Supernatural has been inconsistent in deciding which archangel brother is the eldest out of Michael and Lucifer. When Supernatural cracked open the door on the biblical and angels came flooding into the series, Eric Kripke fundamentally changed the future of the show he created. With each passing season, the Winchester brothers would become more entwined with the angels and archangels of Heaven, and that path would eventually culminate in a showdown against God himself. Before getting to the big boss, however, Sam and Dean have previously faced down Lucifer, Michael, Apocalypse Michael and Raphael, whilst making friends with the remaining brother, Gabriel, who somehow managed to turn out alright.


The archangels are the closest and most ancient of God’s children. While all angelic beings refer to themselves as siblings, the four archangel brothers show a deeper bond, both between them and with their father. First introduced in Supernatural season 4, viewers have enjoyed a decade of archangel fun, and it’s no surprise that the religious lore hasn’t always been consistent during that time, especially when it comes to Michael and Lucifer, who even among the Fab Four archangels held special status.

In real-world bible mythology, many believe Lucifer was the first angel created by God and therefore his favorite, but this changes depending on the interpretation and belief system. In the world of Supernatural, it’s confirmed that Michael is the eldest of God’s angelic children, with Lucifer born soon after. In season 5’s “Changing Channels,” Gabriel refers to Michael and Lucifer as big and little brothers, respectively. In that same season’s finale, Michael himself calls Lucifer “little brother” to his face, confirming that he is the oldest of the two.

However, Supernatural seemingly tried to retcon this lore. In season 11’s “Hell’s Angel,” Amara is torturing Lucifer (inside poor Castiel’s vessel) and proclaims “as God’s favorite, his first son, you might be the one thing in all creation he still cares about.” Supernatural doubles-down on this change with “The British Invasion” in season 12, where Lucifer calls Michael “little bro.” Clearly, there’s a discrepancy between archangel ages from Supernatural‘s older and more recent seasons, but why?

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It’s unlikely that the retcon is accidental, since there are multiple examples of Lucifer being touted as the eldest. If Amara’s line was an isolated incident, it’d be easy enough to put down to a continuity error, but Lucifer’s own confirmation in the following season indicates a deliberate intention to change Supernatural‘s angel history. This might’ve been due to the ever-shifting landscape of Supernatural. In seasons 4 & 5, Sam and Dean were lined up as the human parallels of Lucifer and Michael, respectively. Since Dean is the eldest Winchester, Michael had to be the oldest of the archangels, otherwise the metaphor wouldn’t work. By season 11, however, Michael was long-forgotten and Lucifer was more relevant to the current story. Perhaps rewriting him as the eldest was meant to accentuate his importance at that specific point in the story.

Another explanation for Lucifer and Michael’s fluctuating ages in Supernatural lies in the ambiguity of the show’s dialogue. When Amara refers to Lucifer as “first,” it’s possible that she’s purely referring to Lucifer’s status as God’s favorite – something that’s never been in question. Likewise, Lucifer calling Michael “little bro” in season 12 could be the devil mockingly repeating what his brother used to call him. Although these explanations are both possible, it seems strange that Supernatural would drop two easily-misinterpreted lines that both hint towards the same thing. Whatever the reason behind the archangel age rewrite, Michael’s Supernatural return reaffirms his position as the first of the archangels. With Apocalypse Michael and Adam-Michael both rearing their angelic heads in recent times, the traditional brotherly dynamic looks to have been restored, sweeping the idea of Lucifer being the eldest archangel under the Supernatural rug.

Supernatural season 15 is currently on hiatus.

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