Supernatural has featured a wide array of villains over the course of its 15 season run and any creature had the potential to be a major antagonist for possibly several seasons. However, one supernatural race that few had expected to be evil was angels.

Angels are often thought of as benevolent beings, kind and wondrous, and there to guide mankind. The angels in Supernatural couldn’t be any further from that notion. Metatron, in particular, was a particularly nasty angel, who fought the Winchesters and very nearly won.

10 He Lied About Knowing How To Remove The Mark Of Cain

In Supernatural’s ninth season, the Mark of Cain was introduced. Thanks to one of the season’s main villains, Abbadon, basically creating chaos, Dean decided to bear the Mark along with the First Blade in order to finally kill the Knight of Hell.

Unfortunately, taking on the Mark caused Dean’s soul to be corrupted. The longer he bore the mark, the more dangerous and bloodthirsty he would get. Sam and Cas tried to get Metatron to tell them how to get rid of the Mark, but he lied about knowing how to remove it.

9 He Hid From The Apocalypse

Hardcore fans of Supernatural know that the show was originally supposed to end after Season 5, which featured Lucifer nuking it out against his Archangel brother, Michael, in a battle that was apparently supposed to completely devastate Earth.

Fortunately, the show continued and the Winchesters defeated the two Archangels before they could fight, but it wasn’t easy. They needed all the help they could and Metatron, having been the Scribe of God Himself, certainly could have aided Sam and Dean.


8 He Caused The Angels To Turn On Castiel

Back in Season 9, after the angels fell from Heaven (more on that later), they looked for a leader to tell them what to do; angels aren’t too familiar with the concept of free will. After some rough starts, there existed Team Castiel and Team Metatron.

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Obviously Metatron was the real threat, but the angels were blind to his psychopathic tendencies. Metatron planted suicide bomber angels amongst his own troops to frame Castiel and to get the rest of the angels on his side. It was a devious plan and one that worked.

7 He Stole Castiel’s Grace

Poor Castiel really got a bum deal when Metatron became the main antagonist of Supernatural for a while. Unsure of who to trust, Cas almost teamed up with Metatron for a while, until he realized that he’d been lied to.

When Cast went to confront Metatron, the Scribe of God trapped him and then proceeded to steal Castiel’s grace. This rendered Cas utterly powerless and effectively human, but it was also one of the worst things an angel could do to another of their kind, as explained in the following season.

6 He Cast The Angels Out Of Heaven

The reason why Metatron stole Castiel’s grace, to begin with, was so that he could have revenge on the whole of Heaven for forcing him to leave all those years ago. Castiel’s grace was part of an extremely powerful spell to cast all angels out of Heaven.

This was more severe than it sounds, as the angels in Heaven at that time literally fell to Earth. The fall killed hundreds of angels and injured many more. All this was done so that Metatron could lord it over everything else and become the new ‘God’.

5 He Started Another Angelic Civil War

In Season 6, after Sam and Dean stopped the incoming Apocalypse, and Lucifer and Michael were safely trapped inside Lucifer’s cage, there was trouble brewing in Heaven. The angels needed someone to lead them, and this leads to Castiel and Raphael waging war against each other.

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Barely two years later, Metatron performed his spell and sent every angel spinning down to Earth. Scared and lost, the angels began to turn on each other, dividing into separate factions. However, this would never have happened if Metatron hadn’t cast them all out.

4 He Manipulated Gadreel

While Gadreel isn’t a ‘good’ angel, he was never bad per se. Gadreel was the angel who let Lucifer into the Garden of Eden, and so he was jailed for eternity up in Heaven until he was freed when the angels all fell to Earth.

Originally, Gadreel set out to atone for his past misdemeanors but he was soon found by Metatron. Metatron wasted no opportunity in beginning to manipulate Gadreel, promising a seat in his new Heaven if he carried out a few tasks in the meantime, taking advantage of Gadreel’s guilt.

3 He Killed Kevin Tran By Proxy

Kevin Tran first appeared in Season 7 of Supernatural as a reluctant Prophet of the Lord. He helped Sam and Dean defeat the Leviathans and aided them in their fight to close the Gates of Hell in Season 8. By the time that Season 9 came around, he was practically part of their family.

Sam and Dean respected Kevin and came to view him as a slightly whiny younger brother. However, when Metatron began to pull at Gadreel’s strings, all that came crashing down as the disgraced angel burned Kevin from the inside out.

2 He Shut Off Heaven To Human Souls

Metatron’s spell (where he cast the angels out of Heaven) was damaging in all sorts of ways. Not only did it ignite yet another civil war between the angels, and cause a massive loss of life, it also meant that any human who died within that period of time couldn’t access Heaven as was their right.

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Heaven was shut off, not only to angels but to all human souls. This was unfair to all the people who earned their place in Heaven, but it also took away the Reapers’ will to exist, as they couldn’t bear to see so many trapped souls in pain.

1 He Killed Dean

Obviously Dean was always going to be resurrected in some form or another, but there’s no denying that it was the worst thing Metatron ever did in Supernatural. He managed to achieve what not even the Devil himself couldn’t.

Besides causing Dean’s actual death, which was particularly devastating for Sam and Castiel, Metatron also inadvertently began the process of Dean becoming a demon. This turn of events led to even more emotional turmoil for Sam and meant that Dean’s greatest fear came true for a while.

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