When it comes to brutal deaths at the hands of Thanos, few characters have experienced more gruesome fates than Vision. In Avengers: Infinity War, he’s killed not once, but twice by the Mad Titan plucks the Mind Stone from the android’s head. In the comics, Vision’s death was just even more disturbing as Thanos ripped the guts out of the longtime Avenger, killing him instantly.

Vision’s death in Avengers: Infinity War was extremely tragic as the Scarlet Witch successfully sacrifices her partner to destroy the Mind Stone and prevent Thanos from getting it. However, Thanos uses the Time Stone to rewind the destruction of the stone, bringing Vision back to life and killing him once again while grabbing the powerful gem from his head. In the Infinity Gauntlet storyline, Vision also meets his end at the hands of Thanos – but instead of seeking out the last Infinity Stone, the Mad Titan is already fully powered, leading to a pure display of dominance by the Marvel supervillain.


In Infinity Gauntlet #4 by Jim Starlin, George Perez, and Ron Lim, Thanos toys with the Marvel heroes trying to stop him. As Iron Man tries to send a powerful energy blast at him, Thor throws Mjolnir at him, and Firelord tries to strike him, Thanos just smiles and freezes time. Thanos doesn’t stop there, as he intentionally uses just his Power Stone to impress Death, while dispatching Thor (vaporizing his hammer), turning Wolverine bones into rubber, destroying Scarlet Witch, and putting Cyclops’ head in a clear block of force. The heroes try to distract Thanos as Vision appears behind him, but before he can do any damage, Thanos punches inside the android’s chest and rips out the wires that make up his being.

It’s understandable why the MCU opted to go with a different version of Vision’s death. After all, in the comics, the powerful android didn’t have the Infinity Stone embedded in his head at the time, so he wasn’t a prime target. Thanos’ murder had a direct purpose in the MCU, as he acquired the last Stone needed to snap half existence out of reality by ripping it out of Vision’s head. It was part of his quest. In the comics, Thanos wanted to impress Death and decided to kill Vision in the most gruesome way imaginable – ripping his guts out – just because he could.

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Thanos was showing off his power in the Infinity Gauntlet saga, which led to the Vision being destroyed with a single blow. The moment showcased just how powerful Thanos was, even while using just one of his Infinity Stones. The MCU did a good job in bringing the death scene to live-action, albeit under much different context for both Thanos and Vision.

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