Cobra Kai is beloved for many things: the fantastic updating of all these familiar characters thirty years later, the dynamic fight choreography, the awesome 80s soundtrack, and the gripping story about the relationships between different people linked through their love of karate.

Many people find the show hilarious. Cobra Kai knows it is a campy series, and it leans into it through its snarky sense of humor. Whether it is Johnny’s complete ignorance of modern society or the All-Valley Karate Board’s meetings, there is no shortage of humor in Cobra Kai, and the show’s funniest characters provide an excellent presence for fans to enjoy.

10 Nestor

Many viewers may not know the mini-mart clerk’s name, and that is a shame as Nestor is one of the funnier background characters in the show. Despite having no real impact on the plot, he has been a captive audience for some really important scenes.

Subtle moments like him immediately caving to Terry Silver’s glare, his secret handshake with Robbie, and even his introduction, during which he dunks on Johnny in Spanish to make Miguel laugh, show that there is no denying he is a great minor character in the cast, even with his bit appearances.

9 Devon

Devon makes her debut in Season 4 with one of the most hilarious character introductions yet. She is introduced absolutely demolishing the opposing side in a debate club in ways that would definitely cost her side the win. Devon does not care, though, and that is what makes it so entertaining,

Devon, unlike a lot of the other Eagle Fang/Cobra Kai recruits, goes toe-to-toe with Johnny verbally from the get-go. Her high intelligence contrasting with her equally high temper makes her a good fit for the dojo and hilarious addition to the cast.


8 Daniel

Being Miyagi’s student means a lot of Miyagi’s prankster nature rubbed off on Daniel LaRusso. His mentorship of Robby Keene in Season 1 had a lot of moments of trolling from Daniel, and in many ways, it was probably schadenfreude to inflict the same things he experienced onto a new pupil.

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Another source of humor for Daniel is the few times he gets angry at how ridiculous the people around him are being. His reactions to the giant, phallic graffiti on his billboard, as well as to Louie in general, are always a treat to see.

7 Miguel

Despite Miguel’s reputation as the most feared young martial artist, which he gained through some of the best fights in the series, he is still an unrelenting goofball. His awkward introduction to Johnny Lawrence was as endearing as it was hilarious, and the contrast of his fighting ability versus his dorky nature is part of what makes Miguel so charming.

His desperate attempts to curb Johnny’s more brutal training methods, and his resulting failure to do so, are also pretty fun. He is always the first to participate in any of Johnny’s strange ideas to give the others more confidence, even if they all end up on the dirt afterward.

6 Rosa Diaz

In contrast to her grandson, Rosa is a snarky and confident old lady who does not mince her words against anyone she meets. A lot of the comedy comes from her unexpected ruthlessness and cheering for Miguel in his pursuit of karate training.

The peak of Rosa’s demeanor comes from the first season, where Carmen wonders how Rosa is so calm, to which she calmly responds that she smoked a joint before the tournament. Whenever Rosa decides to comment on anything, it is almost always a guaranteed laugh.

5 Amanda LaRusso

In many ways, Amanda LaRusso perfectly captures how the audience feels about the entire show sometimes. Even though fans are invested in this 30-year old rivalry, Amanda is the first to bring up how childish it is for them to still be hung up on something like a karate tournament.

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She is also very witty, often snarking at Daniel’s exploits and being over how campy her life has gotten ever since Daniel started his dojo. This is best seen in the scene where she argues with Daniel about the giant phallic vandalism of his billboard.

4 Ron (and The All-Valley Karate Tournament Board)

Although viewers see them only a few times per season, their appearances are always a riot. The writers have admitted that the board is a parody of their own writer’s rooms, and it shows. The dispute between silly things like the colors of the mat is a fun precursor to serious tournaments.

Another great aspect is the All-Valley Tournament board’s passive-aggressiveness towards each other, which could put the strained relationships of the characters among the biggest rivalries from the latest season. Barbs like “no wonder you’ve been divorced three times” show that despite their animosity, they have all known each other a long time, and it is clear in their chemistry.

3 Demetri

Demetri is one of the most quick-witted characters in the entire show, and that has stayed consistent even as he grew past his “loser nerd” persona. For most situations, Demetri trades barbs with the best of them, and even when he does not, his occasional status as a punching bag is still pretty funny.

Of course, that sharp wit means a quick mind. Demetri is the first person in the entire franchise to realize from the start that Daniel’s “wax on, wax off” methods are teaching him muscle memory. It does not stop him from complaining about it, but that is still impressive.

2 Chozen

Chozen is so unexpectedly different from his younger self that the contrast is hilarious by itself. That said, Chozen is ironically the closest person to Miyagi in not only skill, being perhaps the strongest martial artist in Season 4, but also personality. The years have mellowed out this intense prodigy into a rather relaxed older man.

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Chozen shows a clear enjoyment in making Daniel feel uncomfortable. With the constant death glare that he gives Daniel when they first meet, his blunt answers to Daniel’s attempts at small talk, and honking Daniel’s nose after effortlessly beating him while laughing, Chozen has grown into a mentor that Miyagi would be proud of.

1 Johnny

Without a doubt, Johnny is the most hilarious character in the show, which he showed yet again through some of the funniest Season 4 quotes. He is a man out of time, listening to songs as old as the original Karate Kid, and apparently, not knowing the internet is not just for nerds anymore. There is tons of comedy just from him reacting to mundane things like Twitter or different pronouns.

His bluntness about everything is also another great aspect of his comedic chops. He is confident in pretty much everything he says, even if they are from some random Facebook post. Of course, his trading barbs with Daniel shows that he is still a snarky character despite his lack of knowledge of modern culture.

Next10 Best Anime Dragons, Ranked

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