When Disney+ launched in November 2019, much of its marketing campaign relied on nostalgia. It’s a strategy that has paid off for them and one they continue to lean into. In fact, most of their originals are either spin-offs of existing Disney classics or reboots of iconic Disney classics.

The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers falls into the first category as it is inspired by the incredibly successful The Mighty Ducks film franchise Disney started in the 1990s. However, the show is not without its twists, like the fact that the great Mighty Ducks are now the bad guys – something that never would have happened in the originals. With the Ducks now the villains, a whole new group of underdogs tackle the world of hockey and win over audiences’ hearts over the course of ten episodes. Audiences just can’t help but root and support these characters.

10 Alex Morrow

Lauren Graham is no stranger to playing loveable, single mother-type characters, who would do anything to protect their children, which is why she absolutely kills it as Alex Morrow.

Unlike the other hockey parents, Alex doesn’t care about winning as long as her son is having fun. This whole mentality is the catalyst for her creating the “Don’t Bother” team when her son is cut from the Ducks. And while Alex does lose sight of her “have fun” mentality for an episode or two, she ends up redeeming herself by the end of the series.

9 Evan Morrow

Like his mother, Evan Morrow toes the line between great and not so great. However, his arc is understandable and well done. After getting cut from the Ducks, Evan feels like a failure and while he appreciates what his mom is trying to do for him, he can’t help but feel like it’s a lost cause.

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Over the course of the season, Evan learns that winning really isn’t everything and ends up bonding with his teammates in ways he never did on the Ducks. In the end, Evan becomes an amazing team captain and friend.


8 Gordon Bombay

Gordon Bombay hasn’t changed much since fans met him in the original The Mighty Ducks franchise. He’s cold and stand-offish at first because he doesn’t want to get his hopes up and get hurt, again. Thankfully, that coldness begins the thaw and Gordon becomes the legendary Coach everyone knew he still had him.

From helping Alex realize she’s an amazing coach to helping Logan learn how to skate, Gordon is truly one of the best coaches out there. At the end of the day, there’s nothing Gordon won’t do for aspiring hockey players.

7 Koob

While Koob definitely gets off to a rough start with the Don’t Bothers, he eventually becomes one of the best teammates and best characters on the shows. Koob starts off as an extremely introverted character who would rather play video games than interact with anyone.

And yet, by the end of the series, Koob is surrounded by people he loves without his phone in sight. Koob’s personality really comes out during the sleepover episode and from then on he’s a fun character to watch.

6 Lauren

Some people might view Lauren as the stereotypical “weird” girl but she’s so much more than that, which is what makes her such a great character. One of the best things about her is that she’s an avid cosplayer, who is rarely without her epic cape. Lauren becomes a Warrior Princess on and off the ice.

Not only does Lauren grow in her own self-confidence, but she also helps her fellow teammates see how great they are when they’re being truly themselves. Lauren is an amazing character and an even better role model.

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5 Logan

Logan is one of the most entertaining characters in The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers. When he’s first introduced, the expectation is that he’s the wealthy kid who is definitely a ringer when it comes to hockey. However, the writers completely negated that stereotype by making him terribly at hockey. He can’t even skate.

What makes Logan so great is that he never lets his lack of skills gets him down – at least not for too long. Not only does he find a family with the Don’t Bothers but he also picks up a hockey skill or two, including his epic “pancake” shot.

4 Maya

Maya starts off as your stereotypical popular, “mean girl” of sorts but just like the writers didn’t give in to stereotypes for other characters, they don’t give in to that mean girl stereotype here either.

Instead, Maya becomes a fierce competitor and even more fierce friend to Lauren. Not only is Maya fiercely loyal, but she’s also always there to call out the team’s nonsense, like when they decide to never take off their socks, fearing it would ruin their winning streak.

3 Nick Ganz

Nick Ganz is hands-down one of the most loveable characters of The Might Ducks: Game Changers which also makes him one of the best. Unlike some of the other team members, Nick truly does have a passion for hockey, he’s just never been able to make a team. That is until the Don’t Bother form.

Over the course of the ten episodes, Nick goes on an emotional journey like no one else. He gets better at hockey, scores a goal, gets his heart broken, and also has his first relationship. Nick is definitely a winner by the end of the season in all forms.

2 Sam

One of the biggest problems fans have with The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers is that the show didn’t utilize Sam’s character as much as it should have. However, what little time fans did see him surely made an impression since he’s definitely one of the best characters on the show.

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A true daredevil by nature, Sam joins the team when Evan dares him to. And while hockey might not be his thing, he makes himself an asset to the team scoring goals even when he can barely stay upright on his skates.

1 Sofi Hanson-Bhatt

Sofi Hanson-Bhatt has one of the most complex character arcs of the entire show which makes her such a great character. She starts out as the star player of the Mighty Ducks and is extremely loyal to her team until she realizes that they’re actually not that great.

Sofi gives up her spot on the winning team to join the Don’t Bother’s and is instantly met with a warmth that she’s never experienced before. She’s a true ray of sunshine who helps motivate and unite the team while also being a fierce skater on the ice.

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