It’s not a proper space opera without lasers and cool weapons for the heroes and villains to use. In Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, it is one of the few Marvel stories to rely less on fantastical superpowers and instead opts to have the titular heroes wield bombastic weaponry.

In the new game, there are many characters that are good, evil, and somewhere in-between and as a result, there are a lot of weapons showcased throughout the story. The question remains: which ones are the best? This will only be handheld and body weapons so starships such as the Milano will not count.

10 Mantis’ Twin Blades

Very fitting with her name, Mantis can extend two blades from her forearms that make her arms resemble the ovipositors of a praying mantis. It’s a dynamic design and she seems to be adept with the blades when she uses them combined with her martial arts to fight Drax.

Unfortunately, this is the one and only time she uses them. Mantis never joins the team allowing the player to command her in battle, but instead, she is simply a guide. So while these weapons are interesting, they are underutilized in the end.

9 Blood Brothers’ Nanotech Armor

The boss fight with the Blood Brothers is one of the easier fights in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy but what helps them stand out is their armor. When in close proximity to each other, the twin mercenaries form sleek and indestructible armor which forces the player to drive them apart to hurt them.

Not only is the concept unique but the design is unlike anything else in the game, giving a bio-organic look akin to artwork from H.R. Giger who was the designer who worked on the first Alien. The Blood Brothers’ armor is less provocative but like Mantis’ blades, it isn’t featured for more than a few minutes.


8 Nova Centurion Armor

Nova Centurions are the most elite members of the Nova Corps and as a result, they end up being some of the hardest enemies in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. This is due to their armor which is heavily reminiscent of some Iron Man armors: big glowing chest piece, heavily armored, high-tech visor, and the ability to fly.

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Combined with a sleek and high-tech design, Nova Centurions’ armor even impress the Guardians. There are even Centurion-styled outfits to unlock for all of the Guardians. The Centurions’ armor allows them to fly at super speeds while being able to dish out serious damage and as a result, it will make some fans wonder what Richard Rider’s Nova would play like if he is ever introduced in sequels.

7 Groot’s Roots

Being the last Flora Colossi, Groot can extend his roots to create bridges but also attack his enemies. Groot is able to entangle multiple enemies to the ground to allow other Guardians to attack but also ambush enemies by sending out spiky roots that launch the enemies into the air.

Throughout Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, Groot is shown to use his roots for offense and defense alike. He can cover a doorway in nearly unbreakable roots and he can form personal shields for himself. In a way, the limit to Groot’s abilities is with his imagination.

6 Rocket’s Cluster Grenade

To nobody’s surprise, Rocket is a bit obsessed with weapons and has many that can probably kill all the Guardians if he’s not careful. One of these comes from his first special ability: the cluster grenade which allows him to damage many enemies at once if Star-Lord commands him properly.

One of the best tips for beginners of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is to memorize and experiment with the special abilities. Rocket’s cluster bombs are best used as the final part of a stack of attacks from the Guardians, allowing for the most amount of damage.

5 Rocket’s Heavy Blaster

How Rocket is able to carry that blaster and store it on his person does not make much sense. However, it doesn’t matter in the end because the visual of a raccoon wielding a weapon that even the Doom Slayer from the Doom franchise would be jealous of is just too appealing.

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The heavy blaster is Rocket’s standard weapon in combat, allowing him to turn anything from brainwashed Nova Corp to giant robots into dust. It also sports a handmade look that fits Rocket’s haphazard style.

4 Rocket’s Ultimate Blaster

Each of the Guardians has an ultimate ability and, of course, Rocket’s is a massive weapon beyond what anything his size should be able to wield. Gatling guns, missile launchers, and even a bayonet for extra damage to decimate multiple enemies for a limited time.

It is absolutely ridiculous, but that’s just Rocket’s style. It’s equal parts hilarious and badass at the same time, plus it can be very satisfying to unleash Rocket and see him deal damage across the entire battlefield.

3 Drax’s Katathian Daggers

Where Rocket has many weapons for taking down his foes, Drax requires only two: his pair of daggers from his homeworld of Katath. These precise blades allow him to take on anything from the monsters of Seknarf Nine to members of the Nova Corps, piercing through seemingly anything.

Fitting with Drax’s bruiser fighting style, all of Drax’s special abilities implement the Katathian daggers in some shape or form, dealing massive amounts of damage. On top of all that, the blades feature the same circular script as his tattoos and even the shape of the blade is a series of circles, giving a unique style to the weapons.

2 Gamora’s Assassin Sword

Being the daughter of Thanos, Gamora is suited and equipped to be the Deadliest Woman In The Galaxy as she is nicknamed. Not only does she feature many stand-out outfits in the Guardians of the Galaxy game that makes her look like a living weapon but she wields a curved sword reminiscent of a Japanese sword.

This fits the “space ninja” aesthetic that Star-Lord calls Gamora in some of the text in-game. From a design standpoint, the weapon is simplistic: a black sword with a long retractable blade that she can store on her back. However, that simplicity is effective and matches Gamora’s design overall while providing some of the flashiest melee attacks in the game that are both deadly and graceful.

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1 Spartoi Element Guns

Being the son of the King Of Spartax, Peter inherits two special blasters that not only fire lasers but can fire different elemental ammo: fire, ice, wind, and electricity. Throughout Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy‘s story, the player unlocks more of these elements that allow Star-Lord to take down different enemy types.

Also, thanks to workbenches, Star-Lord can receive other upgrades to the Element Guns. Not only do they look appealing with their white nanotechnological design but since they evolve more than any other weapon and showcase the most functionality, it would be criminal to not consider them the best weapons in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy.

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