In the third chapter of UbiSoft’s Watch Dogs games, London has become a dystopian cyberpunk near-future with the only hope being a group of hackers known as DedSec. Watch Dogs: Legion has literally hundreds of characters, as it operates on the gimmick that virtually anyone roaming the streets can be recruited and playable.

However, throughout the main stories and several subplots, there are a plethora of characters who are always present in each playthrough. From heroes to villains to anti-heroes, Watch Dogs: Legion features the best cast of characters in the trilogy that help it stand out above the others.

10 Sabine Brandt

Sabine Brandt was the last surviving member of DedSec after the terrorist Zero-Day framed them for the bombings. She ends up being the one to recruit the first member of the new DedSec crew. From there, Sabine is mostly just the cliche guiding voice that gives the player new missions.

However, in the last act, it is revealed that Sabine is a sociopath and is, in fact, Zero-Day and she’s trying to give London and the world a “hard reset” as she calls it. Sabine is clearly inspired by the socio-political vigilante story V for Vendetta but more twisted and villainous. It’s a good twist that effectively gives the player the drive to take her down and get revenge for her betrayal.

9 Skye Larsen

While the villains in Watch Dogs: Legion are all despicable in some way, Skye Larsen might be the vilest of them all. Due to her own twisted fascination with artificial intelligence, Skye has found a way to turn a human consciousness into a sentient AI similar to. As a result, she wants to turn everyone in London into AI.

Watch Dogs: Legion turns into a horror game when an operative finds her personal home below London. Inside, she has turned a dog into a spider-drone that is constantly whining in pain and her own mother is the main AI that begs to be turned off because she still feels. It makes Skye Larsen into the most hateful villain who earns her fate at the hand of DedSec.


8 Nigel Cass

Nigel Cass is presented as the big villain of Watch Dogs: Legion as he is the commander of the private military company known as Albion. Albion takes over London, putting it under martial law with civilians becoming victimized every day “for their own protection.”

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There is lots of build-up about Nigel Cass and his obsession to take over London and hints towards his backstory, but it really doesn’t go anywhere. However, his actions in the present do showcase him as a merciless and deranged man who needs to be stopped; much akin to villains from the Far Cry series.

7 Aiden Pearce

Not many really expected genuine continuity between the Watch Dogs games but much to the surprise of gamers, Aiden Pearce returned in Watch Dogs: Legion. Aiden was the main protagonist of the first Watch Dogs and he arguably is at his strongest as a character in this third entry.

Aiden is not only a DLC character that can be used in the main story but he has his own storyline with the Bloodline expansion. Aiden is older now and a bit more grizzled, playing on the classic trope of the middle-aged hero who complains that he’s getting too old for this stuff, thus adding a new flavor to the character.

6 Mary Kelley

She may look like an older woman but she is deadly, commanding her army of thugs without remorse. Mary takes in innocent people and turns them into slaves with microchips implanted into their brains. Just like Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin from Marvel, Mary Kelley is a brutal and evil crimelord who controls the streets of London through fear and intimidation.

There is no other way around it, Mary Kelley, aka Bloody Mary, is a cruel and downright evil woman. She knows it and she gladly embraces it, presenting herself as this new murderous Queen of England. This turns her into Kaitlin Lau and DedSec’s mortal enemy, leading to one of the more memorable stories.

5 Kaitlin Lau

Obsessed with taking down Mary Kelley, Kaitlin Lau is a former police inspector who puts the rulebook aside to join DedSec. Together, she and DedSec prove to be a perfect pairing as they take on Mary herself and the Clan Kelley gang across London.

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In the end, Kaitlin is a good person and a good cop who despises everything Mary Kelley has done to her, including the killing of her own team of officers. So she blurs the line between a police inspector and vigilante, making her final encounter with Mary Kelley a satisfying one to watch.

4 Hamish Bolaji

Being the ruthless wannabe dictator that he is, Nigel Cass did create enemies including that of an Albion employee named Hamish Bolaji. Cass took Hamish’s algorithm and twisted it into a crime-prediction system that will allow drones to kill anyone on sight before they can do anything.

Obviously, Hamish wants payback against Cass and DedSec happily agrees. From there, Hamish becomes a vital member of the crew, even if he claims to be a solo player. He’s paranoid of everything but he also has a lot of courage along with some witty comments that can put a smile on any player’s face.

3 Darcy Clarkson

In a shocking twist, Watch Dogs: Legion confirms that the Watch Dogs games and the very long-running Assassin’s Creed series take place in the same universe. DedSec uncovers a Templar plot happening in London which leads them to meet Darcy Clarkson, who turns out to be the descendant of the Frye twins from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate.

Darcy gets to be a playable character with her own unique assassin fighting style, weapons, and even a new assassin uniform. Though it is not a huge part of Watch Dogs: Legion, Darcy’s story to find her brother and fight the Templars is a refreshing part of the game; Darcy herself proves to be one of the more likable, intriguing assassins in this mythos.

2 Nowt

Watch Dogs: Legion heavily embraces the cyberpunk genre, so DedSec are not the only hackers in this not-so-distant future causing trouble for the villains of London. Originally, Nowt appears as the mysterious 404, providing contracts to underground hacker vigilantes, but she does not hesitate to join DedSec once they find her.

Nowt takes no nonsense from anyone and she truly cares about the people of London. Her rival is Skye Larsen and it’s easy to see why Nowt hates her so much. On top of all that, Nowt shows the most love for the DedSec crew and ends up being one of the more fun mission providers thanks to her charming wise-cracks and rather grounded motivations.

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1 Bagley

From the very start to the very end of Watch Dogs: Legion, DedSec operatives feature an AI companion in the form of Bagley. Imagine if JARVIS from the Marvel Cinematic Universe was written by the likes of Guy Ritchie. Bagley is a crass and sometimes downright insulting AI but he’s too funny to hate.

For every compliment he throws to the player, it’s usually followed up with a backhanded but clever insult. However, there is more to Bagley than being a quirky AI; he evolves and becomes as much of a hero and valued member of DedSec as the operatives. Bagley even becomes one of the most essential members when it comes to stopping Zero-Day’s plans.

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