When the topic of epic villains in The CW’s Supernatural is brought up, the most natural inclination of fans is to point towards either the demon Azazel or the devil Lucifer. However, Sam and Dean Winchester’s greatest enemy within the series was actually God, who went by the name of Chuck.

Chuck was responsible for mapping out everything that happened in Supernatural, as he considered himself to be a writer who saw it as his right to play around with his creations. To this end, Chuck justified doing a number of horrible things that had disastrous consequences, with some of these being the worst that happened to the Winchesters and the inhabitants of the Supernatural universe.

10 Snapping Away Everyone In The Universe

Chuck decided to take things slow in his destruction of the prime Earth and went forward with snapping people away one by one into nothingness. By the end of the series, he took things further by making everyone in the world cease to exist.

Moreover, it was said that he killed off everything in the entire universe by then, leaving the main characters as the only survivors. In his last appearance, he admitted that he found even this boring and planned on snapping Dean and Sam as well until he was ultimately stopped.

9 Killing Dean’s Dog Just To Be Petty

After Chuck snapped the entire world’s population away, including the animals, the only ones left were Sam, Dean, and Jack until Dean spotted a dog who was somehow spared. This made Dean take a liking to her and he adopted the dog while giving her the name Miracle.

However, only a little while later, Chuck appeared in the distance and proceeded to make Miracle vanish as well, along with flashing a sadistic grin in Dean’s direction. Chuck was so petty by that point that he killed a dog just because he wanted to laugh at Dean’s false hope.


8 Coercing Dean Into Trying To Kill Jack

By the end of Season 14, Dean had effectively become the villain when he began his pursuit of Jack, whom he wanted to end for Jack’s accidental killing of Mary. The finale revealed that Chuck had orchestrated all of this for his pleasure as he found it entertaining.

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Chuck even provided Dean with The Equalizer gun that was supposed to be able to kill Jack but would take Dean’s life as well. What’s more, he planned for this to happen simply because Chuck saw it as a new plot twist in his Winchester story.

7 Sending Kevin To Hell Instead Of Heaven As Promised

In order to win the Winchesters’ trust in season 11, Chuck made the spirit of Kevin ascend into Heaven as proof that he was a benevolent being. In season 15, though, the brothers were surprised when Kevin showed up among the souls that were released from Hell.

He then revealed that Chuck had lied about sending him to Heaven and had deliberately sent him to Hell where Kevin was trapped for years until he could escape. Chuck didn’t even have any reason to do this to Kevin, meaning Chuck derived some kind of twisted pleasure knowing that Kevin was suffering.

6 Destroying All The Multiverse

The outline of the Supernatural universe was changed in the final season when Chuck revealed that there were hundreds of other worlds that he’d created. When he decided to bring an end to his Winchester storyline, his first move was to destroy the universes where alternate Sams and Deans resided.

To this end, Chuck was shown going through the multiverse and bringing down the apocalypse in all these worlds, with the estimated death toll in several trillion. He also made sure to visit these places first and mock people with the fact that he would be killing all of them.

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5 Trapping And Manipulating His Own Sister

Chuck made it appear as if The Darkness was the villain the whole time when in actuality it was Amara who appreciated the universe. As revealed in season 15, Chuck betrayed Amara due to her disapproval of him creating worlds only to throw them away as being unimportant.

Before she was released at the end of season 10, Amara had been trapped in the Mark of Cain for possibly billions of years, with Chuck showing little remorse for what he did. In the final season, he again manipulated Amara by making her believe he would keep her safe only to absorb her powers.

4 Killing His Own Children Or Letting Them Stay Dead

There was no doubt that Chuck would take any route there was to mess with the Winchesters, as he lied to them in the eleventh season that he couldn’t bring Gabriel or Raphael back to life. This lie was revealed when Chuck easily brought Lucifer back to life in the final season to task him with killing the Winchesters.

He then went so far as to personally kill Michael despite the latter having betrayed Sam and Dean to deliver them to Chuck. All the archangels held on to at least a shred of love for their father, but Chuck didn’t care at all for them and had no qualms with letting them die.

3 Setting Up Lucifer To Become Evil

Unfortunately for Lucifer, his road to villainy was always going to happen whether he liked it or not. This was due to Chuck placing the Mark containing The Darkness onto Lucifer, which ultimately corrupted him into becoming the devil.

Chuck knew of this all along but used Lucifer to carry the Mark since he needed Amara alive, as the balance between God and The Darkness was necessary for the universe to exist. Chuck just didn’t care that Lucifer became evil because of the burden he had placed upon him.

2 Deliberately Not Helping People Who Made Prayers To Him

Michael revealed that Chuck had created the Pagan gods in order to divert attention toward them for the humans whose prayers went unanswered. This was in response to Chuck being angry that humans weren’t appreciating him and had been praying to nature and elements instead.

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However, there were millions of religious people who did believe in God, yet Chuck did nothing for them. In season 11, Dean called him out for ignoring the plight of others, only for Chuck to sarcastically tell him that it was too bad he wouldn’t help them. In the final season, he simply called the people with faith and angels out to be fanatics who didn’t deserve him.

1 Playing With The Winchesters Their Whole Lives

The finale of season 14 had Chuck admit that all of the Winchesters’ plans to fight their enemies had been orchestrated by him, as he was the one who kept throwing one conflict after another their way. This was due to Sam and Dean being his favorite playthings.

In fact, he planned on doling out more suffering onto the brothers had he not outed himself as the villain. Chuck felt entitled to watch the Winchesters suffer, claiming that they had ruined his main source of entertainment when they began defying him.

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