The beta of Halo Infinite has been out since November 15, and in that time, its player base has been able to grow accustomed to its many maps. These maps have a lot to live up to, as the maps from previous Halo games are now iconic pieces of gaming history.

Places like Blood Gulch and Zanzibar have been enjoyed for decades, and the same people who play these maps expect a high level of polish from the ones found in Infinite. Luckily, 343 rose to the challenge and created many great maps which will be enjoyed for years to come.

10 Launch Site

While no map in Infinite is inherently bad, Launch Site is probably the least entertaining. Visually, the map is very bland. It lacks a certain pop and is oddly colorless, favoring the drab greys of concrete and industrial buildings.

This map also tends to host One Flag CTF, which is not one of the best multiplayer modes. Finally, the map is far too big for 4 v 4 gameplay, and it results in a lot of downtime and boring traveling. This could be a good map, provided it was tweaked and re-worked a little.

9 Deadlock

Deadlock is one of those maps that are way too big for its own good. Deadlock is simply massive, and the main problem is its openness. Starting assault rifles and pistols are virtually useless on this map, and successful play necessitates the use of battle rifles or other ranged weapons that need to be picked up (which isn’t always a guarantee).

It also allows the likes of Ghosts and Warthogs to run rampant, resulting in total chaos (and not the fun, BTB type). Plus, it’s just a relatively ugly map, full of drab colors and boring rocks.


8 Bazaar

Bazaar seems to be a divisive map, and opinion on it will vary wildly depending on personal play style. The map is both very small and very cluttered. As a consequence, gun battles can feel both claustrophobic and chaotic.

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Not only does the map contain a lot of verticality, but it also contains many walls, hallways, corridors, and hiding places that make fluid gunfights difficult. The map seemingly encourages a more stealthy and careful approach, and that is not Halo’s MO.

7 Live Fire

There’s nothing truly exceptional about Live Fire. It’s a decent mid-tier map and nothing more. It has a very mirrored layout, with three distinct “lanes” and sections (more on that in a bit). But there are some problems.

It contains many good hiding places (like the sniper tower), which makes games of Oddball descend into boring funnel-type shootouts. It’s also (arguably) the most visually bland map in the entire game. There’s nothing that stands out, nothing that is unique or creative, and nothing that really screams Halo. In short, Live Fire is fun but completely forgettable.

6 Aquarius

Aquarius is a perfect “middle of the road” Halo map. It’s not boring, but it also doesn’t stand out in any meaningful way. The thing most people will discuss in regards to Aquarius is its physical layout.

It contains a very traditional and very old-school three-lane layout, which is something that all the best first-person shooter games utilize. It’s a simple and classic layout, and it makes games of Capture the Flag very equal and very fun. It’s also a visual treat, complete with popping colors of yellow and green.

5 Recharge

Recharge is a very strong map, and it will likely become one of Infinite’s mainstays. The map is a visual treat, full of futuristic Halo aesthetics. Simply walking around and exploring the sights contains a lot of enjoyment. The design of the map must also be commended.

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It contains many unique areas and “rooms,” which makes it a strong map for domination-type modes like strongholds and total control. Finally, it has a terrific sense of verticality, which helps the map appear bigger and more ambitious than it actually is. Simply moving through this map is a treat.

4 Streets

In the case of Streets, the city is practically a character. Streets is by far the most visually wondrous of the small-scale maps, full of bright neon colors and gorgeous open spaces. The sound design is also impeccable, as the quieter moments of gameplay reveal nice subtleties like passing police sirens.

Even putting aside the solid layout and strategic opportunities of the map, Streets stands as one of Infinite’s most memorable based solely on its visual and auditory experience.

3 Fragmentation

It seems like Fragmentation is Infinite’s default BTB map. It seems to come up far more often than the other two, and it obviously takes its cues and inspiration from two base Halo maps of old like Valhalla.

It’s a beautiful map, filled with towering green trees and scary-looking cliff faces. It also contains a nice level of variety, from the open middle section to the more cluttered sides and interiors. While it’s just as unfathomably large as Deadlock, its variety and visual style go a long way in helping it go down easier.

2 High Power

Arguably the greatest BTB map in Infinite is High Power. High Power strikes the perfect balance between size and gameplay. Whereas the other BTB maps might be a little too big for their own good (resulting in lots of traveling and downtime), High Power favors fast-paced combat.

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There’s one large central area where most of the action takes place, and it doesn’t take long to get there from the spawn. Furthermore, the layout of the map also favors verticality and sniper nests, allowing for a good variety of play styles. This is BTB Halo done right.

1 Behemoth

Behemoth harkens back Combat Evolved’s best multiplayer maps, perfectly mixing balance with scope. Behemoth is a classic three-lane map, with two outside areas accessible by launchpad and a middle underground section protected by buildings.

It’s the perfect map for Capture the Flag, and its size also proves accessible for fluid Slayer matches. Behemoth also contains some beautiful art design and strikes the perfect balance between close-quarters combat and epic vehicle-based action. It’s the perfect Halo map.

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