After the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series debuted in the early ’90s to revolutionize the character, The New Batman Adventures continued his animated legacy. It forms a sort of Batman animated trilogy along with Batman Beyond, but TNBA served a good transition period for the Dark Knight in this continuity.

The series was known for evolving the visuals and tone of its beloved predecessor, including redesigns of the cast of characters. While not reaching the same highs of BTAS, this show had its fair share of worthy and memorable episodes in the superhero’s mythos.

10 Beware The Creeper (8.0/10)

“Beware the Creeper” introduced one of the more obscure, wackier characters in Batman’s supporting and side cast of characters. In this episode, Jack Ryder (a reporter) gets tangled in a mess with the Joker that resulted in the latter exposing Ryder to his Venom and pushing him into the vat of chemicals.

The dangerous amalgamation of chemicals turned him into the Creeper, much like it created the Joker. Not necessarily a villain and more of an unpredictable external agent, the Creeper made for a fun wild card character among a cast of familiar faces. The interactions with him and Harley were entertaining, and Jeff Bennett’s over-the-top voice acting fit in perfectly for the colorful rogue.

9 Double Talk (8.2/10)

Ventriloquist & Scarface are some of the more underrated Batman villains in the animated shows, and “Double Talk” presents them at their most compelling. Instead of the conventional villain breakout, this episode is a true success story for Arnold Wesker/Ventriloquist and a display of Bruce’s compassion. Arnold himself isn’t a villain, but his manifestation of the Scarface persona brands him a “rogue.”

Seeing him released from Arkham, set up with a good job at Wayne Enterprises, and in an apartment with Bruce’s help made for a story and character worth rooting for. Along with Bruce helping Arnold as Batman, when the old gang tries to manipulate him into reviving Scarface, it’s among the best examples of a ~21-minute episode having an earned feel-good payoff.


8 Joker’s Millions (8.2/10)

A classic episode across every animated Batman TV show, “Joker’s Millions” is one of the standout episodes starring the animated series top supervillain. The animated shows starting in the ’90s were in large part praised for being able to balance noir with the inherently whimsical nature of the superhero genre, and Mark Hamill’s Joker is unsurprisingly in top form in blending those two aspects.

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An impoverished Joker finds himself inheriting $250,000,000 from Edward Barlowe, an organized crime boss and a rival of his. After going on a mad spending spree, he finds out his fortune was comprised of fake bills. It was a parting shot against Joker and made for a thoroughly entertaining story.

7 Never Fear (8.3/10)

Scarecrow is another A-list Batman supervillain, and the episodes that focus on him as the antagonist are exciting to watch. In “Never Fear,” Jonathan Crane develops a toxin that has the opposite effect than his usual one, i.e. it makes people devoid of fear. This, in turn, makes everyone affected completely carefree, reckless, and endangered given the stunts they attempt.

On top of Scarecrow’s haunting new redesign for TNBA, this story serves as a good dive into Bruce’s psychology. After he inhales the toxin, Batman becomes increasingly more hostile, brutal, and morally wavering. It’s a great example of why Bruce’s morals are so vital to him being a superhero, and also indicative as to why a Batman needs a Robin.

6 Growing Pains (8.5/10)

“Growing Pains” is one of the most emotionally resonating and bittersweet episodes of The New Batman Adventures, and it’s a good benchmark for how to write effectively. Robin and Batman discover a mysterious young girl around the former’s age who seems to have no recollection of who she is, tentatively named Annie. A man claiming to be her father hunts her down to bring her “home,” with Robin getting particularly attached and protective over her.

This causes the Boy Wonder to act rashly, and Batman discovers her “father” is Clayface and Annie is a being created by his clay. After Annie dies, Batman tries to console him and tells him that happy endings aren’t guaranteed. A somber, beautifully written episode, “Growing Pains” is equal parts coming-of-age, father/son story, and commentary on what it means to be “human.”

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5 Legends Of The Dark Knight (8.5/10)

Batman has been a beloved and popular superhero for over 80 years now, and “Legends of the Dark Knight” serves as a celebratory episode of that history in a meta way. Here, a group of children gathers together to recount their alleged encounters with the Batman, all through the lenses of the different comic book “ages.”

The first account tells a story in the narrative and artistic style of the Silver Age over-the-top camp, then the second tells what turns out to be Frank Miller’s iconic The Dark Knight Returns story before the actual Batman saves the kids from Firefly. It was a great episode that does justice to the legacy that Batman leaves as well as a modern legend, both in-universe and out, and the upcoming Caped Crusader animated series for HBO will have quite the weight to carry on its shoulder.

4 Judgement Day (8.7/10)

In “Judgement Day,” a mysterious and borderline ethereal new vigilante dubbed the “Judge” goes on a spree of dealing his own brand of justice on criminals. He attempts to play judge, jury, and executioner, and Batman gets involved to try and stop him before he goes too far. Throughout the episode, he hits a list of notorious rogues including Penguin, Riddler, and Two-Face.

The resolution reveals that the Judge was actually Two-Face acting as a third identity unknowingly created to fight crime, explaining why he has such precise knowledge of Two-Face’s plans. It was a clever mystery plot, and a good exploration into Harvey’s psyche, highlighting his tragic fall from grace and psychological complexity of the character.

3 Old Wounds (8.9/10)

Dick Grayson left as Robin after falling out with Bruce, and “Old Wounds” explores that troubled relationship. Dick tells Tim about his final days as Robin, when he became frustrated at Bruce’s callousness toward Dick’s private life and the way he treated a Joker henchman in front of his family.

He leaves after growing angry with both Batman and Batgirl for keeping her identity secret from him. In the present, he notices the wallet of a Joker gang victim and is surprised to learn it’s from the same henchman from years ago, now rehabilitated and working at Wayne Enterprises. It’s a tumultuous dynamic with both displaying hard-headedness, and this episode shows some positive–if indirect–growth.

2 Over The Edge (9.3/10)

While the “it was all a dream” trope is tired out, “Over the Edge” did well in selling a shocking story with the cast in dire straits. After an attempt to thwart Scarecrow goes sideways, Barbara/Batgirl apparently dies and their identities are exposed. This sends Gordon on a revenge-ridden crusade against Batman that has the former even enlist Bane to help throw the Dark Knight in Arkham Asylum.

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Bane ends up killing both of them, with Barbara waking up and realizing she was just hallucinating from Scarecrow’s toxin, playing on her fear of keeping the Batgirl identity secret from her father. It’s a good “what if?” kind of episode that feels like it could’ve happened in another timeline.

1 Mad Love (9.4/10)

Another classic, “Mad Love” is mostly a Harley story. After another Joker scheme is foiled, Harley goes on to try and kill the Bat herself to prove her “worth” to him. Harley nearly has an epiphany that Joker treats her brutally and that should’ve continued her career as a psychiatrist before ultimately misplacing her frustrations on Batman.

She effectively captures Batman and nearly kills him, but he gives her a rude awakening that Joker loves no one but himself, and that he has manipulated her from the day they met. Joker ends up angry she upstaged him, allowing Batman to escape and defeat both of them. It’s a good highlight of the scale of Joker’s unchecked self-obsession, and Harley’s deep-rooted misunderstandings of him–as well as Batman’s wit.

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