Parvati Shallow is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of Survivor. She originally appeared on the Cook Islands back in 2006 and has since appeared on MicronesiaHeroes vs. Villains and Winners at War. Despite “only” winning once (Micronesia), Parvati is considered one of the best of all time. In fact, many people believe that she should have won Heroes vs. Villains over the real winner, Sandra Diaz-Twine.

If you’re not a total Survivor nerd, you probably don’t know much about this Survivor GOAT. We’re here to remedy that. These are ten things you didn’t know about Parvati Shallow.

10 She Received A Degree In Journalism

When Parvati was 11 years old, she and her family moved to Atlanta, Georgia. She remained here through her college days, attending Athens’ University of Georgia.

It is here that Parvati earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism. As you all know, that is not the career path she eventually went down. That distinction goes to…

9 She Used To Be A Female Boxer

Parvati reports that she has studied martial arts since a child, and it seems like this love for martial arts transitioned into a love for boxing. Beginning in 2004 (two years before her first Survivor appearance on Cook Islands), Parvati began competing in boxing.

She used her love of the sport for good and helped create Knockouts for Girls, a charity organization aimed at giving boxing lessons to underprivileged children.


8 She Originally Auditioned For The Amazing Race

If it wasn’t for CBS executives, we would have never known Queen Parv. Back in the early 2000s, Parvati and a friend auditioned for The Amazing Race. Unfortunately, they were never called back. For that show!

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Fortunately, CBS executives loved her personality and decided to offer her a place on Survivor instead. She obviously accepted, was cast for the show’s thirteenth season, and the rest is history.

7 She Opened A Wellness Center With Her Winnings

After winning Micronesia, Parvati was the recipient of a cool $1 million (well, more like $600,000 after Uncle Sam takes his cut).

Parvati decided to invest this money into a business, and she and Amazing Race contestant Erika Shay opened ESP Wellness Center in Santa Monica. The center included things like nutrition counseling, boxing, spa services, and a sauna. Unfortunately, ESP Wellness has since closed.

6 She Appeared In Into The Blue 2

It’s not all Survivor and physical exercise for Parvati – she also finds time for acting! Or, found time for acting. She and Survivor contestant Amanda Kimmel appeared as themselves in the 2009 movie Into the Blue 2: The Reef.

This was just one year after Parvati won Micronesia and one year prior to them both appearing on the show’s twentieth season, Heroes vs. Villains. Both were on different tribes, with Amanda being labeled a hero and Parvati a villain.

5 She Was Originally A Hero

Some people may scoff at the idea of Parvati being a villain. And they would be right to scoff. According to her Heroes vs. Villains co-star, Candice Cody, Parvati was originally scheduled to be on the Heroes tribe.

According to Candice, the producers swapped their tribes at the very last second, placing Parvati in the Villains and Candice in the Heroes. The game may have been very different had that been the case…

4 She Married Another Survivor Contestant

In 2014, Parvati began dating another Survivor contestant named John Fincher. Fincher competed on Survivor: Samoa and is perhaps most well known for being betrayed by that season’s runaway contestant, Russell Hantz.

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Fincher finished in ninth place and became the third member of the jury. The couple was married in July 2017, and Parvati gave birth to a daughter exactly one year later.

3 She Hosted A Survivor After Show

Parvati is well ingrained within the Survivor community. Not only has she competed four times, but she also hosted a Survivor aftershow for several years. An internet talk show titled Survivor After Show aired between Philippines and San Juan del Sur.

It was originally hosted by One World contestant Bill Posley, but Parvati took over starting with Caramoan in 2012. She kept the job through to Cagayan, which concluded in May 2014.

2 She Is In The Survivor Hall Of Fame

Yes, the Survivor Hall of Fame is a real thing. It is run by Xfinity TV, and ballots are filled out on the Xfinity website. Not surprisingly, Parvati was inducted in the very first year (2010), making her one of the original five inductees.

The other four as Rob Mariano (also known as Boston Rob), Russell Hantz (an infamous villain), Richard Hatch (the show’s very first winner), and Sandra Diaz-Twine (the show’s first two-time winner).

1 She Is The Best Performing Three Time Player

Parvati holds the distinction of being the best-performing three-time player thanks to her performances in Cook Islands, Micronesia, and Heroes vs. Villains. So, Parv is the best Survivor player ever confirmed.

In Cook Islands she placed sixth, she won Micronesia, and she placed a very close second in Heroes vs. Villains. This, despite the fact that many Survivor fans believe she should have won Heroes vs. Villains. It’s no surprise that she was a first-time inductee into the Survivor Hall of Fame. She’s an absolute legend.

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