The X-Men are among the most powerful groups of superheroes in the Marvel Universe and count among their extended family some of the fastest characters in comic books. Most fans are familiar with Quicksilver thanks to his appearances in both the MCU and Fox’s X-Men movies, but there are actually faster mutants than him in Marvel Comics.

Some of the fastest X-Men characters, such Quicksilver and Speed, achieve their speed on the ground. Others do so in the air. X-Men such as Storm and Rogue can fly extremely fast, making them among the most powerful characters on the team and also the most dangerous to their foes.

10 Sunfire

Sunfire is primarily known for his plasma blasts, which make him especially dangerous to the most evil X-Men villains. But he can also fly thanks to his ability to generate heat waves and heated air currents. These currents allow Shiro Yoshida to travel in excess of 150 miles per hour.

This makes him even faster than winged X-Men like Angel. Sunfire’s speed and plasma-based power create a terrifying image for enemies on the ground, as he appears as a flaming comet in the sky as he approaches.

9 Magneto

Magneto is able to manipulate magnetism, and as a result, can harness the electromagnetic fields of the Earth to propel himself into flight. His top speed is unknown in the comics but would be similar to the speeds of mag-lev trains, which operate on the same principles.

Given the fact Magneto is an Omega-Level mutant, he would be able to at least achieve a speed of 268 miles per hour, the top speed of current maglev trains in the world. He could go even faster potentially as he interfaces directly with magnetic field lines on Earth, as opposed to simply riding them like a current.


8 Storm

Storm is one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe, and her ability to manipulate the weather gives her tremendous speed. Ororo Munroe can generate hurricane-force winds which she is able to use to propel herself and others in flight.

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Her top speed has never been charted in the comic books but is likely limited to the maximum airspeed on Earth. This would be the jet stream, high altitude air currents that have speeds in excess of 275 miles an hour.

7 Banshee

Banshee is able to fly at subsonic speeds thanks to his powerful mutant ability, which would put him around 600 miles per hour. Sean Cassida is able to generate powerful sonic screams and then ride the sonic waves he generates, making him faster than most planes.

Because he is only outmatched by supersonic jets, Banshee is one of the most powerful mutants in the X-Men family. He can reach and attack targets from the air with dizzying speed and force.

6 Rogue

Rogue’s powers are greatly dependent on who she has just touched, but thanks to the remnant powers of both Carol Danvers and Wonder Man, Rogue can fly at supersonic speeds. She’s able to reach a top limit of around 700 miles per hour.

Rogue is one of the strongest and most powerful X-Men, and her primary mutant ability to absorb the powers of others means there is theoretically no limit to her top speed. If she acquires the power of the right person, she could be as fast as Quicksilver or even faster.

5 Speed

Speed is the son of the Scarlet Witch and The Vision, but his powers echo that of his uncle, Quicksilver. Speed’s power allows him to reach a top speed of almost 800 miles per hour, making him truly supersonic on the ground.

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Speed confirmed his top limit in X-Factor #7, which puts him somewhat behind his uncle. He still ranks very high among all X-Men related characters, and with his superfast reflexes, he’s one of the most powerful mutants in the comics.

4 Rachel Summers

While in possession of the Phoenix Force, Rachel Summers was one of the most powerful cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe. Even without it, she’s still incredibly fast. Thanks to her natural telekinetic ability, Rachel can levitate herself at supersonic speeds.

Her telekinetic ability is virtually unmatched, meaning she has virtually no limit on the speed she can move through the air. With the Phoenix Force, she was able to fly through deep space and teleport across enormous cosmic distances.

3 Quicksilver

Comic book fans know Quicksilver is one of the fastest characters in Marvel Comics. The former Avenger and X-Man can reach speeds in excess of Mach 5, meaning that Pietro Maximoff can run at sustained speeds of 3,691 miles per hour.

This makes him faster than most supersonic jets. While theoretically there is no limit to Quicksilver’s top speed in Marvel Comics, he has been shown to be slower than some other mutants in the larger X-Men universe of characters.

2 Aurora

Aurora is a longtime member of Alpha Flight and X-Factor and is one of the fastest mutants in Marvel Comics. She is able to excite the molecules in her own body to reach a top speed of 99% the speed of light – 186,272 miles per second – which is truly cosmic.

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Aurora generally doesn’t travel this fast because unlike other speedsters in the Marvel Universe, her physiology doesn’t protect her from the enormous forces such speeds generate. Nevertheless, the potential remains, making her one of the fastest X-Men ever.

1 Northstar

Aurora’s brother Northstar is even faster. He proved that recently when he outran Quicksilver in The Trial Of Magneto #1. Jean-Paul Beaubier is able to reach the speed of light and even beyond, as he confirmed in the issue. He is able to run over 189,000 miles per hour.

He doesn’t, for the same reason Aurora doesn’t. Not only would this kill Northstar, but it would also destroy the entire world in an instant. The immense force of an object running across the world at such speed would be beyond devastating.

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