While Stiles and Lydia may have become Teen Wolf’s most popular couple by the time season 6 aired, this didn’t mean they had the best story. Considering how well the “star-crossed lovers” trope worked in the movies and other television shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it’s not surprising that many fans were drawn to Scott and Allison’s love story.

Despite it having a tragic and heartbreaking ending, fans would not change one thing about it as it was so beautifully written. Not only did fans have the pleasure of watching them grow together as individuals but they also enjoyed seeing the imperfections and flaws of their relationship too. It was the perfect epitome of a first love romance that still resonates deeply with fans to this day.


Scott & Allison’s Instant Connection

Described as a modern-day Romeo and Juliet, it wasn’t surprising that Scott and Allison were instantly drawn to one another once they officially met. It seemed as if other forces were pushing them together too as Allison and Scott coincidentally ran into one another outside of school too. In fact, their connection was so powerful that Scott asked her out on the same day.

While it might have seemed like Scott and Allison’s relationship was occurring quite quickly, many viewers were still intrigued by it as it provided some relief from the intense action. There was also a bit of excitement to the storyline too since fans discovered her father, Chris, was the hunter he saw in the woods. No one could wait to see this romance unfold.

Allison & Scott Slowly Fall In Love

Although Scott had initially been hesitant to continue his relationship with Allison out of fear that he would hurt her, they couldn’t stay apart for long. Not only did the two genuinely appear happy together but they were also completely understanding and compassionate when the other person was struggling.

For fans, season 1 of Teen Wolf was iconic because of this ship. They thoroughly enjoyed watching Scott and Allison explore their connection as it proved important to their characters’ arcs. It also reminded fans that despite all the mature themes and deaths, there is still some innocence and joy to the episodes.

Secrets And Mistrust Leads To Their First Breakup

The middle of season 1 was a turning point for Scott and Allison’s romance as the couple broke up once the hunter realized that her boyfriend was keeping secrets from her. Since she felt like she couldn’t trust him, Scott tried to keep a respectful distance. However, with the Alpha knowing of his feelings for Allison, he also tried protecting her from the sidelines.

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This new twist brought a whole level of intrigue and tension to the show as it seemed like the truth was on the verge of coming out. With the Argent family getting closer to Scott’s secret and Allison finding out her family’s heritage, fans were curious as to whether she would end up following in their steps and kill him.

Allison Discovers The Truth About Scott

As expected, Allison discovered that Scott was a werewolf after she witnessed him transform when her father tried to kill him. Under the sway of her aunt and witnessing what Peter did to Lydia, these two dangerous Teen Wolf then attempted to capture Scott. However, once Kate threatened to kill the young teen, Allison soon had a change of heart and did everything in her power to stop her.

This was one of the most romantic moments in the series, as it proved that Allison’s feelings for Scott were more important than her family’s agenda. Fans also thought it was quite sweet to see that Allison was fighting just as hard to protect Scott as he had done for her because she couldn’t stand to see him get hurt. Since the two did end up getting back together, the ending of season 1 satisfied fans greatly as it meant they could start afresh.

Scott And Allison Begin A Secret Relationship

Although season 1 ended on a positive note, it appeared that Scott and Allison’s lives had gotten more complicated over the winter break as Chris threatened to kill Scott if they didn’t break up. Instead of following these orders, Scott and Allison decided to keep dating in secret. Problem was, there were other forces that were trying to drive a wedge between the two.`

While it did frustrate fans to see that many people were determined to split them up again, it did please viewers that the writers were now exploring a new dynamic between the two as Allison became one of Scott’s confidants. Instead of pushing each other away, the couple was doing their best to keep their relationship healthy and maintain strong communication between them. It was quite refreshing to see them take this mature take.

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Scott And Allison’s Loyalties Become Divided

Sadly, after Allison’s mother passed away, the young couple faced a major setback as Allison struggled between her loyalty to Scott and her desire to get revenge on Derek. Since Scott didn’t confide in her as much anymore after she revealed their plans to her father, Allison, unfortunately, ended up getting manipulated by her grandfather and embraced her hunter’s heritage completely.

Although it certainly broke the fans’ hearts to see Scott and Allison on opposite sides, there was something fascinating about seeing Allison’s villainous turn. It may have hindered her romance with Scott but it definitely improved her character as it showed that she was flawed and was prone to mistakes. Allison was a lot easier to relate to this way.

Scott & Allison Break Up

Considering Scott and Allison’s arcs had been entwined for two seasons, with most of that spent trying to justify their relationship to others, it didn’t surprise anyone when they broke up. Both Allison and Scott had gone through a lot during season 2, physically and emotionally, so it made sense that they would want some time apart to grow independently.

Fans also thought it made sense in terms of the show’s progression, as Scott and Allison were also taking on more responsibilities as they grew older. While the viewers hoped they would end up together at the end, fans did go into season 3 hoping to see Scott take up the mantle as one of Teen Wolf’s most powerful alphas. 

Scott & Allison Try To Find New Ground As Friends

After spending 3 months apart (without any form of communication), Allison and Scott decided to start afresh and build a friendship. While it was obvious that their connection was still there, Scott and Allison decided to use this new bond to form a strong partnership where they protected the residents of Beacon Hills from some of Teen Wolf’s scariest, supernatural threats together.

Although it may not have looked it, many fans would agree that this friendship did strengthen their connection as they weren’t afraid to be upfront with ideas their ideas now. Since they were engaging in new relationships, Scott and Allison no longer felt like they had to be careful of each other’s feelings and were a lot more honest than they had been before. It was certainly nice to see them continue to step up and become strong leaders for their families and friends.

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Scott Is Heartbroken As Allison Dies

Sadly, Scott and Allison’s newfound partnership didn’t last very long as the young hunter was tragically killed trying to save their friends. This devastated many of the main characters, particularly Scott, who could do nothing but watch as she slowly passed away in his arms.

It wasn’t just her loved ones that were devastated by her death. The fans were also heartbroken and infuriated by it too since that meant they wouldn’t be able to see Allison and Scott reunite. What made these final moments even worse was the fact that Allison reaffirmed her love for Scott. However, given the number of times that people compared them to Romeo and Juliet, this tragedy was something that they should have expected.

Allison’s Spirit Lives On In Scott

Although Allison was no longer around anymore, that didn’t mean that her presence didn’t linger. She was certainly shown to live on in Scott as their relationship and his memories of her eventually saved his life when he was getting attacked by the Beast of Gevaudan.

Allison may have only had about twenty seconds of screentime in season 5, and they may have been in flashbacks, but fans still treasured the inclusion nonetheless. It was also kind of sweet that Allison was still protecting Scott from beyond the grave too as it showed that she would always have a place in the young Alpha’s life and heart.

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