When season 28 of Survivor premiered during the winter of 2014, viewers were introduced to 37-year-old Latasha “Tasha” Fox from St.Louis, Missouri, who worked as an accountant before appearing on the show. During Cagayan, the tribes were split based off of brains, brawn, and beauty where Tasha was originally placed on the Luzon (brains) tribe, before switching over to the Aparri tribe during the tribe swap. Tasha made it all the way to the final six before being voted out on day 33, becoming the sixth member of the jury. This was not the last viewers would see of Tasha on the show. Here’s everything to know about what Tasha has been up to since appearing on Survivor: Cagayan.


After appearing on season 28, Tasha was included in the vote for Survivor: Cambodia, ultimately being voted to return for that season. It was during this season where she was reunited with former Cagayan players, Spencer Bledsoe and Kass McQuillen, although she had mixed feelings about it. This time around, Tasha played a much more dominant game, eventually becoming one of the three players remaining at the final tribal council. She did not receive any jury votes to win.

After playing her second season of Survivor, Tasha has not been seen on the show since. According to her Instagram bio, Tasha is now a Chick-fil-A owner. She also seems to still be a fan of Survivor, attending some premiere parties for the newer seasons. However, she is not very active on her social media pages.

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Although Tasha does not post as much as more recent Survivor players, it is clear she still remains a part of the community. She has attended events in Atlanta and Philadelphia, posing with many other cast members like Brice Johnston, Wendell Holland and Davie Rickenbacker. Earlier this year, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, Tasha and several other Black Survivor contestants posted a video to the tune of “Don’t Rush,” which became a social media trend. Also in the video were Gervase Peterson, Desi Williams, J’Tia Hart and many more.

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Tasha has spoken at length about her Survivor experience with Rob Cesternino on Rob Has A Podcast. Whether she will return to the franchise for a third go-round remains to be seen. With more seasons planning to film, it is possible that she will make a return to the show, but viewers will have to wait until new seasons to begin airing to find that out. Right now, Survivor is put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but with filming trying to resume within the new year, fans may get a new season before they know it.

Source: Tasha Fox/Instagram

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