In Marry Me, a romantic comedy starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson, a singing superstar named Kat Valdez discovers her fiancé, Bastian, has been cheating moments before their wedding, which is supposed to take place on stage at her live concert. Instead of marrying Bastian, she chooses a random guy from the crowd and marries him instead: Charlie.

The main characters in this movie grow throughout the film, each learning to make better and more mature choices. This different approach to rom-com character development has made this movie fun to watch, and not so easy to forget. These ten quotes best exemplify the important moments in the growth of the characters, and best show who they are.


Charlie Is The King Of Dad Jokes

“Of Course. I Was Just Going To Ask You The Same Thing. If I Could Walk In Alone, You Know, For My Street Cred.”

Charlie’s relationship with his daughter, Lou, is one of his most endearing traits. He cares for her and supports her but is also a little lost on what to do with a preteen girl. He makes up for his cluelessness, however, with his quippy dad jokes.

When driving Charlie to school (where he also works), Lou requests that she enter the school alone. Charlie’s response shows that he is a classic dad with a funny bone that makes his daughter cringe. This quippy character was perfect for Owen Wilson, and will likely be ranked among his best within the rom-com genre.

Colin Hints He Doesn’t Like Bastian

Kat: “‘Then On The Shore Of The Wide World I Stand Alone, And Think ‘Til Love And Fame To Nothingness Do Sink’” It’s Keats. You Think He’ll Like It?”

Colin: “If Somebody Explains It To Him, Yeah.”

Colin is Kat’s manager, and he seems to put up with a lot. A man in fairly constant exasperation, he still manages to support Kat around every corner. However, he drops a few hints here and there that he isn’t in full support of her decision in men.

Colin’s constant support for Kat shows just how much he loves her, but his comment about Bastian is the audience’s first hint that he may not be the right match for her, and an example that Kat and Colin’s friendship is better than some couple’s romances.

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Kat Loses Faith in Love

“We Get So Caught Up In What We Want Our Life To Be That We Forget What Love Actually Is. A Lie. A Fairy Tale That You Sold Yourself So Long Ago That You Forgot It Wasn’t Real.”

Kat is live on stage and devastated, realizing that the man she was going to marry has been sleeping with her assistant. Her heartbreaking monologue on stage reveals that she is a dreamer who has just been looking for love. In defeat, she decides to marry the first man she sees.

This moment is also the first we see of Charlie’s compassion. The pain on his face as he watches a stranger’s heart get broken speaks volumes about his character.

Charlie Becomes An Instant Fan

Bastian: “Who The Hell Do You Think You Are, Man? Some Fan?”

Charlie: “No. I’m Not A Fan. Just, Well, I Mean, I Am Now.”

Charlie didn’t go to Kat’s concert a fan, but he certainly left one. When Bastian questions who Charlie is, he explains that he isn’t just a fan, but quickly reassures Kat that he is one now.

This moment shows Charlie’s compassion again. Despite being confronted by a fairly tough singer, he is still worried about being sensitive to the feelings of others.

Kat Takes A Chance On Charlie

“You Haven’t Lived Unless You’ve Failed”

Kat is no stranger to failure, and she has learned to embrace it. She has been married multiple times already and has had to fight to earn her fame and fortune. When her plan to get married on stage and live happily ever after fails, she initially goes off the rails, but once she calms down, she is prepared to own her decisions.

When faced with the possibility that her decision to give Charlie a chance in order to pacify her audience could fail, she chooses to take the risk anyway, knowing that not trying would be a waste.

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Kat Turns Into The Skid

“You Know What They Say To Do When Your Car’s Skidding Out Of Control? Hit The Gas And Turn Into It.”

Kat’s life is spinning out of control, and Colin is heartbroken to see it. But when he argues with her about the way to proceed, she assures him that she is making the right decision.

She knows that if she panics, and tries too hard to do damage control, everything will fall apart. Instead, she chooses to “turn into it” and let everything run its course.

Colin Is The Protective Brother Type

“People Love Their Artists To Bare Their Souls, Then Vilify Them If They Go Too Far. Well, I’m Not Going To Let Them Do That To Her. And I’m Asking You To Help Me.”

It becomes clear as the movie goes on that Colin loves Kat like a sister. He may not always agree with the decisions that she makes, but he chooses to support her nonetheless.

When Charlie is resistant to participate in their plan, Colin gives a speech about the things Kat has had to overcome in order to achieve what she has, and how difficult every step has been for her. Ultimately, his genuine plea for Charlie’s help is successful, and Colin’s dedication to his friend is one of the many details that make Marry Me stand out as a romantic comedy.

Charlie Defines Love

“Love Is About Sacrifice And The Day-To-Day.”

Charlie’s definition of love reveals a lot about his expectations in a relationship. When Kat wants to perform with Bastian in order to secure herself a long-awaited award for their song together, he cannot bring himself to ask her not to. However, the sacrifice is still important to him.

Charlie is willing to make sacrifices for Kat, but when he sees that he is not comfortable with the situation she is in, he knows that he has to bow out. Once Kat decides that she is all in, however, he is right back in the game.

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Kat Is Done Making The Same Bad Decisions

“They Say If You Want Something Different, You Have To Do Something Different.”

Kat repeats this quote multiple times throughout the movie. It serves as her reminder to stop making the decisions that led her down the wrong path so many times before.

She uses this mantra to help herself realize that Bastian was never the love she had been looking for and that the impulsive, yet fundamentally different decision to choose a good man had succeeded in her finding what she had always wanted: true love. This decision to make less toxic decisions separates Marry Me from other rom-coms, and gives this role a shot at one of Jennifer Lopez’s bests.

Charlie’s Words of Wisdom

“If You Sit In The Question, The Answer Will Find You.”

Charlie’s biggest piece of advice is also repeated multiple times and serves as a reminder of the movie’s theme as well. Sometimes, just waiting and listening is all you need to find the answer.

Through time apart, Kat realizes that her newest hit song was not about Bastian at all, but about Charlie. Charlie realizes that he can’t stand to be away from her. This comes to a conclusion at Lou’s Mathalon, where Lou ultimately sits in the question and finds the answer to the problem she had been too afraid to solve.

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