When Teen Wolf first aired on MTV back in 2011, the world was obsessed with the world of witches, werewolves, and vampires. While this series started with its main character, Scott, transforming into a werewolf after a chance encounter in the woods, it sets itself apart with its introduction of countless mythological creatures that appear throughout the series.

Throughout Teen Wolf‘s six-season run, dozens of different characters left their mark on Beacon Hills. From new love interests, enemies turned allies, to rare shape-shifting Kanimas, the characters featured in the series always had an interesting character arc.

10 Issac Lahey

When Issac first stepped into Beacon Hills in the second season of the show, fans everywhere knew he would mean trouble for Scott. At first, Issac challenged Scott’s authority on the lacrosse team and threatened his relationship with Allison. However, once Derek turned Issac into a werewolf, he quickly developed a friendship and bond with Scott and became an inertial part of the McCall Pack.

Throughout his short stint on the series, he quickly became a fan favorite, which is why it was so unsatisfying that he left the show early after only two seasons. What made matters even worse was that he didn’t even make an appearance in the series finale, despite other former characters making their return.

9 Kira Yukimura


Kira was first introduced to the mystical world of Beacon Hills in the second half of season 3. It is quickly revealed that she is a Kitsune, with supernatural abilities to absorb and dispel electricity as well as having the power to wield a sword with great skill.

Kira only lasts on the show for two seasons, and in many ways, was meant to be the “new Allison.” Ultimately, this led to Kira not having a very interesting character arc and her departure from the show did not have a big impact.


8 Liam Dunbar

Liam made his first impression on the viewers on the lacrosse field. His immense skill put him on Scott and Stiles’ radar but it wasn’t until he almost died that he became part of Scott’s pack. To save Liam from his impending doom, Scott had to bite Liam and turn him into a werewolf, making Liam Scott’s first Beta.

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By the end of the series, it became clear that Liam would have to take on more of a leadership role by the time Scott graduated and moved on. However, this didn’t happen in the final season. In fact, after Hayden left, the writers didn’t particularly spend much time developing Liam’s character and pushed him to the side a little.

7 Derek Hale

Derek is one of the original leaders and most impactful characters at the beginning of the series. As a member of the esteemed Hale Pack, he is very knowledgeable about the supernatural world and kind enough to help Scott come to terms with who he is and how to control his new powers.

Being that Derek always tended to be a leader figure and so in control of his life, it was a bit jarring to discover that he was being hunted by the FBI in the final season. While it was nice to see him come back and help Scott in the battle for Beacon Hills, it’s upsetting that his character got a minuscule ending.

6 Peter Hale

The original villain of the series, Peter has a character arc completely unlike everyone else on the show. In season one, viewers learn of Peter’s complicated back story and the revenge plot he is planning to avenge the murder of his family. As a result of his grief and rage, Peter causes a lot of problems for Beacon Hills and the McCall Pack. When he is “killed” by his nephew, Derek, the pack eventually move on to dealing with bigger and badder villains.

However, it is quickly discovered that Peter never actually died as he continues to make appearances throughout the series. In the finale, he makes his final return to save Scott and Malia from Ghost Riders and helps the pack defeat their final foe. What is so satisfying about Peter’s arc is that while his first act on the show was biting Scott to create chaos, his final act is saving Scott from a different evil.

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5 Jackson Whittemore

In many ways, Jackson was Scott’s first true enemy. He battled him in love, lacrosse, and even the supernatural world. Other than the series finale, Jackson was only on the first two seasons of the series. In that time he manages to go from Scott’s enemy to a full-fledged villain, posing a threat to the people of Beacon Hills operating under Gerard Argent’s control as a Kanima.

Once Jackson is released from Argent’s control and reborn as a unique werewolf/Kanima hybrid, he made peace with Scott’s pack and started afresh in London. While this character was already one of the best in the series, it gets even better in the series finale when it is revealed that Jackson is dating Ethan and he returns to help Scott defeat their last enemy.

4 Allison Argent

Even though Allison was only on the show for the first three seasons, she remains one of the most important and memorable characters of the entire show. Throughout her time on the series, she served as one-half of one of the most important couples on the show. Her family drama was always entertaining and extremely crucial to the plot, and her archery skills were top-notch.

However, Allison’s death was the Pack’s first major casualty and perhaps the most dramatic death of the entire series. As upsetting as it was to see her go, watching her shoot her silver arrow into the Oni, subsequently saving all of Beacon Hills, and proclaiming Scott as her first love was truly epic.

3 Stiles Stilinski

Watching where Stiles started to where he ended is one of the most satisfying character arcs of the entire series. After all, if it weren’t for Stiles and his detective antics, there would be no McCall Pack. At the beginning of season 1, Stiles is an awkward teen, struggling to figure out his place in the world, while also breaking the rules to figure out the supernatural side of Beacon Hills.

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By the end of the show, Stiles gets a lot of the things he always wanted. He ends up with Lydia, who he had been pursuing throughout the entirety of the series. He found his place working for the FBI which aligns perfectly with his skills, and he is still fighting by his best friend Scott’s side, keeping the town he loves safe.

2 Lydia Martin

Lydia is probably the character who changed the most from the first episode to the last. She starts as someone who is very focused on her own life and ambitions. Lydia also starts as a seemingly normal teenage girl.

As the seasons go by, Lydia becomes more involved with the McCall pack and does a lot of good for the people of Beacon Hill. She also learns more about her true identity and even learns how to control and strengthen her powers as a banshee. In the series finale, watching Lydia help the new werewolves goes to show just how much she has evolved.

1 Scott McCall

At the core of the show lies Scott McCall. Throughout the series, Scott has to battle so many demons – both figuratively and literally. He went from rejecting his new life as a werewolf, learned how to use his powers to battle, became a true alpha, to leading a pack of his own, Scott goes through so much evolution.

In the series finale, watching Scott battle his final enemy brings such satisfaction to the viewers because it is clear that everything Scott had been through had prepared him for the final challenge. While watching Scott choose to stay in Beacon Hills and train young werewolves is reminiscent of his own origin story and brings the show full circle.

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