For the last fifteen years, Supernatural‘s Sam and Dean Winchester have been keeping humans safe from all the scary things that go bump in the night. One of the most compelling and consistent of those scary things have been the demons.

Appearing as early as season one, demons have been responsible for some of the show’s most intriguing storylines. As fans eagerly wait for the final season to return on October 8th, it is worth reminiscing about the demons fans didn’t mind so much and those they just couldn’t stand.

10 Likable: Belphegor

By all accounts, Belphegor should not have been such a likable character. While at first pretending to be an ally, he not only inhabited the freshly deceased body of Jack, but he eventually betrayed the Winchesters and Castiel in order to take over Hell.

Yet, his sarcasm, humor, and energetic spirit provided some much-needed relief from the intensity of Chuck’s world-ending plans. So, while he obviously had to be stopped by Castiel, many fans wouldn’t have minded if he had stayed on for a bit longer.

9 Not: Brady

Brady may have only been on the show for one episode but fans immediately wanted him gone. At first, he appeared to just be a lackey of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse but he turned out to be a far worse and familiar enemy.

While Sam was at Stanford, Azazel ordered a demon to possess Sam’s friend Brady. The then demon-possessed Brady introduced Sam to Jessica and then killed her to ensure that Sam would return to being a hunter. Fortunately, by the end of the episode, Sam was able to finally get justice for his lost love.


8 Likable: Jesse

Jesse Turner was a half-human, half-demon that appeared in season five. Conceived while his mother was possessed by a demon, he was believed to be the Anti-Christ. Unbeknownst to him, he was causing mayhem in his town thanks to his childlike beliefs. After finding out the truth and out of fear of being used as a pawn by the angels and demons, Jesse disappeared and was never seen again.

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Fans had a lot of sympathy for the young and powerful cambion as he just wanted to live a peaceful and happy life with his adoptive parents. Over the years fans have speculated about his whereabouts and are hoping for his return.

7 Not: Demon Dean

From Post-apocalyptic Dean to HunterCorp Dean, fans have gotten to see a few different versions of the eldest Winchester. Yet, no one was as hated as Demon Dean.

After being killed by Metatron, Dean turned into a cruel, violent, and bloodthirsty black-eyed demon. This Dean seemingly cared for nothing and no one. Not even Baby was spared from the Demon Dean’s callousness. While fans may have at first enjoyed seeing a different side to Dean, it quickly became too painful to watch his descent into darkness.

6 Likable: Ruby 1.o

Long before fans knew Ruby as the demon who manipulated Sam into freeing Lucifer, Ruby 1.0 was a fan-favorite in season three. Strong, capable, and headstrong, she grew into one of the season’s most interesting characters.

From her backstory as a 14th-century witch, her incredible fighting skills to her supposed humanity, she seemed like an intriguing new ally for the Winchesters. She even went as far as helping Bobby fix the Colt. At the time, there was truly a lot to like about Ruby and it is no wonder that fans were entranced by her.

5 Not: Azazel

The Yellow-Eyed Demon Azazel was the show’s first real big-bad. Tasked with finding the strongest “special child” for Lucifer’s vessel, Azazel was responsible for a lot of the Winchesters’ misery. He not only tricked and killed Mary Winchester but he consistently manipulated Sam’s life in order to set him on a path of darkness.

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Cruel, and a zealous follower of Lucifer, this Prince of Hell was truly terrifying, and fans were relieved when Azazel finally met his end at the hand of Dean Winchester and the Colt.

4 Likable: Meg

Meg was one of the brother’s first notable enemies all the way back in season one. Yet by season seven she grew into one of the Winchesters’ most loyal allies and sacrificed herself in order to keep the Angel Tablet safe in season eight.

In particular, fans adored her relationship with Castiel. Uncharacteristically for a demon, she seemed to care deeply and strongly for the angel. She even took care of him when he had Amnesia in season seven. Although it was brief, fans were delighted to see her return in the season fifteen episode “Destiney’s Child”.

3 Not: Abaddon

Abaddon was one of the series’ most memorable and intelligent antagonists. Manipulative, cunning, and ruthless, this Knight of Hell had no problem getting her hands dirty to get what she wanted. She not only tricked Cain into killing the love of his life but also completely wiped out the Men of Letters, including Henry Winchester.

She eventually became a maniacal Queen of Hell and was even disliked by many of the other demons. Yet, for some fans, her biggest sin was causing Dean to take on the Mark of Cain which led to him becoming a demon and releasing Amara.

2 Likable: Crowley

The former King of the Crossroads has always been a fan-favorite. As the Winchesters’ main on-again, off-again ally, Crowley helped the Winchesters through some of their toughest trials. Most heroically, he sacrificed his life in order to trap Lucifer in the season twelve finale.

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The sarcastic King of Hell was always fun to watch and he knew just which buttons to press to get the rest of Team Free Will fuming. Fans were devastated with his death and are hoping that he will make one last appearance before the show ends.

1 Not: Alastair

Hell’s grand torturer Alastair, was a character that often left viewers with chills down their spines. As easily one of the most sadistic and terrifying beings on the series, he was even feared by the other demons.

Alastair was responsible for torturing both John and Dean in Hell and eventually got Dean to torture other souls, essentially kick-starting the Apocalypse. This white-eyed demon thrived on inflicting pain and misery and fans were more than happy to finally see him go.

Next10 Jaw Dropping Betrayals That Happened In The Vampire Diaries

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