How does the multiverse setup work in the world of Supernatural? The lives of Sam and Dean Winchester have rarely been simple, exposed to the paranormal nasties of the world from a very early age and raised by their father to hunt vampires, werewolves and wendigos across the United States. With each passing season of Supernatural, the Winchester brothers have gone after bigger and more powerful quarry, from angels and demons to Lucifer and God himself. Sam and Dean’s reality was then turned even more upside down in season 12 when the concept of parallel worlds was formally introduced to series canon.


Since then, the Winchester brothers have squared up against God and learned plenty about their creator’s dastardly intentions. Ever the storyteller, God aims to have Sam and Dean fight each other to the death in a biblical battle for the ages, bringing his magnum opus to a grand and violent close. In pursuit of that dream, God began showing the Winchesters visions of them fighting; one where Dean loses his mind due to the Mark of Cain, one where Sam is overcome by his psychic powers, etc. God had already told the brothers that these visions were playbacks from other worlds he had created. A plethora of alternate worlds with alternate Sams and Deans where God had achieved his ultimate goal.

In Supernatural‘s latest offering, “Galaxy Brain,” God introduces a new segment to the show that he lovingly calls “monologue time.” Chuck sits down in front of a stunned retail worker and outlines his entire design for the multiverse, and the nature of his creation isn’t necessarily what you’d expect. Most stories with a multiverse work on the theory that there are various universes existing simultaneously as part of a larger fabric, with the narrative usually taking place primarily in just one of those worlds. To the audience, this would be the “prime” universe, but from an in-story point of view, each different reality usually has equal standing. God has now confirmed this is not the case in Supernatural.

During his Radio Shed speech, God confirms that the world Supernatural has largely been set within was the very first place he created and, effectively, the main world from both a narrative and fictional perspective. God describes his other worlds as “sub-plots” and “failed spin-offs” which relegates places like the Apocalypse World in terms of importance. More significantly, this revelation also confirms that “our” Sam and Dean are the “real” Sam and Dean. The versions that have already killed each other in other universes weren’t the original models, as far as God is concerned, and the Winchesters Supernatural fans are familiar with are actually the genuine articles. As a side-effect, however, this means that the Bobby and Charlie currently alive in Supernatural aren’t the real Bobby and Charlie but, as God would describe them, “other toys.”

It’s certainly unusual for a fictional multiverse to have such a clear hierarchy, and although the move has the benefit of simplifying Supernatural‘s final episodes, it does represent somewhat of a retcon. Back in season 14, when the Winchesters were facing down Michael from the Apocalypse World, the archangel stated that both his world and that of the Winchesters were “failed drafts” that God made on the way to achieving perfection, and Chuck would happily ditch both on a whim. This explanation is at odds with God’s own, more recent, reveal that Sam and Dean’s world is actually the one he cares for most. From a behind-the-scenes perspective, this was clearly done to ramp up the stakes of the final fight, but in canon terms, it could perhaps be argued that Michael didn’t know God’s true intentions (who does?) and that his take on the multiverse was pure conjecture, even if this didn’t necessarily come across at the time.

Supernatural season 15 continues with “Destiny’s Child” 23rd March on The CW.

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