The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have had a long history since their inception back in the ’80s, appearing across film, television, and comic books. The world of the four brothers is strange and keeps on getting stranger. Their various adventures have seen them come face to face with thugs, ninjas, interdimensional aliens, but most bizarrely of all is without a doubt the monstrous mutant animals they face in battle.

Abominations twisted by science or mutated by the ooze, much like the Turtles. However, these mutants often use their newfound intelligence and strength to wreak havoc. Here are the 10 Weirdest Mutant animals the Turtles have encountered.

10 The Turtles

While there’s no doubt that the titular Turtles are bizarre, having been mutated by the ooze into humanoid turtle men, what separated them from the majority of the entries in this list in the fact that they chose to use their newfound lease on life for the greater good.

To top all that all off, each of them is relatable and found humanity through their mutation, where so many creatures did not. The turtles are here to protect the city, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to have a good time.

9 King Komodo

Komodo Dragons are already pretty big and pretty deadly (and should definitely not be kept as pets), but due to the mutating effects of a mutagen injection, one Komodo Dragon mutated and took on a new life as the villainous King Komodo.

As well as the whole speaking and being gigantic, King Komodo gained the ability to dominate minds more primitive than his own. A pretty handy trick. King Komodo now lurks down in the sewers and has a nasty habit of eating people.


8 Splinter

Splinter has had a long and storied history throughout Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stories, acting as not only a mentor to the Turtles and developing their ninja skills, but also as a father to them.

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He instilled them with the values they needed to become more than the monsters that many see them as, and could have easily have become. Did I mention he’s a bad-ass martial artist?

7 Rahzar

Though Rahzar may have not begun life as an animal, he certainly ended up as one. Instead, beginning as a man, trained in martial arts (as so many TMNT characters are) he was then mutated into a monstrous mutant humanoid wolf.

But that was the least of his problems. It was his second dunk in the tank of green gunk when things went from bad to worse and twisted him into something beyond a mutant.

6 Bebop

Long before his mutation into a pig, Bebop was already knee-deep in criminal activities. As a thief, he had made a nice living for himself taking whatever he could without a care for anyone but himself.

But what’s more disturbing than his piggy features is this dudes’ sense of style. The glasses. The necklace. What was he thinking?

5 Tokka

Tokka is a horrific reminder of what the Turtles could have become if it were not for the guidance of their master Splinter. Tokka began life as a snapping alligator turtle and was mutated by Shredder with his sole purpose being to destroy the turtles.

He developed superhuman strength but retained his low-level intelligence. Tokka never really stood a chance of being anything but a monster and under different circumstances, could have easily become a brother to the Turtles.

4 Rocksteady

A former arms dealer, Rockysteady was mutated into a humanoid rhino man-monster. Now he possesses superhuman strength and a deadly horn to boot. His appearance is particularly ironic considering as a man he was an avid hunter and had many trophies mounted upon his walls.

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In addition to this, he even has a taxidermied rhino among his vast collection. He has remained a mainstay of TMNT stories and is often patterned with the equally monstrous Bebop.

3 Chameleon

Making his debut in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Archie comics series, Chameleon aka Agent Chameleon is a character unlike any other in the world of the Turtles. A former man turned into a mutant chameleon, he now makes a life for himself by stealing secrets and selling them for massive profits.

Unlike anyone else on this list, Chameleon works for both heroes and villains without allegiance to either side. Making his one the most notorious double agents out there.

2 Fishface

Fishface holds a unique honor among the weird world of mutant animals, in that he is not only a mutated animal but is also a cyborg. Begining his life as a street thug, he was then mutated into a bizarre fish.

An odd choice for a super-powered henchman, but what the Shredder does with his money is his own business. He was then equipped with cybernetic enhancements, because, you know, the whole being a fish situation. Making him a bizarre creature like no other.

1 Bludgeon

If you’re trying to create a superpowered mutant animal henchman, you should pick an animal that could already easily kill you. That’s where Bludgeon comes in. Beginning life as a deadly hammerhead shark he was then mutated into one of the Turtle’s most powerful foes.

However, despite his size, teeth, and strength, Bludgeon is actually calm and soft-spoken. Subverting the expected blood-thirsty man-eating nature usually associated with sharks.

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