Survivor has had 40 seasons of new themes and castaways, and for its latest season, 20 previous winners returned to the island to determine who the real Sole Survivor is. Of course, that wasn’t the only twist, and this was the first season that a currency was in play – the fire tokens.

While it definitely hindered some people’s games, it was also the reason that many castaways got the advantages they did, and remained as powerful in the game as they could. To see who got the hang of the currency and changed their game, let’s throw it back to the 10 best fire token plays throughout the season, ranked.

10 Tyson’s Peanut Butter

This was more for laughs, and definitely to satisfy Tyson’s craving, but the peanut butter legacy definitely became pretty iconic for fans. After Tyson found a token on the Edge, he immediately purchased some peanut butter.

Honestly, it could be argued that it helped his strength. Of course, while it wasn’t the best play, it certainly still deserves a nod.

9 Nick’s Challenge Disadvantage For Another Player

Near the end of the season, it was cut-throat, and Nick and Michele were on the outs after Jeremy was sent to the Edge. Nick was offered an advantage, which was to will a challenge disadvantage to another player, for eight tokens.

With Michele’s help, he was able to purchase it, and made the correct choice to play it against Ben. While this was successful, and Michele won immunity, it was short-lived, since Nick himself was voted out.


8 Sarah’s “Steal-A-Vote”

Sarah purchased the chance, from Natalie, to sneak into the opposing tribe’s camp and find a hidden advantage – the “steal-a-vote”. This was a difficult one to play, and after many close calls, she played it at the same time Jeremy played his “safety without power”.

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She stole Denise’s vote, but Kim played her idol for Denise, blocking two votes. In the end, Tyson was sent to the Edge with a 5-2 split over Sophie. Her advantage certainly made some people flip, and saved her alliance.

7 Tony Paying His Extortion Cost

Tony actually received no advantages from the Edge, and the only thing he got was an extortion from Natalie. He had to pay six tokens, or else he would have to sit out the next immunity challenge AND not vote.

Tony used his alliances and gathered up three more tokens to pair with his own three. While it might not have seemed worth it, Tony went on to play the challenge, and won immunity, where he had the power to coordinate the blindside of Sophie.

6 Michele’s 50/50 Coin

Michele purchased a 50/50 game, and played it when she thought she was in danger. It made her safe, but it turned out she wasn’t going home anyway. While the coin wasn’t actually the reason that Michele stayed in the game, it’s worth noting that was a big strategic move for Michele.

When Tony was extorted, she lied and said she had spent her plethora of tokens on an advantage for the Edge – a great play. Michele was bequeathed the most tokens, and that certainly says something about her social skills and game play.

5 Tony Paying Nick To Drop The Challenge

Late in the game, during an immunity challenge, Jeff coaxed the castaways off their perch with some food. Nick and Tony were the last men standing, and Nick offered to drop out for a single token. Tony accepted, and went on to win immunity.

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Of course, Tony orchestrated another vote, against Kim, with the safety of the immunity necklace – all for the cost of one fire token.

4 All Of Natalie’s Sold Advantages

Natalie Anderson was the queen of the Edge of Extinction. From her first day on the Edge, she found multiple advantages ahead of her fellow castaways. She also always sold them to the right person – because they always bought it.

From Jeremy’s “safety without power” to Sarah’s “vote steal” to Tony’s “extortion”, she never technically ‘played’ these tokens, but she certainly changed the game because of them.

3 Jeremy’s “Safety Without Power”

This was a purchase very early on in the game, and only actually cost Jeremy a single fire token. Way later, on Day 24, Jeremy finally used his advantage, and was able to leave Tribal Council.

He definitely would have gone home, and his cheap advantage became his saving grace. Of course, he also played it when it truly mattered.

2 Natalie’s Challenge Advantages & Idols

Natalie racked up quite a lot of fire tokens from her time on the Edge. In fact, she amasses SIXTEEN. She used these to buy three advantages in the challenge, a jar of peanut butter, and a hidden immunity idol. She also gave an idol to Tyson, which was certainly sweet.

Of course, Natalie earned her way back into the game. While she didn’t win, she certainly made a case for herself, and even earned a couple of jury votes, since she brilliantly used the fire tokens to the best of her ability.

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1 Denise Buying Sandra’s Idol

While Denise may have flown under the radar for most of the game, she will definitely always be known as the queen slayer. Early on in the season, Sandra decided to sell Denise her idol for two fire tokens.

That was the best purchase for Denise, and she ended up playing the idol for Jeremy, and her own idol for herself, and single-handedly blind-sided Sandra. While Natalie was the fire token queen, this wins for best single play.

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