Supernatural has a main foundation that revolves around family. However, that subject can be tricky, as Sam and Dean very well know. They would go to the ends of the Earth for one another, but like any other family, they have their methods of dysfunction. No one is perfect, and Sam and Dean will certainly attest to that, especially considering all they’ve gone through. They’ve done plenty of wonderful things for one another, saved one another’s lives and taken care of each other on a daily basis, but they’ve done some pretty crappy things to one another, too. That said, here are the 5 worst things Sam’s done to Dean, and vice versa.

10 Dean: Ditched Sam When They Were Kids

When Sam and Dean were kids, Dean used to ditch Sam so he could pursue girls. This fact is notably discussed in a Season 7 episode in which Sam ends up at yet another Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie, bringing back bad memories for him and what may be the source of Sam’s fear of clowns. We can understand Dean wanting a break from parenting Sam, but this was a bit much.

9 Sam: Took Off For Stanford

This makes the list because it’s clearly still a sore spot for the brothers, especially Dean. When everything went down, Sam packed up and left, wanting nothing more to do with the “family business” or anything thereof. Dean was majorly hurt by his brother walking out and essentially cutting off contact up until Dean goes to retrieve Sam from Stanford in Season 1 to help him look for their father.

Sure, Sam needed his space and independence, but he could’ve at least sent an email or something to Dean once in a while. It still comes up from time to time how things went down the night Sam left, and when it does, it’s obvious that Dean’s still hurt over it.


8 Dean: Didn’t Tell Sam Their Father’s Last Words

In Season 2, John dies to save Dean, but not before leaving some chilling words about Sam. John knew things about Sam that he never should’ve kept from his children, and he passes that burden on to Dean, who does the same thing. Yet, like most secrets in the Winchesters’ lives, it comes to light and Sam is understandably hurt and angry at Dean for keeping such a secret. Dean doesn’t like it when secrets are kept from him, so why did he do exactly that to Sam? Why did he wait for things to build up? Had he said something sooner, a lot of things could have been different, and Sam never would’ve taken off and been nearly killed by Gordon.

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7 Sam: Let Dean Become A Vampire

Sam may have been soulless, but this was still pretty brutal. He stood by and watched as Dean was turned into a vampire, and further watched Dean endure the pain of having to be transformed back into a human.

If not for the cure, Sam was risking either Dean be stuck as a vampire for a lifetime or killed to avoid that very fate. Sam with a soul never would’ve let it happen, but Sam still did this, making it one of the worst things he’s done to Dean.

6 Dean: Killed Amy Pond

Sam and Amy share a history. Amy saved Sam when they were teenagers from her monster mother, and for that, Sam owed Amy. After learning why Amy has recently resorted to killing again, he once more lets her go. Dean, unconvinced that Amy will keep her promise to Sam, goes ahead and kills her anyway. He doesn’t tell Sam about it, and again, Sam eventually finds out, leading to another big rift between the brothers. Not to mention Dean’s got an impending death threat against him from her son, which is something we have yet to see.

5 Sam: Killed Emma

When Dean has a little too much fun with an Amazon, it results in a daughter named Emma. Dean pleads with Emma to make her escape, as she hasn’t killed anybody yet. We’ll never know what Emma would have ended up doing, as Sam shot her. Sam doesn’t pause to take stock of the situation really, he just aims and shoots, shocking Dean.

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Sam claims that Dean wasn’t thinking straight and that he couldn’t see the monster Emma really was, but really Sam was jumping to conclusions. Why this doesn’t come up from time to time or present itself as a bigger issue between the brothers, we’re not sure.

4 Dean: Tried To Kill Sam With A Hammer

Sam works hard to cure Dean from being an actual demon, but like most things in the lives of the Winchesters, it’s not easy, and it doesn’t go exactly as planned. With only one good arm, Sam has to keep Dean at bay without hurting him, and it’s no easy feat. Dean hunts him in the bunker for a bit before Castiel shows up and intervenes. Dean may have been a demon but he was still trying to kill his brother, and that’s definitely not a good thing. Especially when it’s with a hammer–that’s particularly vicious.

3 Sam: Got Addicted To Demon Blood

After Dean went to Hell in Season 3’s conclusion, Sam went off the deep end. He starts drinking demon blood and using his powers, which is what Dean begged Sam not to do before he died.

Sam breaking Dean’s dying wish, keeping it from him, and then forcing Dean to go through the painful process of watching Sam detox from demon blood was a pretty bad move on Sam’s part. Dean was already struggling with memories of Hell without having to deal with Sam’s major issues on top of it, adding to more of his pain.

2 Dean: Tricked Sam Into Saying ‘Yes’

Gadreel was the angel that possessed Sam following the events of Season 8. Sam is unaware of the possession that Dean tricked him into, and is later furious to learn the truth, especially after Kevin dies. The consequences were significant and caused a big rift between the Winchester brothers for some time. Sam was angry that Dean didn’t give him a choice, claiming Dean was being selfish and didn’t want to be alone. That may be partially true, but Dean has always looked out for Sam, and that means not letting him die on his watch. Still, he could’ve found a better way than deceiving his brother, but the cost of it is something Dean has to forever live with.

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1 Sam: Didn’t Look For Dean

At the end of Season 7, Dean finds himself in Purgatory. Sam doesn’t look for his brother, doesn’t try to retrieve him, or anything else of that nature to try to save Dean. Thus, Dean endures a year in Purgatory, which is certainly no picnic, while Sam grieved and moved on. Had Dean not found a way out, it didn’t look like Sam was ever going to come through. After all Dean had done for him by that point, Sam should’ve at least tried something, making his failure to do so one of the worst things he’s ever done to Dean.

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