One of the challenges on reality TV series Survivor that viewers love to see but contestants dread is the food challenge. I don’t mean the competition where players compete to win delicious eats and drinks like pizza, PB&J sandwiches, fried chicken, beer, and soda. I mean the individual immunity or reward challenges where players must scarf down local delicacies that are often perceived as gross by those who aren’t familiar with eating them.

Not only does the person have to completely chew and swallow the food (some people simply gulp it in one piece), but they have to keep it down, open their mouths, and show that nothing’s left. They also have to do this fastest in order to win. It’s one of the challenges that makes even viewers squirm as we watch contestants heave and sometimes even vomit. But it’s pretty entertaining. So, what were some of the grossest things they’ve had to eat in the past? Here’s a look.

10 Giant Water Beetles

As part of the dreaded food challenge in Survivor: Cambodia, players were presented with a Cambodian delicacy: giant water beetles. Yes, it was just as gross as you might imagine. The taste has been compared to sweet shrimp, scallops, or crab meat. Still, you need to get over the look and the idea that you’re eating an insect before you can even think of it potentially tasting good.

The beetles were accompanied by other Cambodian delicacies served up on that season’s menu, including pig snouts, pig brains, deep-fried frogs, scorpions, and balut (see next entry).

9 Balut

Anyone who is Filipino or knows of Filipino culture and food might be familiar with this delicacy. It’s actually the embryo of a duck. You can pop it into your mouth and let it slide down your throat. Yum!

This was one of many gross food items that contestants had to consume during Survivor: Cambodia if they wanted to win the challenge, but it came back again and again, including in China, Caramoan, and Palau. Clearly, it was a favorite from the bevy of disgusting options.


8 Blood and Milk From a Cow

Yes, this actually happened. In Survivor: Africa, players cringed as Jeff Probst poured some cow blood into a container of cow’s milk. This wasn’t before the blood was drained from the cows in front of them, for dramatic effect, to prove authenticity, and to make sure it was fresh.

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Stir it up for a delicious-looking red drink. Except this isn’t the type of drink you could order at a restaurant with a cute umbrella and pineapple lining the rim. At least the serving was only shot-sized, but there was no salt to lick or lemon to suck on afterward. Surprisingly, the final two both opted to try and finish with Linda Spencer emerging victorious.

7 Mangrove Worms

Appearing in Australian Outback as part of the challenge titled “Buggin’ Out,” Kimmi Kappenberg had to down this delicacy in order to save herself from being voted off the island. And she managed to do it, eating it quicker than Tina Wesson.

Interestingly, she only had to eat this for a tiebreaker because she refused to eat cow brains in the prior round since she was a vegetarian. Even though she didn’t win the challenge, at least Tina can say she got something out of eating the worms since she went on to win that season.

6 A Spoonful of Ants

Not one, not two, but an entire spoon’s worth of crawling, live ants had to be consumed for this challenge to be won. Not only do you have to chew them as you can feel them moving around in your mouth. But you have to make sure each one is swallowed and doesn’t come crawling back up in hopes of escaping the dungeons of your esophagus and avoiding the death sentence that is your stomach.

A true trooper, Helen Glover’s husband actually had to do this challenge during the loved ones visit episode. He won and got to tour the camp and spend time with his wife, so it was all worth it in the end.

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5 Tarantula

Brian Heidik gobbled up the crawling insect during the final round of the challenge in Survivor: Thailand like it was a piece of chicken. Other contestants weren’t so receptive to the disgusting idea of food.

It worked out okay for Heidik since he went on to win that season. So at least he can say that his choice of meal that day was all worth it. Not to mention that after days with very little food, chances are anything that remotely resembled food looked good to him at that moment.

4 Beetle Larvae

Larvae aren’t exactly appetizing to look at nor eat. Yet John Cochran, a fan favorite player, surprised the tribe by showing off his mad skills for eating disgusting food in record time. Dubbed the dorky guy on the tribe, the Harvard grad wasn’t amazing at physical challenges. But he rocked this one.

The first item he was presented with was beetle larvae and he chowed down like he was dining at a fine establishment. He also had to eat shipworms, balut, and pig brains and ended up winning immunity following this four-course meal.

3 Farfaru

What is this? It’s sunbathed fermented fish that is known for its pungent aroma that smells like, well, rotten fish. And while it’s apparently super good brain food as the genius Walter O’Brien would always tell his crew on the series Scorpion, it’s, well, let’s say an acquired taste.

On Survivor: Marquesas, “Boston” Rob Mariano was one of the players in the challenge who had to try this delicacy. After the race ended in a tie, they had to try again after which Rob ended up losing because he threw some of it up, leaving Neleh Dennis as the winner.

2 Surprise Smoothie

Rather than include one ingredient, the show mixed together a bunch of gross stuff to create a super-disgusting smoothie that the contestants had to down. Michelle had actually been practicing for this challenge at home and was totally prepared. However, her desire to show off ruined her tribe’s plan.

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Knowing that she had an iron stomach, they wanted her to pretend to be grossed out and fail the first challenge so the opposing team would choose her in the final and she could hustle them for the win. But she couldn’t help it and downed the disgusting drink in under 10 seconds, blowing her cover as a seasoned gross food eater.

1 Mother of Pearl

Nacre, otherwise known as the mother of pearl, is a highly sought-after delicacy that consists of minerals secreted by oysters and other mollusks that are deposited into the shells to protect them. Whatever it is, the competitors on Survivor: Ghost Island got to, er, indulge in the same material used to make jewelry. After already choking down fish eyes, squirming grubs, and giant sea slugs, the remaining competitors moved to the final round that contained this food.

Not only did Angela win by a mile by swallowing them whole in big gulps, but a clearly hungry Michael, who came in second, continued to finish his plate even after he knew he lost. He said he’d never get to eat that food again and he’d only ever be on Survivor once so might as well make the best of the experience!

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