Based on Jeff Lemire’s comics of the same name, Netflix’s Sweet Tooth follows the journey of a young hybrid boy, Gus, through a post-apocalyptic world. Gus, who is part human, part deer, spent the first eight years of his life surviving in the woods with his father and trying to avoid a virus that decimated civilization. When his father dies, Gus does his best to survive on his own but is quickly threatened by the outside world.

A mysterious man named Tommy Jepperd, whom Gus refers to as “Big Man,” guides him to Colorado on a mission to find his mother. Along the way, they meet many interesting, and often dangerous, characters. With Gus’s trusting nature, it is often a gamble as to whether the people they encounter are friends or foes.

9 General Abbot

The villain is often the least likable character in a show and Sweet Tooth‘s General Abbot is no exception. As the leader of “the Last Men,” he is responsible for the hunting and capturing or killing of hybrid creatures like Gus. In addition, the General likes to think of himself as fighting for the “true humans” when he sanctions torture and experimentation on hybrid children. Throughout the show, it is clear that General Abbot is a cruel, power-hungry bully who is willing to use any means necessary to further his own ends.

8 Rani Singh

Rani Singh, the wife of Dr. Aditya Singh, contracted “the Sick” during one of the initial waves of the deadly virus. She was kept alive, however, as long as she received a regular dosage of an experimental vaccine. When her usual doctor fakes a terminal illness and goes into hiding, Rani and her husband are met with the dilemma of whether to continue giving her vaccinations once they learn it is necessary to extract components from living hybrid children to make it.

At first, both Rani and her husband debate over the ethical repercussions, but Rani, understandably, wants to stay alive. Thus, she decides and convinces her husband that her life is worth more than the lives of countless hybrid children.


7 Dr. Aditya Singh

Dr. Singh is a sympathetic character who was put in an incredibly difficult situation. He loves his wife more than anything and he is willing to do anything for her. Unfortunately, that means making a vaccine from experimenting on hybrid children and agreeing to kill and dissect them in order to find a cure. Dr. Singh has a good heart, but it is unfortunate that viewers have to watch his convictions slip further and further away through each episode in the name of keeping his wife healthy.

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6 “Pubba” – Richard Fox

Gus’s father, “Pubba,” raised his son for years alone in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. His intelligence and ingenuity were obvious from the books that he made for Gus, the food he planted and gathered for them, and the many contraptions he devised to meet their needs.

Unfortunately, Pubba dies in the first episode of the series, leaving Gus to fend for himself, but viewers are still able to learn more about him through Gus’s eyes in dreams and flashback sequences. While Pubba did his best to protect and nurture his son, he lied to Gus for many years and failed to fully prepare him for everything Gus might face after he was gone by withholding information.

5 “Bear” – Rebecca Walker

Bear is a complex character with a tragic backstory. Gus first meets Bear in episode three when she rescues him and Jepperd from the Last Men. She and her army of kids made it their mission to train constantly to protect hybrids, believing them to be a miracle of nature. Bear was kind to Gus, offering to take care of him and hearing him out when he defended Jepperd, who used to be a Last Man. She showed herself to be capable of wisdom over anger when she allowed Jepp to live, but her army turned on her because of the decision and she was cast out. She takes to traveling with Jepp and Gus, eventually warming up to the former and always taking care of the latter, displaying her good heart even in challenging circumstances.

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4 “Pigtail” – Wendy

Wendy, a hybrid pig-human girl, was adopted as a baby by Aimee Eden. She grew up in relative isolation with her mother until Wendy secretly took in another hybrid named Bobby. Her mom’s influence is evident in Wendy’s nurturing and protective nature; she also is an excellent leader, as shown by how she took care of the many hybrids she and her mother took in.

When Wendy first meets Gus in captivity, she immediately accepts and befriends him, helping to show him that even though they are all frightened, they are not alone.

3 “Big Man” – Tommy Jepperd

Tommy Jepperd was a professional football player, a husband, and a father-to-be. After the apocalypse, he had lost everyone and everything that he cared about. He became a Last Man, “keeping order” and hunting down hybrid kids, but by the time he meets Gus, he is a reformed traveler living a life of solitude. At first, “the Big Man” is extremely reluctant to let Gus travel with him and to show Gus where he needed to go. Eventually, though, Jepperd softens toward both Gus and Bear, starting to see them as a little family. Jepperd’s willingness to sacrifice himself for Gus’ happiness and his dedication to keeping him safe helps make Jepperd an endearing character to both Gus and the audience.

2 Aimee Eden

Before the Sick, Aimee Eden lived a relatively average, lonely life. When the world fell apart, Aimee stashed herself away to keep safe. One day, Aimee decided she was tired of hiding and tired of being scared; she ventured back into what was left of the world, first freeing the animals still trapped in the county zoo and then making her home there.

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She unquestioningly took in the hybrid baby that was left on her doorstep, raising her as her daughter. And, when she realized there were countless other hybrids who needed help, she made the Preserve a reality for them to give them a safe and caring home. Aimee is the only character to stand up to General Abbot when he arrives on her doorstep with his forces. When her kids are captured, she makes it clear that she is willing to take on an entire army to get them back.

1 “Sweet Tooth” – Gus

Christian Convery, just two years older than the character he plays, does a fantastic job of portraying Gus. Gus is by far the kindest, sweetest, and most trusting character in the series. His willingness to always believe the best about people, even when he learns of their past mistakes, makes him by far the most likable character, if not also the most naive. Just like a nine-year-old, he loves candy, looks at the world with eyes full of wonder, and believes that serious arguments can be settled by a fist bump. His infectious joy binds former enemies together and can soften even the sternest heart.

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