On the CW’s Supernatural, now in its final season, Sam and Dean Winchester battle many a scary monster, but often the scariest beings of all are the humans. As Dean once said, “Demons, I get. People are crazy.”

Some of the humans on this list are here because they have frightening characteristics, and others are here because they are just completely and truly frightening, proving that monsters don’t need to be supernatural to be considered monsters. The following characters are truly some of the most bone-chilling people this beloved series has to offer. Here are the scariest humans on Supernatural.

10 Randy

In Season 10, we learn what happened to Claire, Jimmy’s (Castiel’s vessel) daughter. She has had a rough life, been abandoned by her parental figures, and made to figure out things for herself.

Still, Claire retains a little innocence and loyalty, which is good, but unfortunately it is to Randy. He acts as her father-figure — with “acts” being the operative word. Randy preys upon Claire’s need for a father and family, convinces her to steal for him, and in the end, is willing to give her away to his loan shark for a good price. Although not as scary as others on this list, Randy terrifies in how he manipulates and preys on vulnerable youth. Equally scary is what Dean does to all of the bad men; the mark of Cain influences him in brutally killing them all — including Randy.

9 Dr. Hess, British Men of Letters

We see just how twisted the British Men of Letters can be when we learn more about Dr. Hess, the former headmistress of the school Mick (in charge of the mission in the States) attended. Mick remembers what she made him do when he was a child. She brought Mick and his friend Timothy into the room, telling them that only one of them will be leaving the room alive. Mick survives, being made to show loyalty to Dr. Hess and the British Men of Letters by killing his best friend. As an adult, Mick is still haunted by this action. Meanwhil,e Dr. Hess only considers it a show of loyalty and strength.


8 Nick

Lucifer’s substandard vessel is Nick (his true vessel is Sam). Initially, it looks like Nick was a poor guy, deep in grief, who was tempted and lied to by Lucifer. When Lucifer later leaves his vessel and Nick returns, Nick seems troubled but not bad.

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That changes. Nick is willing to kill and do anything to get Lucifer back inside him. It could be that Nick as Lucifer’s vessel didn’t retain his original shape, that he was filled too full with Lucifer, that he returned broken. Or it could be that there was something off about Nick all along — and Lucifer sensed it.

7 The Infected Military Men

A couple soldiers were sent to rescue another American soldier imprisoned in Iraq. Unfortunately, this man was infected by a version of the Khan worm, a supernatural parasite that takes over its human host. This soldier then infected others, leading to our story where Cole (an acquaintance of Sam and Dean) seeks out help for his friend Kit, a returned soldier.

The soldiers infected by this parasite get scary, willing to drink water at any costs, even if it is from the blood of a loved one. Eventually, their personalities strip away, their faces and skin change, and they know little restraint. What’s terrifying is that throughout this all, they are still human.

6 Ansem

In Season 2, Sam learned that he was one of the special children who were fed demon blood as babies by the yellow-eyed demon. The demon blood manifests differently in different special children. Andy and his twin brother Ansem,also special children, can control the minds of others.

Whereas Andy is a pretty good person, his twin brother is not. They had been separated at birth, but Ansem discovers that Andy is his brother. Ansem wants to kill anyone that had a hand in separating them, including their birth mother. He also wants to kill people important to Andy so that Ansem will then become the most important person in Andy’s life. On top of this, Ansem’s abilities are more fine-tuned and scarier than Andy’s.

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5 Doc Benton

Doc Benton seems almost supernatural by this point, but technically he is just a man. He figured out how to be immortal, not through any magical portion, but through his science. The doctor achieved immortality by replacing organs when they are spent. To do this, he kills people so that he can use their healthy and functioning organs. The Stynes also do the same, except they add additional organs. So, in a way, we could stay Doc Benton may be a human monster, but at least he’s frugal.

4 Gordon

Gordon started out as a “good” guy. However, Sam and Dean quickly learn that Gordon isn’t good with other people and tends to become obsessed. Unlike Sam and Dean, Gordon doesn’t see shades of gray  like Sam, or learn to see them like Dean. To Gordon, the world is black and white.

When he finds out that Sam is a special child fed demon blood, Sam becomes the enemy. It’s not because Sam is bad, but it’s because Sam could become bad. Gordon’s obsession and self-righteousness make him truly frightening.

3 Feral Children

In Season 4, Sam and Dean help out a family who recently moved into a house that the brothers believe to be haunted. At one point, Dean creates a salt circle to keep away the “girl in the walls.” As she easily steps over the salt, he realizes that she’s human.

Sam and Dean discover that the girl is the result of incest, and her mother died by suicide after being violated multiple times by her father. We find out later that there is a girl and a boy. Both were neglected by their father/grandfather and never knew kindness. While the feral children are a sad story, both are scary — they easily kill adults and pets. They have no regrets or feelings of conflict. Wild and uninhabited, they are like demons with a soul and without any memories of humanity.

2 Agent Clegg and The Carver

In Season 13, Sam and Dean come across an unusual scenario: humans are abducted, their organs harvested and sold to supernatural beings, all via live-feed on the dark web. Agent Clegg of the FBI is the one behind this operation, and the Carver is his associate. We find out that Clegg has been doing this for 12 years.

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Unfortunately, Sam almost gets killed for his organs. It was close, but Dean (always the good big brother) saves him. This episode turned human evil up a notch. Not only were these men killing people, but they were making a profit from it.

1 The Benders

Like the Winchesters, the Benders also have a family business of hunting. Unfortunately, it isn’t to save people or the world, but for the sport of killing people. The patriarch excitedly explains to Dean how great it is to feel a person’s life fade out, how powerful that feeling is.

The Benders have pictures of their “hunts” on their walls. Their yard is cluttered with cars from victims, looking like a junkyard that stands in for a graveyard — showing us how many people they have killed. Even the young Bender daughter isn’t immune to the crazy family business, seeming to enjoy hurting people as much as she can. While we can feel a little sympathy for the feral children in Season 4, for some reason we can’t for the Bender daughter. This whole family is scary and beyond redemption.

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