The Tekken franchise of fighting games has built its overarching narrative around its characters and their places within the ongoing conflict surrounding the Mishima Clan. Despite how most of the main Tekken story elements revolve around the Mishima bloodline and the Devil Gene, Tekken‘s impressive roster of fighters also tend to have their own plot directions separate from the grander story. The story of the latest returning character to Tekken 7 is no exception, taking a vast detour from the conflict of the Mishima bloodline and focusing on a more personal conflict.

Throughout Tekken‘s history, many rivalries have developed between the characters on the roster with something more to prove than to be a pawn in the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G-Corporation. As embodied by Tekken 7‘s tagline, “The Best Fights Are Personal,” some of Tekken‘s greatest storylines involve the personal struggles within its roster, dating back to the days of the first Tekken in 1994. The story of Tekken 7’s Kunimitsu and her motivation for entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament proves itself as a deeply personal story, tying her fate to other participants.


Early in her life, Kunimitsu was a thief, roaming the streets of Japan until she renounced her Japanese roots to join the Manji Clan led by the recurring Tekken character Yoshimitsu. She would later be exiled from the clan after being caught stealing from the clan itself, and would find herself entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament twice for different treasures: once for a pendent owned by Michelle Chang, and then again to claim the sword of her former leader in the hopes of creating a replica with her grandfather. Her second defeat led to her retirement from the ninja life, and during that time, she would give birth to a daughter.

Who Kunimitsu Is In Tekken 7

The Kunimitsu that players will play as in Tekken 7‘s Season 4 update is actually the daughter of the Kunimitsu from Tekken and Tekken 2, with those titles marking her last appearance in the series canon, and only appearing in the Tekken Tag Tournament and Revolution titles. As the daughter of the previous character, she joins other “second generation” characters on the roster, having grown up and learned under her mother in the 21 years between the events of Tekken 2 and the current Mishima Saga starting from Tekken 4.

The daughter of the previous Kunimitsu, the current Kunimitsu (referred to as “Kunimitsu II”) enters the tournament as her mother’s health deteriorates, taking on the occasional job as a shinobi under her mother’s name. After being given a job to investigate the Mishima Zaibatsu, she abandons the mission to return home to her ailing mother. Having learned of her past hunt for Yoshimitsu’s eponymous sword, she enters the tournament to try and finish her mother’s mission and retrieve the Manji Clan’s treasured blade.

Kunimitsu II reprises a lot of her mother’s trademark style in her Tekken 7 gameplay, bringing a familiar feel to fans of the ex-kunoichi. Even with the similar techniques, Kunimitsu II brings her own flair by dual-wielding her blades in combat along with a few new, acrobatic tricks that have been added to her arsenal. With Kunimitsu II taking up the mantle of her mother and the feud against Yoshimitsu, she enters Tekken 7 as the first of two new characters to be introduced in Season 4.

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