After experiencing success with seasons 20 and 28, Netflix is bringing a third season to its platform in November. Season 16, Survivor: Micronesia, also known as Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites, is going to be added to the streaming service for hardcore fans to rewatch and newcomers to get hooked.

Season 16 is one of the highest regarded seasons by fans. It contains perhaps the most iconic moment in the history of the show, where four women swindle an unsuspecting player out of his immunity necklace. Some of the most recognizable faces in the  franchise star on this season, including Cirie Fields, Parvati Shallow, Amanda Kimmel and Ozzy Lusth. Many of the players from this season, including fan Erik Reichenbach returned for another season after Micronesia. Cirie, Parvati and Amanda all came back for Heroes vs. Villains, which is also on Netflix. The show is currently airing its 41st season, which started slow but just had its best episode of the season.


Netflix announced Tuesday that Survivor: Micronesia would join the streaming service’s arsenal of programming on November 15, a Monday. The company tweeted, “Survivor: Micronesia, a.k.a. Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites, a.k.a. one of the show’s best seasons ever is coming to Netflix in the US on November 15. IYKYK” The images are a nod to a blindside that has been referenced more than any other move in Survivor‘s 41 seasons. But there are many more reasons to watch this season.

Without spoiling who goes home, there are plenty of blindsides post-merge leading up to the epic one near the end. There is a final two instead of a final three (always preferable, even though it’s heartbreaking to see who gets left out of the trio), a one-of-a-kind interesting final jury question, and, of course, the f-ing stick.

For fans who are locked into season 41, watching Micronesia concurrently will be an interesting experience. Season 16 was thrilling and fast-moving, much of the action propelled by the existence of hidden immunity idols. Much has evolved since then, and Survivor has come up with a million and one other offshoot advantages of the immunity idol since. Especially in a post-season 40 world where returning players may not be back on our screens for a while, it will be nice to reconnect with some early favorites in the series and ask ourselves who from season 16 might come back at some point in the distant future. A fifth season for Top 5 player of all time Cirie? Who wouldn’t be for it?

Survivor airs Wednesdays on CBS at 8pm EST.

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Source: Netflix

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