While Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) may be the eponymous Teen Wolf, he wasn’t exactly the only werewolf lurking around the woods of Beacon Hills. In season 3, Teen Wolf fans were introduced to some scary creatures and an array of new characters, including Deucalion’s (Gideon Emery) pack members, Aiden (Max Carver) and Ethan (Charlie Carver).

Although they were introduced as minor antagonists in the first part of season 3, fans became more intrigued by the twin brothers due to their unique shapeshifting powers and compelling personalities. They also had a mysterious past that fans couldn’t wait to see explored. However, before they could see this, their time on the show was cut short as head writer and show creator, Jeff Davis, wrote them out. This really disappointed fans since the twins’ arcs were becoming just as interesting as Scott’s, with some fans believing the twins could have had the potential to be just as good as protagonists.

8 It Would Allow Writers To Explore Aiden & Ethan In-Depth

By the time season 3 finished, Scott’s arc was essentially complete as the writers made him an Alpha (so there was a limited amount of character development left). However, with Aiden and Ethan, the writers would have had the potential to create twice as many storylines.

This would have suited their arcs in season 3, particularly as the twins lost their Alpha status (and their ability to merge) after they fought with Jennifer Blake (Haley Webb). Since they were always together beforehand, the writers were now able to explore the two as individuals in more depth.

7 Aiden & Ethan’s Were In The Midst Of A Redemption Arc

After they were turned back into Omega werewolves, the writers had begun to create a redemption arc for both Aiden and Ethan as they tried to get themselves accepted into Scott’s pack. However, since they had committed some terrible deeds, including murdering Vernon Boyd (Sinqua Walls) and beating up Isaac Lahey (Daniel Sharman), they had a long way to go to redeem themselves.

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Unfortunately, the writers wrapped this up quickly by the end of season 3 after the twins helped Scott’s pack defeat the Nogitsune and Aiden died in the process. Since there is plenty of storylines that can be explored and created with redemption arcs, this could have certainly gone on for longer.


6 Aiden’s Death Could’ve Provided An Shocking Twist

In one of the saddest deaths scenes on Teen Wolf, fans were stunned to see that Aiden had been fatally wounded after being stabbed by the Oni. While fans were glad that Aiden wanted to change his ways and become a better person, their hearts broke for his brother, who could only watch on and feel all the pain Aiden was in.

If the twins had been the protagonists of the show, then Aiden’s death would have made for a surprising twist, particularly since Teen Wolf rarely revived characters after they had been killed off. It would have been rather fascinating to explore Ethan’s mindset since Aiden was his best friend and he hardly did anything without him.

5 Aiden & Ethan Had Interesting Romances

Although Aiden and Ethan didn’t become official members of Scott’s pack, this did not mean that they were complete outsiders. While they were attending Beacon Hills High School, Aiden and Ethan both got into romantic relationships with Lydia Martin (Holland Roden) and Danny Māhealani (Keahu Kahuanui).

While Aiden’s romance with Lydia played an integral part in his character arc, inspiring him to be a better person, Ethan’s romance with Danny was also seen to humanize the young werewolf. What made the latter’s relationship interesting was that it allowed viewers to also get to know Danny more and gave him more screentime.

4 Ethan’s Life In London Went Unexplored

After Aiden’s death, Ethan had decided to leave Beacon Hills to start afresh because the town had too many painful memories. He later returned in season 6 in a minor role, where the viewers then discovered that he had been living in London and was now dating Jackson Whittemore (Colton Haynes).

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This was another twist that took fans by surprise as many fans had wondered how the pair had even met considering Jackson had departed in season 2. With this development and the new life he made in London, Ethan had the potential to become the lead of his own Teen Wolf spinoff.

3 Aiden & Ethan’s Origin Story Went Unexplored

Although fans had heard about how Ethan and Aiden had killed the Alpha that turned them, (as well as the other members of their pack), most of their origin story went unexplored. No one knew anything about their parents, how they reacted to their sons disappearing from their lives, or how they adjusted to their powers.

Since they did try to help Scott with his powers and teach him how to control his wolf, it would have been great to see them get competitive over who could control their own wolf first or if one became a kind of mentor for the other.

2 One Twin Could’ve Been Good & The Other A Villain

While some Teen Wolf fans believe that Ethan got a fitting ending (and Aiden sort of did since he wanted to become a hero by the end), could the writers have made their arcs more unique if they separated the two and made one a villain and the other a hero?

Since Ethan was more selfless and kinder than Aiden, and also the person that had to talk his twin into doing a good deed, it’s likely that Aiden could have wandered down a dark path later on. There also could have been much entertainment to see two brothers fighting it out as they battled it out for control or power.

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1 Aiden & Ethan’s Life With Deucalion Could’ve Been Explored More

While Aiden and Ethan didn’t get a lot of independent storylines, the writers did briefly explore their history with Deucalion and his impact on their life. Since he was the one who convinced them to kill their Alpha, take his power, and then join his pack, fans have been curious as to how the twins were on his radar in the first place.

As Deucalion also played the part of their mentor, fans would have been more than happy to watch a storyline exploring the dynamics between the three werewolves. Fans would have also loved to have seen Ethan and Deucalion have about Aiden’s death too and the twins’ relationship with the other members in the Alpha pack.

Next10 TV Shows Where Dead Characters Kept Coming Back

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