Throughout Supernatural‘s 15 seasons, the Winchester brothers came face to face with countless creatures. Some appear consistently throughout the series, such as demons, angels, and vampires. There are also many obscure creatures that only appeared in a single season or just a few episodes.

Creatures can be judged by how powerful they are, but can also be classified according to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Some are defined by their sheer force, making them fire signs. On the other hand, others rely on tricking people into believing something that isn’t true, which resembles the intelligent and cunning air signs.

12 Aries: Leviathans

Leviathans are also known as the Old Ones and they were among the first creatures created. Just like Aries who represents the beginning of the zodiac wheel, they have an untamed energy and animalistic traits, one of the most prominent being beast-like mouths and enhanced senses.

Aries natives have a tendency to be self-destructive in their passion. Similarly, Leviathans can literally devour themselves in a process called “bibbing”. These creatures believe in strong leadership and they only have just one all-powerful beast in charge. The Winchester brothers deal with them in season 7.

11 Taurus: Leprechauns

Taurus people are kind of like leprechauns because they are peaceful, stable, and incredibly loyal. Even though they are small in size, they are ridiculously strong, but refuse to show it. Taureans and leprechauns both have a tendency to self-indulge. One of leprechauns’ weaknesses is cream.

The only thing that makes leprechauns nothing like Taureans is their teleportation skills. They are fast, whereas Taurean natives are among the slowest souls of the zodiac.


10 Gemini: Changelings

Season 3 introduced changelings, creatures that look like children who feed off their mothers. Their true face is only revealed in mirrors. They are literally two-faced, which makes these horrendous beings Geminis. Geminis are children at heart. Even though they generally come across as friendly and optimistic, Gemini natives possess another face that only those closest to them get to know. Quick-witted and intelligent, they are good at arguing. They can be mean and dismissive.

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9 Cancer: Qareen

One of a qareen’s most powerful and unique abilities is their empathy. They are good at reading emotions, ranging from love to shame. Cancers are similarly very intuitive. They are good judges of characters and see right into people’s souls.

Similar to other water signs, Scorpios and Pisces, Cancers are so in tune with their own emotions they can come across as telepathic. Qareens possess the power to learn about a human’s most hidden desires and fears.

8 Leo: Werewolves

Werewolves are steady companions of the series and they appear in several seasons. Werewolves are beasts with incredible stamina and agility, which makes them natives of the second fire sign of the zodiac, Leos. Whereas Leos have a lot of insecurities, werewolves have more weaknesses than most other creatures. There’s a pattern here: both seem more powerful than they actually are.

If God counted as a creature, Leos would definitely relate the most to God, since he has a massive ego and enjoys being at the top of the hierarchy.

7 Virgo: Vampires

Even though vampires are not Supernatural‘s only area of expertise, the show manages to portray them better than The Vampire Diaries. Featured in most seasons, they are one of the most important creatures. These creatures are highly organized and live a monogamous life.

Virgos thrive when they know their place in the world. Their ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication, which means Virgos are incredibly intelligent – just like vampires.

6 Libra: Siren

Season 4 was packed with nightmare fuel, a Siren included. These creatures usually shapeshift into a friend or a lover, someone we love. Sirens infect with a love hormone that makes their victims grant any of their wishes. They can come across as beautiful, but similar to changelings, their true form can be seen in mirrors.

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Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. They strive to always come across as likeable, charming, and agreeable – just like Sirens.

5 Scorpio: Phoenix

A sign of rebirth and transformation, Scorpio is often represented by a phoenix in the vast world of astrology. Supernatural, too, features a phoenix. In season 6, the Winchester brothers travel back to the late 1800s to find ashes of Elias Finch, a cowboy phoenix.

Phoenixes’ powers include regeneration, invulnerability, and pyrokinesis. Scorpios are traditionally ruled by Mars, so it’s logical they should know their way around fire in the world of supernatural beings.

4 Sagittarius: Hellhound

Fast, unstoppable, loud and fierce: these words describe both hellhounds and Sagittariuses. They are one of the most common creatures in the series and they instill a powerful sense of dread and fear in people. They are strong, fast, and invulnerable.

The ninth sign of the zodiac is a fire sign. Sagittarius natives lack patience and they struggle to stay still. They need to stay active in order to get some peace.

3 Capricorn: Demons

Demons appear throughout all season and they are very versatile. Their species follow a hierarchy and even have a royal family of a sort. Since they are powerful and intelligent, they can be compared to Capricorns.

Capricorns are dutiful, organized, and crave glory and power. Just like Supernatural‘s demons, they often feel as if they are superior to other people.

2 Aquarius: Djinn

Aquarians are the most supernatural of all zodiac signs in a sense that they are often so detached from our world, they often feel as if they don’t belong here. Djinns are monsters who can produce powerful hallucinations in humans and manipulate their dreams.

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Aquarians are individualistic and interested in ideas and things that go beyond the material world. If they could, they would be the first ones to enter other people’s dreams and mess with them.

1 Pisces: Nephilim

A Nephilim is half-angel, half-human. They are graceful and have a powerful ability to destroy. God believes they are an abomination. Pisces similarly often feel as if they are not good enough. They are timid, calm, and friendly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t mind you overstepping your boundaries. When necessary, Pisces can be very aggressive and emotionally manipulative.

NextOnce Upon A Time: Things From Season 1 That Haven’t Aged Well

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