The characters in Insecure help make it one of HBO’s most original series. Issa Dee and her friends face various challenges throughout the series, and many of the plotlines involve their personal relationships. In these conflicts, audiences meet new characters outside Issa’s circle and watch as they often get pulled into the personal lives of the main characters.

Audiences easily relate with certain main characters like Issa and Molly Carter. Others like Nathan Campbell are harder to unpack. Funny characters in Insecure appear greater than some of their peers. Whatever the case may be, the best characters in the show are the ones that stand out.



Jared is perhaps one of the lesser-known characters in Insecure. However, he is one of the best personalities in the series thanks to his likability. Jared gets together with Molly until his past makes her lose her interest.

Jared is essentially insulted by Molly after he tells her he had a romantic experience with a man in his past. Jared handles Molly’s rejection with grace. Furthermore, when she shows up at his house intoxicated changing her mind, he presents saint-like patience. Things don’t work out for the two, but Jared’s kindness and confidence never wanes.

Issa Dee

Issa is the star of Insecure, and she is one of the best characters in the show. Issa is driven and presents several positive qualities. However, she is also relatable thanks to her less affable qualities. Her penchant for selfishness is presented in her tumultuous romantic relationships with characters like Nathan Campbell and Lawrence Walker.

Issa is a pleasure to watch. She’s funny and entertaining. However, she is one of the best characters because of her desire to improve. Issa is far from perfect, but she is always trying to do better. Watching Issa grow into the person she wants to become is one of the great joys of the show for Insecure fans.

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Molly Carter

Molly is Issa’s best friend, and perhaps the most developed of those in her main circle. Fans love Molly for several reasons. Molly is one of the smartest characters in Insecure, and one of the most successful.  However, she is a great character because of her flaws. Fans see Molly strive for accomplishments throughout the series. However, she can’t help but sabotage her relationships as a result of her own hang-ups.

She takes on too much, whether it be in work or in her relationship with her family, like when her mother suffers a stroke. However, she continues to press on, and put in the effort to change, even if it takes longer than some other characters. Molly’s funny, but above all, interesting to watch.

Martin Lawrence Walker

Fans love Lawrence, and he is one of the original characters in the series. He is Issa’s first romantic partner the show presents, and as such, lots of viewers want Issa to end up with Lawrence by the end of Insecure. He is one of the best characters thanks to his development.

Although Lawrence is mostly warm and affable, he has moments where his dark side comes out. Arguments with Issa after their breakup, and Condola during their co-parenting present some stubborn and ugly behavior from Lawrence. However, he strives to do right, and his rich character provides an interesting perspective on growth.

Kelli Prenny

Some fans say Kelli is the most likable character in Insecure. It’s not difficult to see why. She is one of the show’s funniest characters and is known for her snarky comments and wild behavior like when she ends up tased during Coachella.

Kelli is certainly silly, but that doesn’t mean her life isn’t totally functional. She is simultaneously one of the goofiest people in Issa’s life and one of the most stable and put together. The result is one of Insecure‘s best characters.

Tiffany DuBois

Tiffany is one of Issa’s best friends, but she stands out from the other women for several reasons. Tiffany is focused on her family, and often can’t relate to the conflicts in Molly and Issa’s lives like rocky relationships and career issues.

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However, Tiffany balances the group out, offering a window into the future of certain options in their lives like marriage and kids. Her lifestyle is different than her friends, and they love each other just the same.

Derek DuBois

Derek is Tiffany’s husband, and he doesn’t immediately come to mind when fans think of the series. However, he is one of the show’s best characters. He holds together his friendships despite the awkwardness caused by things like Lawrence’s bumpy relationship with Issa.

Derek is a great friend. He is always quick to challenge Lawrence during his conflicts, enduring difficult conversations to point his friend in the right direction. He is a loving husband and father and appears to go above and beyond for his family. He’s confident and treats all of his relationships with care.

Taurean Jackson

Taurean has one of the biggest character changes of any person in Insecure. He is an employee at the same firm as Molly and is presented as a humorless workaholic at the beginning of the series. However, fans get to know him better in the show’s final season.

Taurean proves to be caring and emotional after he and Molly get together. Furthermore, when the two go to a party in the final season’s penultimate episode, he gives the season one of its funniest bits. Taurean surprises audiences with his development.

Chad Kerr

Chad is one of Derek and Lawrence’s friends, and most regularly appears when the three hang out together watching sports or helping each other out with errands. However, Chad steals nearly every scene he appears in.

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Chad is one of the most subtly funny characters in the series. His bluntness makes for some of the show’s funniest lines. Furthermore, like Derek, he isn’t afraid to tell his friends the truth for their own good.

Daniel King

Issa cheats on Lawrence with Daniel, and it’s not hard to understand why. Daniel is effortlessly cool, and his moody demeanor doesn’t conflict with his aura of deep care for others. The way Daniel handles conflict makes him great.

Daniel proves to be forgiving, taking in Issa after she abandons and insults him. However, he isn’t a push-over and calls Issa’s flighty behavior out to her face. He’s driven for success but doesn’t put others out for his own benefit. It’s no wonder Issa couldn’t say goodbye to Daniel for a few seasons.

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