When angels were first introduced in Supernatural, it marked a massive turning point for the show. It had teased the presence of the divine beings in earlier seasons, but when they appeared in the flesh (or rather, in the holy light), they were definitely not what anyone was expecting.

We tend to think of angels as benign holy beings who are kind, comforting, and exist to do God’s bidding. Little did fans of Supernatural know that only one out of the three was correct. These angels were warriors, soldiers of Heaven, but as always, some were better received than others.

10 Best – Gabriel

Many, if not all angels, lack a sense of humor. Not Gabriel though. This archangel was actually the first angel to feature on the show, although no one knew it at the time. When Gabriel made his first appearance in Season 2, he took on the guise of the Trickster.

Gabriel was basically the angel version of the class clown; he loved to cause chaos and have fun but he disliked conflict and only chose sides as a last resort. This led to his demise on multiple occasions. Due to his tricky nature though, it’s always hard to tell if he’s gone for good. However, his death by alt-Michael’s hands seemed pretty permanent.

9 Worst – Anna

When Anna first appeared in Season 4, she was harmless, confused and endearing to fans (and Dean). She was being hunted by other angels for defying Heaven and so naturally, Sam and Dean had to get involved. With their help, Anna managed to evade capture. Unfortunately, her freedom didn’t last for very long.

The angels managed to capture her and when Anna returned in Season 5, she was a changed person. She still cared about the Winchesters, but she cared more about preventing the coming Apocalypse. This new Anna traveled back in time to killer her former allies’ parents to stop Lucifer from using Sam as his vessel.


8 Best – Jack

Considering he is the literal son of the Devil, Jack has done alright for himself. Jack is a nephilim, one of the most powerful angels of all time. The fact that he is Lucifer’s child means that he is probably the most dangerous angel currently on Supernatural.

However, despite his bad genes, Jack is basically a sweetheart. While in utero, Jack formed a sort of psychic bond with Castiel, who he came to view as his real father. While giving Cas an unusually poignant storyline that was adorable to watch, this meant Jack came to be an ally and close friend of the Winchesters.

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7 Worst – Zachariah

Zachariah is basically why angels have gotten a bad rep on Supernatural. Throughout Seasons 4 and 5, the one thing on everyone’s minds was the Apocalypse, a terrible battle between Lucifer and Michael that would take place right here on Earth.

Zachariah’s task was to convince the Winchesters to accept their roles as vessels for the two archangels to duke it out in. Obviously they were more than a little reluctant so Zachariah had to resort to more drastic measures, the worst of which included trapping the Winchesters’s half brother Adam and torturing him until he said yes to Michael. What a douche.

6 Best – Balthazar

Another angel with a delightfully wicked sense of humor, Balthazar sadly only lasted for a few episodes. Originally, this angel was just out for himself and didn’t want to take part in the current civil war raging across Heaven. However, out of obligation to Castiel, he eventually changed his mind.

Balthazar was a tricky angel to pin down in Season 6 as his allegiances seemingly shifted with every episode. It’s fair to say however that he was more of a help to the Winchesters than a hindrance, even going so far as to betray Castiel, one of his oldest friends. That moment of humanity eventually cost him his life.

5 Worst – Naomi

Naomi was one of the secondary villains of Season 8 and she definitely earned it. After the discovery of the angel and demon tablets, she rescued Castiel from Purgatory and then used him to spy on the Winchesters, leaving him with no memory of their encounter.

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While Naomi’s methods were understandable, she went about achieving her aims in completely the wrong way. The final straw however was when she compelled Cas to torture Dean so that he would give up the angel tablet. When that didn’t work, she directed Cas to kill his best friend. Thankfully, she failed and Destiel lived to fight another day.

4 Best – Lucifer

Lucifer is simultaneously one of the best and worst angels on the series. Obviously, because he’s the devil, he was a natural villain and has committed some truly awful acts. However, thanks to Mark Pellegrino’s stunning performance as the red eyed archangel, Luci quickly became a fan-favorite baddie.

His inability to take anything seriously, especially the Winchesters (who he viewed with utter indifference), lead to Lucifer constantly stealing every single scene he was in. Even when he was torturing and killing beloved characters, he did so with a sadistic smile on his face, which was unbelievably entertaining to watch.

3 Worst – Uriel

A former ally of Castiel, Uriel was a not a very pleasant angel. He was incredibly single minded and extraordinarily focused on his mission, which he often used to justify his increasingly brutal methods. When he and Cas were hunting Anna down, he had no qualms about killing his old leader.

Uriel’s treachery reached further when it transpired that he was actually acting as a double agent. He had become disillusioned with God’s seemingly eternal absence and admired Lucifer’s attempt at rebellion, sharing the latter’s disdain for humanity. Uriel had been going around killing member of his own garrison if they refused to join him. Angelic, I think not.

2 Best – Castiel

Castiel was the angel who gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition, so how could we not choose him to take the number one spot? He has been a constant ally of the Winchesters from the moment he first appeared way back in Season 4.

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He has also undergone arguably the most character development out of anyone in Supernatural (with the possible exception of Crowley). In his first season, Cas was an emotionless soldier, dedicated to Heaven and his angelic brethren. However, over time he formed an unbreakable bond with the Winchesters and now considers them his family.

1 Worst – Metatron

In his debut appearance, Metatron seemed like a slightly crazy, but essentially harmless angel who agreed to help Sam and Dean translate the angel tablet. However, his actual motives were less pure. In fact, he managed to use the angel tablet (which he had transcribed himself) to force all angels out of Heaven.

While this made for an absolutely stunning cliffhanger for Season 8 to end on, Metatron was not finished yet. In Supernatural‘s ninth season’s finale, Metatron committed the ultimate sin and fatally wounded Dean Winchester. Since this is Supernatural, Dean was soon resurrected, but Metatron’s actions had condemned himself in the eyes of the fans.

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