Supernatural is back – and the second half of the final season starts by clearing up a major potential plot hole, with a God-monologue explaining why Chuck (Rob Benedict) is so obsessed with this universe’s version of Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles). The first half of Supernatural season 15 revealed that God’s evil plan was essentially to manipulate Sam and Dean into killing each other – and that this is something he has managed in all his other various universes so far. He explains that the brothers are his ‘favorite show’, but with his connection to Sam broken, there seemed little real reason for his need to keep hounding these two particular versions of the characters… until now.


Supernatural season 15, episode episode 12, “Galaxy Brain” begins with Chuck wandering into a Radio Shed in one of his many alternate universes, and like a good villain, he’s going to monologue. He explains that after creating his first universe, he “got the bug” and started creating multiple others, but that first one somehow remained the most important. Hilariously referencing Marie Kondo, he says that only those two truly “spark joy'” and that’s why he just can’t seem to quit them; at least, until he gets what he wants.

As he explains, he just won’t be satisfied until he gets the ending he wants from the original Sam and Dean, and so in order to do that, he is going to clear the slate, and destroy every other world, alternate universe, and sub-plot he ever created, until there are no more distractions, and he can focus only on the real Winchesters.

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While this little speech does a great job of setting up the final season to have no more alternate realities for the boys to jump to (or deal with), it does a lot more than that. Until now, there was no real explanation of why God wouldn’t just leave Earth 1, and abandon Sam and Dean for disappointing him. This explains the motivation for the final showdown, and (should) prevent fans from questioning why there really needed to be a final battle at all, if God had all his other worlds to play with and nothing holding him to this one. This also continues the final season trend of stripping Supernatural back to its roots – Sam and Dean against a monster, without all the complications that other worlds can bring.

While that is what this God-monologue means from a storytelling perspective, it also gives fans a few clues as to what is going to come next for the series in terms of plot. From this episode and the preview for next week’s Supernatural episode (“Destiny’s Child”) it’s clear that this clearing of the cosmic decks will involve some fallout: Kaia (Yadira Guevara-Prip) was returned and Dark Kaia’s world destroyed (with her returned to it), and next week will see some Winchester dopplegangers come into play. However, it seems that this will likely be played for comedy, and the larger impact will be that God is leaving the boys with nowhere else to run (even with Jack (Alexander Calvert) back and able to create rifts to get them there). The story is getting smaller, and will involve Sam, Dean, Cas (Mischa Collins), and Jack against the man himself – and the final question of if both brothers will survive.

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