CW’s cult series Supernatural has had 15 long seasons replete with angels, demons, vampires, chupacabras, the devil, and even God himself. The brothers Winchester have been through their fair share of ups and downs, taking its audience along on a bumpy but fascinating ride.

Take a trip down memory lane and look at some of the funniest episodes in the seventh season of the show, as well as the scariest. Season 7 is where the brothers lock horns with the Leviathans, an ancient evil as old as time, and notoriously difficult to destroy.

10 Funniest: “Slash Fiction”

This episode starts out scary, as the Leviathans manage to create two clones of Dean and Sam who go on a rampage killing people, systematically working their way through every town where the real Sam and Dean had ever saved anybody.

Soon though, the episode turns hilarious in parts, as Dean is forced to ditch his ‘baby,’ the Impala, rent a car with a squeaky car toy, and discovers 1980s soft rock. Bobby, in his enthusiasm at having figured out how to kill Leviathans, ends up kissing Jody, one of the few light moments he is shown having before things get really ugly.

9 Scariest: “Hello, Cruel World”

In episode 2, Sheriff Jody Mills places an SOS call to Bobby Singer, telling him that her doctor at Sioux Falls General Hospital is a monster.

This is in fact, one of the first manifestations of the Leviathans – the monsters are consuming human organs to satiate their hunger and make themselves stronger. The scene where one of the monsters, in the guise of a Dr. Gaines, literally pulls out a patient’s liver and starts feasting on it, is disturbing and scary, to say the least.


8 Funniest: “Season Seven, Time For A Wedding”

This episode possibly qualifies as one of the funniest in the entire series, let alone season 7. Sam summons Dean to what the latter assumes is a case, until he finds out, to his utter disbelief, that Sam is getting married to none other than the obsessed ‘Supernatural’ fan, Becky Rosen!

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Dean’s struggle to wrap his head around his brother’s overnight wedding and Sam’s realization of how he had been duped into marriage by a Wiccan love potion are a treat to watch. Moreover, the episode introduces an over-eager Garth for the first time and Crowley appears in the end with the ever-so-Crowley “This isn’t Wall Street. This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity.”

7 Scariest: “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters”

This episode is gory as ever. The brothers, along with Bobby, are on the run from the Leviathans, at the same time trying to hunt them down. They come across a case where something locally fabled as the Jersey devil is eating campers out in the woods.

The scene where Ranger Rick practically turns into a zombie and the Winchesters and Bobby are trying to figure out what’s inside him, is enough to make one want to avert their eyes. Although Dean gets stoned by a sandwich and offers some comic relief, that isn’t quite enough to counter the horror of this episode.

6 Funniest: “The Born-Again Identity”

This episode is Lucifer all the way. Although Castiel returns as Emmanuel, a healer with no memory of who they are, and the demon Meg makes a comeback, it is Lucifer who will have fans doubling over with laughter here.

The devil is torturing Sam mentally to the extent that the latter finds himself locked up in a psych ward. He has been loaded with all the sedatives in the world, and yet he still can’t sleep, neither can he tell anyone that Lucifer is bursting crackers by his bedside. The highlight, however, comes when the actor, Mark Pellegrino, who plays the devil, breaks into the famous song, “Good morning to you!” from the musical Singin’ in the Rain, to jolt Sam out of his sleep-deprived stupor.

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5 Scariest: “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie”

Clowns are no fun. Well, they are meant to be, but over the years, movies have made sure that they stimulate either a sense of pathos or fear in the audience’s mind.

The 14th episode in season 7 opens with Sam running for his life from a grotesque clown. The camera then pans to a body in the morgue with what appears to be huge, rather gross hickeys all over him. In another scene, a killer unicorn murders a man. Needless to say, one needs a strong heart to watch this episode.

4 Funniest: “Party On, Garth”

DJ Qualls returns as Garth Fitzgerald IV and his awkward swagger makes him an instant fan favorite. The brothers, along with Garth, work a case involving a Japanese booze monster – an alcohol-infused ghost that is only visible to the eye once a person is drunk.

The ghost is ‘garthed’ – which means killed for those not conversant in Supernatural vocabulary – in a fun episode where all the three hunters are heavily stoned, so they can actually see what they are hunting.

3 Scariest: “Repo Man”

Imagine a serial killer being possessed by a demon. In “Repo Man,” the brothers believe that one of the demons they previously exorcised from a young man has come back to finish his quota of kills.

It turns out, though, that the guy they saved from the demon’s possession is, in fact, going on a killing spree on his own this time. A psychotic killer at heart, the demon helped push him over the edge, giving him the freedom to act on his impulses and kill helpless women. The horror here is more intense than usual because this is no make-believe. This is a so-called human, not a supernatural creature, who is preying on and murdering innocent victims.

2 Funniest: “Reading Is Fundamental”

Cas has taken on Sam’s mantle of crazy, that is, all that remained from the barrier inside Sam’s mind – the one meant to keep the devil at bay – after it was destroyed by Castiel himself.

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In this episode, Castiel is awake with Meg at his bedside, but what had manifested as tortuous in Sam comes out as eccentric and a bit loony in Cas. Dean’s reaction when Cas asks him to pull his finger is priceless, as is his being unable to handle Cas rambling away inside the car, as they speed away with the prophet Kevin Tran in tow.

1 Scariest: “There Will Be Blood”

The boys are finally closing in on the Leviathans. However, the scariest thing in this episode is the spirit of Bobby going rogue.

Boddy has already been dead for several episodes now, but the Leviathans who got him killed are still at large. His spirit gets restless and vengeful and to watch a beloved character descend into a thirst for blood is scary and tragic.

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