Scott McCall could never have imagined that when he went searching for a dead body with his best friend that it would lead to becoming a werewolf. However, other plans were at work, and Scott’s life was never the same in Teen Wolf.

But, his life was not the only one that changed. Stiles went from best friend to supernatural detective, and Scott’s relationship with Peter changed the course of Lydia’s life forever. From a rag-tag group of teenagers to a united Pack, the characters dealt with a lot together. After all the battles they had gone through when the series ended, some had received fitting endings while others deserved more.

Updated on April 28th, 2021 by Amanda Bruce: When a series features as many characters over six seasons as a show like Teen Wolf does, it can be difficult to make sure every character gets their due. Actors leave for other projects and can’t return, time constraints can cause dropped storylines, and some main characters might get spotlighted more than others. That’s the nature of television. It’s also why fans might wish some of their favorite characters in Teen Wolf got just a little more attention to close out their storylines.

15 Deserved More: Erica

Erica offered to be the Catwoman to Stiles’ Batman after she became a werewolf, but she never got the chance. One of the members of Derek’s newly formed pack in the show’s second season, Erica didn’t last long in the series. She and Boyd became disillusioned with Derek’s style of leading and decided to seek out a new life, running away from Beacon Hills.

They didn’t get far, trapped by the coming Alpha Pack, and their fates were up in the air for a long time. While Boyd got to reappear as the audience found out about his death, Erica didn’t. She’s written out mostly off-screen and Derek’s sister Cora entered the show – only to be quickly written out as well. The audience didn’t even get to see Erica fight for the life she so desperately wanted.

14 Fitting: Jackson

Jackson was at the top of the Beacon Hills food chain as a popular high school student and captain of the lacrosse team. Unfortunately, those things don’t make him happy. It’s evident early on that something’s missing in Jackson’s life, and he thought gaining the power of a werewolf would change that. It doesn’t, and when the show wrote him out, fans thought they’d seen the last of him.

Luckily, Colton Haynes was able to return for a brief appearance in the final season to close out his story. In it, Jackson was finally comfortable with himself and his abilities. He even had a boyfriend. The Jackson that appeared to help the McCall Pack one last time was a stark contrast to who he was at the start of the show and allowed the audience to see that someone struggling could find happiness.


13 Deserved More: Braeden

Braeden entered the series as a bounty hunter and mercenary, willing to work for anyone if the pay was right. Her own moral compass, however, meant she teamed up with the McCall Pack more often than not and ended up falling for Derek Hale.

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The last the audience saw of her, she helped Malia Tate take down the Desert Wolf. Her character didn’t make any appearances in the final season of the show, leaving her fate up in the air. That’s a shame because she was one of the most accomplished human fighters the series had, and her relationship with Derek one of the most stable he had. To be completely fair to the Teen Wolf writers, actress Meagan Tandy was appearing on two other shows at the time, making bringing her back very difficult.

12 Fitting: Ethan

Ethan goes through a lot in his short time in the series. In the Alpha Pack with his twin brother Aiden, Ethan had to do a lot of things he might not have wanted to do to maintain that Alpha status. When he lost his brother, his whole world turned upside down.

As Ethan left Beacon Hills, fans might have thought that was it for his character, but he made a return for the final season alongside Jackson. Ethan and Jackson met sometime off screen and their tragic backgrounds gave them some common ground, creating a solid relationship for the two of them. It was certainly a relief for fans to see Ethan find some happiness.

11 Deserved More: Danny

In the early seasons of the show, Danny recurred as a classmate of the main characters. He wasn’t a supernatural being, and he always seemed to be just on the outside of events looking in. Danny’s presence, however, served to humanize both Jackson (his best friend) and Ethan (his boyfriend) when their storylines got dark.

Suddenly, the character disappeared from the show. When fans wondered what happened to him, the explanation was that the character likely graduated and left Beacon Hills behind. His disappearance, however, came right after he admitted to knowing about werewolves to Ethan, which struck a lot of fans as strange.

10 Fitting: Lydia Martin

Lydia became a significant member of the McCall Pack as she learned how to use and understand her powers. Eventually, Lydia discovered she was a Banshee, which explained how she could always tell if someone was close to death, had died, or could track the location of a dead body.

Lydia’s presence on the show was consistently significant. Not just for her abilities, but also her brain. Lydia was the most intelligent of their Pack, and would often team up with Stiles to determine how to handle Beacon Hills’ latest threat. In the second half of season six, Lydia stayed in Beacon Hills to handle the last Big Bad in the series. Lydia’s conclusion sees her still with her Pack helping newly turned werewolves, but also pursuing her academic dreams.

9 Deserved More: Derek Hale

Derek Hale’s mysterious past slowly revealed itself as Scott and Stiles learned the truth about the Hale family. At first, Scott and Derek did not see eye-to-eye and were forced to spend time together to train Scott. As time went on, they grew to care for each other and formed a strong bond.

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Derek left at the end of the fourth season and was not seen again until season six, as wanted by the FBI. Rather than spending more time developing that story, Derek wouldn’t return until he and Stiles showed up together to help the Pack fight in “The Wolves of War.” For a character that had such a significant impact, it was anti-climactic that he did not have as much of a definitive ending.

8 Fitting: Stiles Stilinski

Even though Stiles did not appear in every episode of the final season, his conclusion did make sense. In the second half of the last season, Stiles joined the FBI Training Program. It was a career that followed his detective work throughout the series and Stiles’ interest in his father’s cases.

Things also worked out for him romantically when Stiles finally got together with his long-time crush, Lydia Martin. While the last minutes of the episode didn’t specify if Stiles continued his work with the FBI, he was seen helping Scott to save and train young werewolves.

7 Deserved More: Allison Argent

Allison Argent was a skilled archer. She was a solid fighter in battle and was willing to do what it took to protect those she cared for. Unfortunately, Allison’s story came to an end when she was far too young.

The Nogitsune took the opportunity to take someone the group loved from them, making his mark as a greedy villain. Allison’s death left her father, Isaac, Lydia, and Scott devastated. Allison deserved the chance to grow up and have a future. Before Allison died, she had created a new mantra for her father to live by, so in a sense, she did live on in the series.

6 Fitting: Chris Argent

Chris Argent was not a fan of werewolves when he first entered Beacon Hills. Instead, Argent was a part of a group of Wolf Hunters, wishing to kill adult werewolves.

However, after finding an alliance with Scott McCall, Argent spent more time teaming up with Scott and his friends fighting other supernatural creatures. As things started looking bleak in Beacon Hills, Argent returned to help Scott and developed feelings for Scott’s mother. In the end, Argent joined Scott’s Pack in their group’s effort to help and save newly turned werewolves.

5 Deserved More: Kira Yukimura

As a Kitsune, Kira and Scott should not have gotten along as a Fox and Werewolf. Yet, their personalities overran that, and they were kind to each other and supportive. Although Scott and Kira’s relationship was looking bright, Kira’s Kitsune was powerful and had a way of overtaking Kira. At the end of the fifth season, Kira left to train with the Skinwalkers, telling Scott she was uncertain how long she will be away.

However, Kira never returned at all. The following season Kira was hardly mentioned and did not even return when others showed up to help the McCall Pack in the series finale.

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4 Fitting: Malia Tate

Malia spent years as a were-coyote after being overcome by guilt. After turning, she had killed her mother and sister, then ran off and did not return to human form until Scott and Stiles found her. Malia reunited with Stiles in Eichen House and later attended Beacon Hills High School. With Scott’s help, Malia learned how to use her abilities and trusted herself to transform.

Although Scott and Malia’s romance may have been abrupt, it worked for their characters in the end. Malia gained much more than a romance, though. Her life was filled with supportive friends that had her back.

3 Deserved More: Isaac Lahey

Isaac was a recurring character on Teen Wolf for two seasons. Derek changed Isaac into a werewolf after Isaac had trouble with his abusive father. Afterward, Isaac was involved in Scott and Derek’s supernatural problems. He started a relationship with Allison for a short time before she died. After Allison’s death, Isaac left Beacon Hills with Chris Argent.

However, whenever Argent would return, Isaac would not be with him or mentioned. Isaac deserved to at least be in the series finale of the show. It would have been exciting to learn what happened to Isaac after he left.

2 Fitting: Scott McCall

Scott’s journey may be the most significant, given how much he initially detested being a werewolf. All Scott wanted to do after getting the bite was to undo the process, becoming human once again. Scott’s place in the series finale showed him as a True Alpha with his Pack willing to die for him.

He embraced what it meant to be a werewolf and became confident in his abilities. Scott’s story remained relatively open-ended, with Scott surrounded by his friends as they strived to save werewolves from those who hate them.

1 Deserved More: Liam Dunbar

Liam was Scott’s first Beta and always in the role of his subordinate. While that made sense, the concept of Liam stepping up in the second half of season six was brought up when Scott prepared to leave for college. Given that Scott was the central character, Liam was never going to take over entirely while Scott was still around.

However, Liam didn’t get a lot of time to develop into a future leader. Liam was a devoted Beta to the McCall Pack, even if he and Scott did not always agree. Although Liam’s ending does make sense, it could have been exciting to see Liam grow into a leadership role.

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