Death is a tricky thing. Especially when it takes the form of a woman that has two very different beings in the Marvel Universe pining after her. The love triangle formed between Lady Death and her two suitors, Thanos the Mad Titan and Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, is one that is super weird, hilarious, and incredibly entertaining. Naturally, Thanos’ cosmic powers and Deadpool’s refusal to die thanks to his healing factor create an ongoing war, though Thanos is certainly the more desperate of the two. Thanos is also incredibly jealous as well, going so far as to make sure that Deadpool never dies.


Back in 1997, during Frank Tieri and Buddy Scalera’s run on Deadpool, Thanos secretly had it out for Wade Wilson, having grown increasingly jealous of the attention he was receiving from Lady Death. As a result, he hired a longtime foe of Wade’s, T-Ray, to go after him, using a Gemini star to bring Wade to him. The star also is used to pull apart every aspect of his personality out of him, making him super boring and unappealing to any woman, including the woman they both love.

At the time, Deadpool has no idea that Thanos is the man behind T-Ray. One by one, the aspects of his personality come pouring out, such as his feminine side, his geeky side, and his inner child, among others. However, Wade ends up breaking the Gemini star, and the components of his personality are saved, and T-Ray is knocked out of commission. Unfortunately, Wade doesn’t get to find out that Thanos is the man behind the curtain just yet. But the Mad Titan is watching…

However, the issue ends by revealing that Thanos has been observing and monitoring Deadpool the entire time, and will continue to do so. In his mind, Deadpool’s entire attitude and personality are repulsive, despite the fact that Lady Death seems to be enamored with him and his penchant for murderous mayhem. Thanos continues, revealing that there is no way that he would ever allow Deadpool to die, as that would mean that he and Lady Death, his love, would be together. Thanos claims that Wade Wilson will never know the loving embrace of death and as an act of pure jealously, Thanos decides to curse Thanos with life, presumedly meaning that he will continue to watch Deadpool, and make sure he lives forever, never being able to be with the love he desires so much.

Thanos’ act of cursing Wade with immortality would probably be seen by some as a gift. However, with love in the mix, it’s a total petty move on Thanos’ part. He’s so desperate to get with Lady Death, he would make sure that Deadpool gets to live forever in the Marvel Universe. It’s pretty wild and is only one aspect of the love triangle and war between the two that has lasted for quite a while. There are several other moments where they’ve clashed over Lady Death’s love, but this battle takes the cake.

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