Jon Dalton, better known as Jonny Fairplay from Survivor, was arrested for larceny with his mother. The TV villain is finally getting into serious trouble with something bad he did in real life.

Fairplay is best known for lying on national television in 2003 about his grandmother being dead so he could win the family visit reward. His grandma is still alive to this day. Fairplay placed third on Pearl Islands and returned nine seasons later to compete on the first Fans vs. Favorites season, where he was the first voted out. Since then, Fairplay has taken advantage of opportunities to remain in the spotlight. From wrestling to podcasting to showing up to Survivor charity events and regaling guests with stories about his time on the show, Fairplay has made it clear he would relish a third time out on the island. That seems unlikely, not only because a considerable amount of time has passed since he last appeared on Survivor. Now, it appears, Fairplay has been arrested.


According to a TMZ report on Tuesday, Fairplay and his mom, Patsy Hall, were charged with larceny in Fairplay’s hometown of Danville, Virginia, for stealing from Fairplay’s grandma, Jean Cook. Yep, that grandma. In their mugshots, both appear unfazed by the arrest. Fairplay told TMZ“I (we) have been unjustly charged by a family member. I welcome the opportunity to vindicate myself (and my mother).” 

Fairplay had been known to be a troublemaker in his early years in the spotlight, often showing up to events publicly intoxicated and looking to stir things up. He has since dialed things back a bit, sobering up and having children. But he hasn’t completely softened up. On a Survivor version of Sequester earlier this year, he squabbled with some of the other contestants and made his attacks personal when that wasn’t necessary. He has been known to block those he disagrees with. His podcast, Survivor NSFW, has gained a niche following, aided in part by Fairplay’s willingness to reach out personally to each one of his subscribers.

This arrest may put a halt to all of the Fairplay antics we’ve known to love and hate throughout the years. Or, it could be just another blip in the unpredictable, volatile, crazy life of Jonny Fairplay. The real question is: what is his mom doing getting arrested with him? We will be anxiously awaiting the updates to how this story turns out.

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Source: TMZ

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