When it comes to learning his enemies (and heroes) moves, nobody is better at it than Taskmaster. The Marvel supervillain has copied everyone from Captain America, to Black Widow, to Spider-Man. But, the one hero Taskmaster struggles to copy is Deadpool – and for good reason.

Taskmaster made his first full appearance in Avengers #196 by David Michelinie and George Perez. Blessed with an incredible athletic ability, Taskmaster has the skill to instantly copy (or mimic) the physical movement of anyone he witnesses. The mercenary’s ability comes in handy, as he’s able to fight in hand-to-hand combat matching his opponent blow-for-blow. However, his abilities fail to work against Deadpool.


Deadpool and Taskmaster have had an at-times friendly, and other times deadly relationship. In Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness’s character-defining run of Deadpool, Taskmaster took on the Merc with a Mouth. Hilariously, Deadpool confused the villain by dancing the Macarena. Taskmaster couldn’t pin down Deadpool’s erratic, unpredictable fighting moves. As Taskmaster laments about how he should be able to copy Deadpool, he gets walloped and knocked to the ground. The villain appropriately tells his fellow mercenary “you are not possible.”

In another encounter from Cable and Deadpool #36 by Fabian Nicieza, Reilly Brown and Jeremy Freeman, Taskmaster chases after Deadpool after getting sucker-punched. The fight doesn’t go well for Taskmaster, as he thrusts a blade through Deadpool’s chest only to see the antihero walk away fine thanks to his healing factor. Deadpool proceeds to beat on Taskmaster, smacking him in the jaw before knocking him to the ground. Deadpool knocks Taskmaster our with a tranquilizer. When he awakens, Deadpool thanks him for allowing him to kick the crap out of him. Taskmaster responds with “I didn’t let you do anything,” and calls him out for his lack of professionalism.

Taskmaster is one of the most fearsome villains in Marvel Comics- and for good reason. However, whenever he goes toe-to-toe with Deadpool, his copycat skills are pretty useless. Deadpool is so erratic and so unpredictable that not even the master of mimicking can track down his exact moves. While Taskmaster might have a blind spot when it comes to Deadpool’s moves, it’s more because of how crazy Deadpool is than it’s his personal failure. He can’t copy what he can’t understand. It will be fascinating to see whether Taskmaster’s MCU debut will feature any similar struggles to copy a particular heroes’ skill set. Because, as it stands, there aren’t many ways to beat Taskmaster – unless you’re Deadpool.

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