In the wake of the next console generation dropping very soon, Temtem has canceled its arrival to the PS4 and Xbox One. This announcement comes several days after the reveal of the Pokémon-inspired MMORPG coming to the PlayStation 5.

For players who have been unsatisfied with the controversies of Pokémon Sword & Shield, fans praise Temtem for taking further developments with the turn-based formula than arguably Pokémon itself has taken. The game has only been released in the form of early access on Steam, yet it’s shown great success in sales, showing that the game has garnered an audience. Temtem will be fully released on the PS5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and PC.


But with Temtem coming to the fast approaching next-gen consoles comes a price. Cremagames has announced on Temtem‘s Kickstarter page that it will be dropping support for developing Temtem for the PS4 and Xbox One. The reasons stated for this move was due to the game growing bigger over the course of development, and that with each platform being developed required its own set of patches and guidelines. “That sums up to a lot of precious time lost in just managing updates instead of developing them. So deciding which platforms we support is a key decision to keep our times,” said Crema.

For those that have already pre-ordered a copy of the game for PS4 or Xbox One, there’s no need to worry. For alternative options, Crema states that customers an either get a full refund on their pre-ordered game, or they can upgrade to the PS5 or Xbox Series X version at no additional cost. This ensures that PS4 and Xbox One owners aren’t totally left in the dust when upgrading to the next-gen console. Other games have also made similar moves with the next generation being only a few months away, such as GTA 5 and other titles from Rockstar Games.

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While this move is sure to disappoint those that were looking forward to playing Temtem on the present day consoles, the options to upgrade to the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions freer of charge does provide a form of relief. This insurance shows that Crema is looking out for those who are affected by this decision. Crema described this decision as not being an easy one, so it’s good knowing that Crema is looking out for its players in every way possible. Fans can look forward to playing to the full release of Temtem on the Playstation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and PC sometime in 2021.

Source: Kickstarter

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