Skyrim remains one of the best RPG games ever made, even after all these years, but fans have witnessed some hilarious glitches and events that have made for some of the best memes. Even some of the normal game mechanics and quotes have become cliches and inside jokes for the fandom.

Reddit is the perfect platform for communities and fandoms of all kinds, but especially great for gathering together all the best Skyrim content and memes for fans to share and appreciate together — although only the die-hard fans might understand all of them.


“Oh! A Journal!”

Even with some of the best Skyrim dungeon and cave mods, the game has some recurring themes — such as these lost journals. This now-deleted Redditor perfectly portrays the humorous reality of finding these journals in several caves and ruins around the map.

Although not in every cave or dungeon the player ventures into, a group of adventurers or bandits’ failed journey is a recurring theme for many of them. Perhaps it’s meant to make the place seem a little more menacing for the approaching Dragonborn. Still, it also makes it a little funny that no one else seems capable of making it through except for the player — who is good at everything, apparently.

The Quest Marker Knows Best

It’s a well-known fact that Skyrim‘s mountains and hills are a difficult task to hike over sometimes. While there are obvious paths to navigate around them, it’s easy for players to get lost following their quest marker instead of finding a reasonable way past.

YourSauceAndSaviour posted this meme a year ago, but it remains one of the most relatable and best on Reddit. Even the most experienced players can admit that they have tried to hike up the side of a mountain in an attempt to get to the quest as quickly as possible and risk their lives in the process, rather than take the easy way around. If players misjudge a fall or jump on the mountain, it can send the character grunting and flopping down the side, which, although frustrating, is still one of the funniest events in Skyrim.

God-Mode Lydia

Followers, such as Housecarls or hired muscle, can be helpful in a player’s battles or journeys around Skyrim. Most of them are pretty strong and can assist in difficult boss fights, while other times, they might make things a little more difficult, depending on a player’s play style.

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Lydia is a fan-favorite Housecarl anointed to the Dragonborn during the main quests, and while she helps carry the player’s “burdens,” she isn’t very good at stealth. Reddit user nickruahl shared this meme that demonstrates how she tends to mess things up for stealthy players. That’s why players testing their hand at stealth and bows might want to consider going it solo unless their followers are from the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood.

“Must Check … Every Last One!”

Players who are diligent about investigating every last crevice and looting potential in dungeons might be able to relate to this silly meme comic posted to Reddit by NarcissisticEyes. While it’s always unpredictable what someone might find hidden in each chest or urn, it does have fans wondering if it’s even worth checking each one.

Chests are usually known for carrying decent loot, or at least one good item for players, especially because some require lockpicking. However, these urns found in most dungeons and caves are notorious for being empty 99 percent of the time. Despite this known fact, it’s just so tempting for players to search them anyway, as if they will miraculously hold more than two pieces of gold.

And That’s The End

This meme, posted by grumpybatman, uses this moment from SpongeBob Squarepants to explain just how rewarding it is to finish the main questline — which is, not at all. Fans on their first playtime might expect to collect the best loot as a reward at the end of the quest for saving the world once again, but it’s a little underwhelming.

While there is so much lore and history connected to the main questline in Skyrim, players lose a bit of the immersive experience at the end when none of the NPCs seem to realize they were just saved from a demonic dragon that could have destroyed the whole world, minus perhaps a few guards that randomly comment on the player’s status or reputation. In fact, players can receive more rewarding loot from completing side quests or DLCs than they can from the main quests.

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“My Last Lockpick …”

While the lockpicking in Skyrim is a lot more strategic and immersive than the last few Elder Scrolls games, it can still be a stressful mechanic for players to navigate. Expert level locks and above are supposed to be difficult to get, but sometimes even Novice locks find a way to finesse players out of their lockpicks.

Lockpicking can be very stressful in Skyrim and take quite a while to figure out the exact right spot to start twisting. Players might go through countless lockpicks to open one chest, and even when they think they finally have it, their pick could break at the very last moment — which is why this meme by supbiatches1 on Reddit is so funnily accurate. Players with few lockpicks should probably ask themselves if it’s really worth trying.

After Lucano Pays For Returning The Claw

The venture into Bleak Falls Barrow is probably one of the best base game quests in Skyrim, and where players first discover Shouts, Draugr, navigate puzzles, and unlock gates with the help of a special claw. Players can also pick up a sidequest from the Riverwood Trader, Lucano, to bring back the gold claw to him for some extra gold — which is what this silly meme by Foxbayk refers to.

Lucano asks the Dragonborn to bring back the gold claw stolen from him, which was taken to Bleak Falls Burrow and used to get through the dungeon. Although the player only gets 600 gold for returning the claw and a chance to marry Lucano’s sister, it really isn’t that rewarding in the end. Players can easily steal back the claw after receiving the gold and go on their way with their collectible.

Quests In Skyrim Could Take Years

Reddit user radiakmjs posted this with the caption, “Based on a true story,” and it perfectly illustrates just how silly timelines in Skyrim can be, considering how many quests the player can have at once which they choose to prioritize.

One of the best things about Skyrim is the seemingly endless supply of quests found all around the map, that players can choose when they want to complete and how many they want to take on at one time. However, it seems humorous to think about pausing a questline midway to complete a different task and leaving the connected NPCs waiting in suspense for an indefinite amount of time.

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“Hail Sithis?”

The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim was a step up from the last few games, including some fascinating and sinister new content and quests. Although it is definitely one of the best clubs to join during playthroughs, there are plenty of memes connected to the group’s initiation, such as this one from Meme_Bro68.

After completing the initial quests with little Aventus Aretino in Windhelm, players must sleep to trigger contact with Astrid and begin with the Dark Brotherhood. While it is well known now that the player will be taken to a disclosed location to begin their initiation, it still leaves fans wondering just how, realistically, Astrid managed to kidnap their characters and waken them all the way over at this mysterious cabin.

Skyrim Vs Oblivion Character Creation

Oblivion really did seem much better than it was back in the day until Skyrim came around and once again brought the Elder Scrolls universe to another level. The character creation in specific has improved so much between the two games, especially with the collection of mods to create a better Skyrim character.

This meme by Alyssa6693 is funny — no shade to Zucc — because it wasn’t obvious just how bad the character creation in Oblivion was until fans could compare the two games, and now they are cringing at the thought of the attempted character creations back then. While even the base graphics in Skyrim don’t seem like much compared to what developers can do now in their games, the help of mods does make quite the difference.

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