Red Dead Redemption 2 is a large and expansive game. Like all of Rockstar’s other open-world titles, the map is filled with unique areas, all of which have their own distinct look and personality. Whereas the first game in the series was a more straightforward Western, Red Dead Redemption 2 forgoes most of the Western trappings in favor of more mountainous, lush, green, and even swampy areas.

No matter where a player goes on the Red Dead Redemption 2 map, they are bound to come across something interesting – be it a fun random event, or a beautiful sight. But these are the absolute best of the best areas to visit.

10 Van Horn

Van Horn is easily one of the most unique locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, even if spending time in it makes one feel dirty. Amongst all the towns, villages, and cities in Red Dead 2, Van Horn is arguably the most decrepit.

The entire town is in complete disrepair, complete with crumbling buildings, collapsing docks, and even a sunken boat just resting in the water. The site is also quite unique in that its citizens serve as the local police force, shooting anyone (like the player) who makes trouble.

9 Bayou Nwa

Finding a bayou in the game was an unexpected but welcome surprise. The entire Lemoyne area is very Louisiana, with Saint Denis being a fictional version of New Orleans. Bayou Nwa is a very unique location within Red Dead Redemption 2, serving as a swampy, muddy, and generally dirty area, filled with animals like alligators, cranes, egrets, spoonbills, pelicans, and turtles.

Traversing the area can prove frustrating owing to its abundance of dangerous animals and the muddy ground that makes travel slow, but there’s no denying that it’s memorable.


8 Braithwaite Manor

Braithwaite Manor is an interesting location – not just owing to its physicality, but also its importance to the plot – storming the manor and burning it to the ground proves one of the most memorable events in Red Dead Redemption 2.

It’s a fun location, complete with a woman locked in an outhouse, a stunning, tree-lined entryway, and a plantation house resembling real locations, including Oak Alley Plantation and Houmas House Plantation, both of which are found in Louisiana.

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7 Valentine

Valentine is the first town players come across in Red Dead Redemption 2 (provided they don’t go wandering). It’s a small town without much to do, composed of little more than a train station, a farm, and a lined street with a saloon, police station, general store, hotel, and weapons store.

That said, it is absolutely breathtaking on first glimpse. Watching citizens go about their business is utterly magnetic, and the muddy streets make for a stellar showcase in technicality, detail, and physics.

6 Rhodes

Like Van Horn, Rhodes is another town that time has passed by. But unlike Van Horn, Rhodes still has some semblance of civility and cleanliness. Rhodes stands out from other towns of the game owing to its dusty red streets, lending it a very memorable atmosphere and physicality.

The Rhodes Saloon is also a gorgeous location, complete with two stories, a winding staircase, and blackjack upstairs. There’s also a fun little bonus to be found, as a captive is being held prisoner in the gunsmith’s basement.

5 Tall Trees

Tall Trees is undeniably one of the most beautiful locations in Red Dead 2, filled with giant Sierra Redwoods that make players feel tiny in the midst of nature. It is also one of the creepiest.

Strange sounds can sometimes be heard in Tall Trees, the Skinner Brothers (and the grisly remains of their victims) plague the area, it’s filled with dangerous animals, and there’s even mention of a sports team called the Blackwater Athletics who went missing around the area – likely victims of the Skinner Brothers.

4 Grizzlies West

The first Red Dead Redemption contained some snowy and mountainous areas, but nothing to the extent of Grizzlies West. Grizzlies West is a spectacular location, complete with the stellar sight of snowy mountains, bounding rabbits, and black birds soaring against a piercing blue sky.

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It also conveys a fantastic sense of scope and loneliness, the towering hills dwarfing the player and the suffocating silence making them feel alone in the uncompromising wilderness.

3 New Austin

New Austin is by far one of the most unique locations of Red Dead Redemption 2, a barren and expansive desert in a game otherwise filled with greenery, trees, and rivers. While the area is nothing but a modern recreation of the first game’s map, it does enough to differentiate itself from the 2010 original.

For example, Armadillo is a disease-ridden ghost town, and Tumbleweed is still an active town with a sheriff, saloon, general store, and gunsmith.

2 Strawberry

Strawberry is a fantastic little town. The area is absolutely gorgeous, complete with beautiful, lush trees, a lodge-style hotel, and a river running through the length of the town.

It’s also home to one of the greatest missions in the game, which sees Arthur breaking Micah out of jail and shooting up half the town so Micah can retrieve a pair of pistols.

1 Saint Denis

It doesn’t get much better, or more unique, than Saint Denis. Red Dead Redemption 2 is primarily concerned with the approach of modernization and civilization, and Saint Denis is its physical embodiment. It’s by far the largest city in the game, its streets packed with wagons, pedestrians, and horses.

There’s a ton of stuff to do, and the New Orleans-inspired architecture is simply magnificent. It’s also home to some great missions and subplots, and its billowing black smoke portends dangerous things to come.

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