Over fifteen seasons of Supernatural, fans get to know and even get to grow with the beloved cast of characters who make the show what it is. Not least of all, Dean Winchester. Despite his many hardships throughout the show, Dean has a slew of fun moments for fans to laugh and smile at.

So many times, particularly earlier in Supernatural, Dean comes out with quips and comments that are absolutely hilarious, and he undoubtedly has some of the funniest quotes of any character in Supernatural.

9 “I’m Batman.”

“Bad Day At Black Rock” is overall just a hilarious episode of Supernatural and contains one of the most iconic quotes from the show, Sam’s “I lost my shoe.”

In this luck of a rabbit-foot-based episode, though, Dean also gets some hilarious moments, particularly when he gets the foot and rescues Sam from Kubrick. Dean lucks out and throws a pen in Kubrick’s gun and knocks him out with a TV remote, commenting on how amazing he was and concluding with, “I’m Batman.”

8 “I Like To Think It’s Because Of My Perky Nipples.”

Dean’s fearlessness in the face of the likes of the law, demons, angels, and all other manners of creature is often conveyed through sarcastic comments and quips that are usually hilarious.

When a demon waitress questions Dean about getting out of hell, asking him, “Tell me, what makes you so special?” prompting Dean’s hilarious reply of “I like to think it’s because of my perky nipples.”


7 “My Name’s Dean Winchester. I’m An Aquarius, I Like Sunsets, Long Walks On The Beach, And Frisky Women.”

Dean and Sam’s run from the law was something that popped up repeatedly in the earlier couple of seasons of Supernatural, with characters like Agent Henriksen hunting the brothers.

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In “The Usual Suspects,” the two are caught by detectives Ballard and Sheridan and are being pressured to confess to murder. After figuring out the Dana Schlups problem, Dean gets a note to Sam and agrees to confess to murder. When he gets in front of the camera, he exclaims, “My name is Dean Winchester. I’m an Aquarius, I like sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone.” going on to talk about shapeshifters and distract the detectives as Sam escapes ala Steve McQueen in The Great Escape.

6 “Misha? Jensen? What’s Up With The Names Around Here?”

Supernatural does a terrific job producing high-quality meta-episodes that do not veer into being uncomfortable. A couple like “Fan Fiction” and the home of this quote, “The French Mistake,” are even some of Supernatural’s best.

The episode famously sees Sam and Dean transported to a world where their lives are a show, Supernatural. After encountering the hilarious Misha Collins and finding out what their names are, Dean questions the names in that world. It is one of many hilarious quotes in the episode alongside “That’s fake me, this must be fake mine.” “You married fake Ruby.”  Misha’s tweets also feature with the ever hilarious, “Hola Mishamigos, J2 got me good.”

5 “I Think I’m Adorable.”

Going back to early seasons, Dean and Sam had some fantastic interactions with Agent Henriksen, who was mentioned earlier, not least of all in the episode “Folsom Prison Blues.”

After deliberately getting captured to investigate a spirit, Henriksen appears to make the boys’ lives difficult. When entering the interrogation room with Dean, Henriksen is met with demands for a cheeseburger, “extra onions,” initiating the fast, humorous exchange of “You think you’re funny?” “I think I’m adorable.”

4 “You Fudging Touch Me Again & I’ll Fudging Kill You!”

Supernatural does not often explore the traditional holidays; after all, the boys do not lead traditional lives, but they are not completely absent from the series, with “A Very Supernatural Christmas” being perhaps the best example.

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After hunting and eventually getting captured by the anti-Santa’s, a.k.a Krampus, Sam and Dean find themselves as soon-to-be victims of a ritual. The two beings remove parts of the Winchesters, prompting some unsavory language from Dean. After being implored by Mrs. Carrigan to use words like “fudge” instead, Dean shouts, “You fudging touch me again, and I’ll fudging kill you.” made funnier by the congratulations from Mrs. Carrigan.

3 “Cas! Get Out Of My Ass.”

There is a lot of emotion, brilliance, and humor to come out of Dean and Castiel’s relationship and the obvious bond the two have, with Castiel clearly being drawn to Dean more than anyone else over the course of the show.

In “Mommy Dearest,” Bobby asks Dean to call and get help from Cas, prompting Dean to frustratingly point out, “Why’s it always gotta be me, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy.” with Castiel perfectly appearing behind him at that moment, followed up with “Cas, get out of my ass!” “I was never in your…” and two telling, confused looks from Cas and Dean, one of the most comical moments in all of Supernatural.

2 “I Think You Pissed Off My Sandwich.”

Overall, season 7 is seen as perhaps the worst season of the show due to many factors, such as the Leviathan as villains and Bobby’s death, but it was not without its moments.

Using food as a means to take over humans and turn them into mindless drones, the Leviathan rolled out a sandwich that Dean consumed, making him very high in a hilarious sequence. When Sam and Bobby examine said sandwich, and it starts oozing some sort of substance, Dean, in a stoned manner, comments, “I think you pissed off my sandwich.”

1 “That Was Scary.”

“Yellow Fever” is a beloved episode of the show amongst the fandom, the home of a couple of Supernatural’s best and funniest moments, including Jensen Ackles’ lip singing of “Eye of the Tiger.”

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The most iconic moment of the episode is, of course, after Dean gets infected with Ghost Sickness (which Erik Kripke clears up here), when he and Sam go hunting, investigating the Lumber Mill. Here, the boys encounter a stray cat, prompting the best scream in Supernatural history, and Dean catching his breath while exclaiming, “That was scary.” as Sam looks on bewildered.

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