If there is one accolade that the second to last installment of the Harry Potter franchise could receive, it would be the ‘most talky’ award. The fact that the film is centered primarily on a series of conversations that set up the events of the final film is often the reason why fans refer to this film as one of the weakest in the series. However, within its abundant dialogue, fans are treated to a lot of great quotes.

This deep dive into the film endeavors to find the most powerful, funny, evil, and uplifting quotes spoken throughout the second to last Harry Potter film.

10 “Dobby Is A Free Elf …”

We first met Dobby the House Elf back in The Chamber Of Secrets and he remained a force of comedy, annoyance, and cuteness throughout the rest of the series, even if the films didn’t give fans as much as the books.

Hearing Dobby’s pride at his freedom was one of the best things the second to last Potter film gave us: “Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!”

9 “To Be With Friends …”

Unfortunately, after Dobby’s powerful moment of pride at his freedom, tragedy strikes. He saves his friends, but Bellatrix Lestrange is able to throw a knife into his stomach.

When they arrive on the beach, Harry holds Dobby in his arms he passes away, stating his final words: “Such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend.”


8 “Bury Him Properly …”

Next, the audience sees Harry’s mourning of Dobby. Everyone knew the whole way through the franchise that Harry would put himself on the line for basically anyone, and his commitment to Dobby is shown here.

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Harry says, “I want to bury him. Properly, without magic” because he wants to prove to Dobby how much he truly cares.

7 “Won’t Last …”

The final two films in the Harry Potter franchise are where we really learn how much Ron loves Hermione. He just doesn’t want everyone to know just yet.

“We won’t last two days without her,” he explains to Harry, before quickly adding “don’t tell her I said that,” for prosperity.

6 “If You Sneeze …”

While the Mad-Eye Moody we knew in The Goblet Of Fire was actually revealed not to be the man himself, he was still a source of humor at times.

By the time we have become familiar with the real Mad-Eye, the same quips are here. Just minutes before his death he explains: “If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose.” This is an example of classic Mad-Eye bluntness.

5 “The Forest Of Dean …”

Hermione’s short monologue after they manage to find a new temporary hideout (a difficult feat after being used to the safety of Hogwarts for six years) sums up the change each of the characters has had to make and what they’ve gone through.

“Forest of Dean. I came here once with Mum and Dad. That was years ago. It’s just how I remember it. The trees, the river, everything. Like nothing’s changed … not true of course. Everything’s changed. If I brought them back here now, they’d probably not recognize any of it. Not the trees, not the river… not even me.”

4 “These Are Dark Times …”

The first lines from The Deathly Hallows Part 1 are so powerful, simply because they kick off the end of the series and the fight against darkness:

“These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: We, ever your servants, will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you! Your Ministry remains … strong.”

3 “We’re Identical …”

There are many sources of comedy littered throughout Harry Potter, but none are more prominent than Fred and George, the identical twins of the Weasley Family.

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In a scene that’s already filled with humor (the same one in which Mad-Eye talks about sneezing), the pair transform into Harry lookalikes and exclaim: “Wow! We’re identical!”

2 “Saint-like …”

At the point in the film where fans hear this quote, no one is aware (not the audience or the characters) of the tragedy that is about to befall Fred and George.

Luckily, after George loses his ear and delivers the classic “I’m holy” one-liner, Fred responds with disdain for his twin’s comedic timing: “The whole wide world of ear-related humor, and you go for ‘I’m holy’. You’re pathetic.”

1 “Harry Is The Best Hope …”

This final quote has an important dual meaning. It is not only delivered powerfully when the characters are identifying themselves at the Burrow, but it speaks volumes of the situation they’re in.

The last two words Dumbledore ever said to Lupin and Kingsley were, “Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.” It puts a lot of responsibility on Harry’s shoulders while furthering the idea that the Order Of The Phoenix are basically being led blind into a situation they don’t quite understand, but they have to believe in.

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