that Dean will rush into the cage in order to save his brother. Plan B works as both Dean and Castiel come, and then Lucifer snaps them into the cage with him.

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Castiel has an angel blade ready to go, which Lucifer spies. Jokingly he gets them to halt, he says, “moments like this–it’s all about ambience.” At the snap of his fingers, upbeat music begins, “Heaven, must be missing an angel.” Dean looks on, confused, as Lucifer winks and begins to dance a little.

1 “He Who Hesitates, Disintegrates”

In Season 11, Castiel invites Lucifer in, sharing his vessel. Lucifer goes to heaven to campaign for his right to rule heaven, especially since he may have the ability to make new angels, and heaven is running low. After a meeting with angels, a gleeful Lucifer (housed in Castiel) asks an angel if they can count on him and his team.

When the terrified angel doesn’t respond, he says, “He who hesitates, disintegrates.” He says it with such glee, but it’s not an idle threat. Earlier in the episode, he had snapped his fingers to kill and disintegrate other angels. If there is one classic and incredibly sassy Lucifer quote, this is it.

NextBridgerton: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

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