The Amazing Spider-Man films failed to ignite audience interest the same way that Sam Raimi’s definitive original trilogy did, which was a letdown. Part of the reason for the lukewarm reception was the casting of Andrew Garfield in the lead role, which many Spider-Man fans felt was the wrong choice.

Nevertheless, the two films did manage to capture a good dose of what made the character so popular, and this was evidenced in a series of excellent quotes that stood out within the script. Several characters, including Spidey managed to give the films some staying power, thanks to these funny zingers, words of wisdom, and ominous revelations.


When The Police Fail To Arrest Spider-Man (The Amazing Spider-Man)

“So, Thirty Eight Of New York’s Finest, Versus One Guy In A Unitard. Am I Correct?”

Captain Stacy wasn’t too pleased when New York’s finest failed to capture the wall-crawling superhero that had begun stealing his thunder. To him, Spider-Man was a menace, not a force for good, and he expected his men to put an end to his campaign, quickly and quietly.

However, after two failed attempts, Stacy was gobsmacked by the NYPD’s inability to nab Spider-Man. Little did he know what the police were up against, and it was far more than just a fast, agile kid in a homemade costume.

The Ditzy Car Thief (The Amazing Spider-Man)

“Really? You Seriously Think I’m A Cop? Cop In A Skin-Tight Red And Blue Suit?”

Spider-Man has had plenty of cool-looking comic book suits that were not symbiote-based, but the classic is still the best, even if it gets some laughs. In the first Amazing Spider-Man film, Peter confronts a car thief, who reacts in startled fashion, before asking him this hilariously inept question.

Spidey reacts as expected, with a mixture of amusement, and complete astonishment. Either the criminal in question thought the NYPD was rolling out a new uniform, or he was one of the dumbest lowlifes in the city.

Captain Stacy’s Change Of Heart (The Amazing Spider-Man)

“I Was Wrong About You, Peter. This City Needs You.”

Captain Stacy started out in direct opposition to Spider-Man, much like J. Jonah Jameson, and part of that had to do with his sense of law and order. In his world, vigilantes had no place, and he viewed it as the thin edge of a knife between order and chaos.

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However, after seeing what New York City was up against, and the man who would stop it, Stacy had a change of heart. He acknowledged that he was wrong about Spider-Man, and proclaimed that he was the superhero the city needed.

Aunt May’s Words Of Encouragement (The Amazing Spider-Man)

“Peter Parker, If There’s One Thing You Are, It’s Good. Anyone Has A Problem With That, Can Talk To Me.”

Aunt May was always Peter Parker’s rock, especially after his beloved Uncle Ben was killed. She kept his spirits up, gave him sage advice when needed, and helped keep him on the straight and narrow. Aunt May is prompted to say this line after Peter reveals he believes he’s no good for Gwen Stacy (despite the amazing chemistry between himself and Emma Stone), and she immediately jumps to his defense.

Aunt May is always in Peter’s corner and this quote summarized exactly how she felt about her nephew; she didn’t hesitate to let him know what a good man he was, inside and out.

The Lizard’s Delusion (The Amazing Spider-Man)

“All These Souls, Lost And Alone. I Can Save Them. I Can Cure Them. There’s No Reason To Stop Me, Peter.”

Dr. Curt Connors became the Lizard largely by accident, after experimenting with something he should not have. His intentions were pure, but the Lizard’s animalistic call was too much for him to ignore, and ended up overriding his better judgment.

This quote summarized what Connors was thinking when man and beast collided, fighting for control over a single mind. He believed that his work was just, but in the process, he would have triggered a catastrophe the likes of which the world had never seen. His fight with Spider-Man ended up becoming one of the best scenes of the Andrew Garfield films.

Realizing The Weight Of Being A Superhero (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

“Every Day, I Wake Up Knowing That The More People I Try To Save, The More Enemies I Will Make.”

Part of Spider-Man’s character is his unintentional brushes with tragedy, and the more he gets close to people, the more they end up in the line of fire. Whether by accident or as a direct result of his actions, those closest to him tend to suffer.

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Along the way, Peter’s good deeds ended up nabbing him quite a roster of supervillains who despise him. The more enemies he made, the less stable and secure his relationships with loved ones became.

Gwen Sums Up Her Feelings (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

“You’re Spider-Man, And I Love That, But I Love Peter Parker More.”

Gwen Stacy was Peter’s first true love, even though their fates were not permanently entwined. That’s what makes this quote so much sadder, for Gwen was the first to really understand the burden placed upon Peter when he became the wall-crawling superhero.

To her, Spider-Man was amazing, but he was nothing without the man underneath – Peter Parker. Spidey was as much of a mask as the costume itself, but only Gwen got to see the deepest, and most intimate parts of Peter. It created one of the most memorable moments of the Amazing Spider-Man films.

Aunt May’s Words Of Wisdom (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

“Everyone Has A Part Of Themselves They Hide. Even From The People They Love Most.”

Aunt May spoke real wisdom when she uttered this quote, which summed up human nature quite effectively. Every person has a dark side, or at least, a side they feel ashamed of, and want to keep hidden. For Peter, it was much more complicated than that, given his superhero status.

Even though he couldn’t tell her what was going on, Aunt May could tell, and she sympathized with his plight. The quote is remarkable in that it shows how understanding Aunt May is, whereas other people might have tried to pry the information out of him, at any cost.

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The Green Goblin’s Intentions For Gwen Stacy (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

“You Don’t Give People Hope. You Take It Away. I’m Gonna Take Away Yours.”

The Harry Osborne of the Amazing Spider-Man films was afflicted with a rare genetic disease, which was causing him to die slowly. He was enthusiastic about getting a sample of Spider-Man’s blood, in order to find a cure, but Spidey knew the dangers it would pose, and refused.

Afterwards, Osborne succumbed to his darker urges, becoming the Green Goblin. His first order of business was to exact revenge on Spider-Man, by taking away his version of hope – Gwen Stacy. To Peter, losing Gwen would have been worse than death, which was the point.

Spider-Man Vs. The Rhino (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

“On Behalf Of The Fine People Of New York City, And Real Rhinos Everywhere, I Ask You To Put Your Mechanized Paws In The Air.”

The Rhino was one of the dumbest criminals Spider-Man ever faced, but he made up for it with a rather imposing suit of mechanized armor. It was enough to make Spider-Man do a double-take, but he never lost his sense of jovial fun, and his penchant for ridiculing his foes.

This quote helped sum up how Spider-Man dealt with each of the supervillains he faced off. Psychological tactics were part of his bag of tricks, and he knew that the more angry his enemies became, the more inclined they were to slip up. It was also one of the best Spider-Man moments in the Andrew Garfield films, as it showed Peter getting back into the saddle after suffering a traumatic loss.

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