Over fifteen seasons, Supernatural cultivated a huge fandom who are so deeply connected to the show’s characters. Whether they be members of Team Free Will or extended members of the Winchester family, or even villains who turn into anti-heroes, the show is full of excellent characters adored by fans.

Reddit is a place where many of the millions of Supernatural fans go to talk about the show, and a topic that crops up constantly is the best/favorite characters of the show, with multiple names being put right at the top of those lists time and time again by Redditors.



Not only does Death have one of the best character introductions in Supernatural, but he proved to be one of the show’s best recurring characters between seasons 5 and 10, deemed the favorite character of a deleted Redditor.

They cite the range of the character as a factor in this, stating, “This guy sassed and admonished a Castiel who could Snap an Archangel into a red paste, in the next episode he casually remakes about making an eclipse.” Death, the original Death, was undoubtedly a brilliant and terrifying presence on the show, but also seriously funny with great dynamics with the likes of Dean.

Jack Kline

There are a lot of different opinions on Jack Kline and his status as the fourth main character on Supernatural for its final three seasons. He is, though, loved by many, including by Redditor possessedandobsessed.

Listing their top ten characters, they put Jack at the top, saying that “he’s so f***ing adorable and innocent.” Jack added a freshness and a whole new layer to Supernatural, and while his story was not flawless, the character did enough good on the show to be a favorite to many vocal fans on Reddit.

Charlie Bradbury

A lot of fans believe some characters got treated pretty badly by the writers, being disrespected and leaving Supernatural too soon, Charlie is the perfect example and is a character loved by so many, like Redditor averyrrrowe.

They say that “Charlie always has been, and always will be,” their favorite character, and they are not the only one. With her quirkiness, humor, and unique personality, as well as her little sister dynamic with Sam and Dean, Charlie quickly became adored by a lot of the fandom who never forgave the show for how they killed her off.

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Rowena MacLeod

Rowena MacLeod kicked off her time in Supernatural as a villain who cared only for herself and her power. However, she grew into a close ally and friend to the Winchester’s, becoming adored by fans like Redditor aSnakewillbiteback.

They rank Rowena first in their top ten favorite characters, saying Rowena had great “character development in season 13, and she was my favorite even before that.” Rowena never stopped coming back into the fold in Supernatural, even returning as Queen of Hell after her final death, and most fans were always happy to see the witch pop up again, especially with her humor and dynamic with Sam.


Despite debuting in the show properly in season 5, it was not until season 15 when Lucifer, the longest-standing big evil in Supernatural, finally bit the bullet and died. Over his time in the series, though, he proved to be one of the show’s best characters for fans like Redditor LunarKami.

Ranking the Archangel first in their top five character rankings, the Redditor states that Lucifer’s “motivations were understandable and very human, and his relationship with the main cast was amazing.” From Mark Pelligrino’s portrayal to Sam’s time possessed by the devil all the way to Casifer, Lucifer rarely disappointed fans; he proved to be a significant part of the show for years with his comedic timing, complex personality, and neverending evil.


Undoubtedly one of Supernatural’s funniest characters as well as one of its best, Crowley’s arc took him from villain to anti-hero to straight-up hero on more than one occasion, and he proved himself to be one of the show’s best characters to Redditor MaddieCakes.

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They describe Crowley by saying, “He’s charming, witty, crafty like a fox, intelligent, completely rotten, and man, something about him just oozes raw sensuality and hedonism,” proving that the King of Hell inspires a lot of love from the passionate fandom. Crowley was often mistreated by the Winchester’s due to the evil he did early in his run, but he proved himself to be good eventually with a tremendous sacrifice, and fans are still furious he never returned after his death.

Bobby Singer

Many fans consider Bobby Singer to be the true father figure to Sam and Dean rather than John, and it is hard to argue with that given how incredible he was to the boys, as well as to audiences who adored him, such as Redditor ear-to-the-grave.

They ask at the start of a Reddit thread, “Who is your favorite character and why is it Bobby Singer?” going on to describe the many reasons they, along with many others, adore Bobby. His death was one of the saddest moments in the show, and while it still annoys fans, it does not take away from all the brilliance and emotional layers Bobby brought to the show and to the characters of Sam and Dean.


When Castiel first flashed his wings to Dean Winchester in “Lazarus Rising,” fans immediately fell in love with him, and for the next eleven seasons, he became the favorite character of fans like Redditor of_skies_and_seas.

Answering the question of their favorite character, the Redditor states, “Castiel. He’s been put through the wringer and developed believably, yet he always cares and never gives up, no matter how badly life/people treat him.” They then go on to talk about the many iterations of Cas that helped keep the character fresh. It is criminal that there was no place in the finale for Cas, given his impact on the show, its characters, and its fans, who still care so deeply about the angel who pulled Dean from perdition.

Sam Winchester

Often, Sam Winchester gets flak from fans and does not get the level of love that his big brother gets. However, there are many Sam fans out there who see him as the best Supernatural has to offer, not least of all Redditor conundrumicus.

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They say that they have “been a Sam boy ever since the Pilot, and he’s my favorite character through all 15 seasons.” They go on to list the reasons Sam is superior to Dean, which may be unfair, and talk about Sam’s best qualities that all fans love him for. One of these is how his heart is always in the right place despite the many mistakes and betrayals of Dean in Supernatural. Fans will nearly always have a favorite of the two brothers, and there are so many reasons why Sam can get considered better than Dean and the best character in the show overall.

Dean Winchester

To many fans, Dean Winchester is Supernatural; he is the central focus for a lot of the show, and rightfully so, with fans like Redditor AllWhiteInk and many others claiming the older Winchester as their favorite character.

They go on to say that Dean is “clever, funny, badass, [has a great] sense of duty, a cool car, […and is] loyal and forgiving.” and those are just some of the adjectives applicable to the complex character. It is truly hard to separate the two Winchester’s, but generally, more fans, especially those in Reddit threads, lean towards Dean as the show’s best. With the performances of Jensen Ackles, the many incredible Dean-focused episodes, and Dean’s presence in the show overall, it is tough to argue against that.

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