Survivor is a reality competition, and like all (or most) reality competitions, it’s entirely unscripted. For more than 20 years, it’s been one of the best reality shows on television not only because of its strategy, gameplay, and production values, but because it beautifully captures the human experience. And the human experience is full of embarrassing and cringe-worthy moments.

Indeed, embarrassment is a part of everyday life, and many such moments have been caught on the Survivor cameras throughout the years. Some are hilarious, but some are just straight-up uncomfortable to watch. Either way, the cringe is only intensified when broadcast to millions of people across the country.


Dan Is An Adopted Child

Worlds Apart is a disaster of a Survivor season, infamous for its unlikable cast and controversies. One of the biggest controversies in Survivor history saw Will Sims verbally attacking Shirin Oskooi. This in turn brought up tragic memories for Shirin, who has suffered from domestic violence in her past.

Horning in on the moment, Dan Foley then stated that he was an adopted child and claimed, “My scenario really isn’t much different than hers.” Even host Jeff Probst was embarrassed and told Dan that being raised as an adopted child is in no way comparable to suffering from domestic abuse.

Jeff Brings Up Courtney’s Weight

Courtney Yates is one of those villains that the Survivor community loves. While appearing on China, Courtney drew intense media criticism for her weight and skinny figure. Jeff then brought up these criticisms during the reunion show, resulting in one of the cringiest moments in Survivor history.

Jeff openly asked Courtney, in front of everyone in attendance, if she had an eating disorder or if she was anorexic. As if the question wasn’t bad enough, he then commended Courtney for putting on weight. While Courtney took it all in stride, she couldn’t have looked more embarrassed.

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The David Murphy Proposal

The Survivor reunions are a treasure trove of cringey moments. Redemption Island is generally considered one of the worst seasons of Survivor, but it contains a memorable reunion episode with one of the all-time worst moments from the show’s history.

During the live finale, David Murphy proposed to his girlfriend, Survivor:Tocantins contestant Carolina Eastwood, and it made for one horrifically awkward proposal. Carolina was clearly not into it, making awkward glances around her and essentially telling David to go away. While she did accept the proposal, it was a long, hard, and brutally cringey fight to get there.

The Double Nicaragua Quit

Nicaragua is widely considered the worst season of the show, and it’s primarily due to the double quit of NaOnka Mixon and Kelly Shinn. Viewers hated it, and Jeff Probst especially hated it. Jeff couldn’t contain his frustration with NaOnka and Kelly, and watching it was like watching parents or friends having a bitter fight.

Jeff was being as professional as he could, but he was positively teeming with frustration. It’s probably the angriest that Jeff has ever gotten, and it did not make for a positive viewing experience.

Jeff Is A Third Wheel To Rob And Amber

This scene is like something out of The Office, with Jeff Probst playing the socially unaware Michael Scott. All Stars saw Rob winning a car, and he decided to take Amber, his burgeoning showmance (that would turn into a marriage), for a little pleasure cruise. It was very obvious that Rob and Amber were developing a love for each other, but that didn’t stop Jeff from butting in.

Jeff not only brought himself along for the ride, but he made Amber sit in the back so he could ride shotgun with Rob. It’s perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious thing in Survivor history.

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The Entire Caramoan Reunion

While China and Redemption Island reunions contained some high levels of cringe, nothing will ever be worse than the Caramoan reunion. Caramoan is a lesser season as is, but it’s capped with what is arguably the worst reunion episode in the history of the show.

The entire episode is filled with unbearable moments, like Cochran’s ramblings, Boston Rob awkwardly plugging his book, the awkward interview moment with the little girl in the audience, and worst of all, Probst telling Dawn to apologize to Brenda. Live television is full of surprises, and in this case it was a gold mine of cringe.

“Hold Up, Bro.”

One of the biggest Survivor fan pet peeves is allowing super fans onto the show. While super fans can be fun, they generally tend to be boring gamebots with an obsessive desire to tick various Survivor boxes. Case in point: Max Dawson from Worlds Apart.

Max, a college professor who literally taught a class about Survivor, stopped Jeff from reading votes at tribal council by saying, “Hold up, Jeff,” a line famous among Survivor fans for indicating that a castaway is about to play a hidden immunity idol. Max, however, didn’t have an idol at all, admitting he just “always wanted to say it.” It was an embarrassing moment, and even Jeff couldn’t hide his annoyance, uttering a very simple and over-it, “OK.”

The La Flor’s Dance

La Flor was the yellow tribe from Nicaragua, and they conducted one of the goofiest things ever seen on Survivor. Deciding to have some fun, they danced their way into the challenge, complete with wild arm movements, tribal chanting, and a silly little flourish with a sing-songy “La Flor!”

Chase Rice and Shannon Elkins don’t even participate (probably finding it too embarrassing), and everyone else just looks at them in amazement and pity. Some (Jimmy Tarantino) can’t help but audibly laugh, and viewers couldn’t either.

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Ozzy’s Micronesia Jury Speech

Jury speeches can prove awkward, as they’re typically bitter and overly aggressive. But nothing beats Ozzy’s speech from Micronesia. It’s pure cringe from beginning to end. It begins with Ozzy nearly in tears while admonishing Parvati for blindsiding him, even though blindsides are part of the game.

But it gets even worse as Ozzy slaps himself and proceeds to declare his love for Amanda. The lovey-dovey music doesn’t mask the secondhand embarrassment, nor can it hide Parvati’s hilarious looks of discomfort.

Dawn Takes Out Her Teeth

It’s always awkward when Survivor gets personal. The horrible Caramoan season is topped by an awful final tribal council that saw Brenda telling Dawn to take out her fake teeth. Brenda simply wanted Dawn to humiliate herself in front of everyone, but Dawn called her bluff and took out her teeth anyway.

The entire exchange was horrifically awkward, from the weird request itself to Dawn’s initial “No, I’m not going to do that,” to Brenda constantly speaking over Dawn. It’s one of the worst moments in the history of Survivor, and one that made viewers seize up with intense cringes.

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